
Exam videos
Life news Website in memory of Umika Sayoji Wednesday, 14 February 2018


It's been two years since the death of Umika Sayoji. Most likely we already have a new generation of editors who have never heard about her. Umika was a talented artist and editor, her works were well-known and loved throughout the world. The whole AMV community looked forward to watch every new video from her. She left us early and her death was a devastating loss. But up to this day many creators find inspiration in her works, and the memory of her lives on.
Friends and relatives of Umika created a website devoted to her works - arts and videos. We welcome you to visit this place and remember her together - or maybe discover something new from among her creations.

Visit the website


Contests Announcing Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM Tuesday, 13 February 2018


Soul's Team welcomes you to the annual Iron Chef contest, the most well-know and expected online Iron Chef of all. Compose a team of three, choose one of the 6 genre categories and make an AMV in 72 hours.  The contest starts on the 1st of March. Check the complete rules below and get ready!

Complete rules at our forum
Registration of teams


New videos High Fæntasy Monday, 12 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment
: There's a tower in the distance. See it? Many have tried to climb it. Few, if any, have made it all the way to the top. And none, mind you, have ever returned. Do you still desire truth above all else?
Some things, you cannot take back.

Author: irriadin
Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena, Adolescence of Utena
Music: Grimes - Flesh Without Blood, Grimes - Life in the Vivid Dream

High Fæntasy


Коубы Best coubs (december 2017, part 1) Sunday, 11 February 2018

Depth of the lake ۞



New videos Darkest Voice Within Saturday, 10 February 2018

Hello i'm new here! My new video about Chibiusa, i try to tell my own story with her in the video. It was my intention to display her inner conflict, and showcase the more sinsiter, omnious, and dark plain of Sailor Moon.

Author: Palomany
Anime: Sailor Moon Crystal
Music: Hidden Citizens - Let Me Out

Darkest Voice Within


New videos Highway Funky Friday, 09 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment
: Let's have a highway funky driving.
走啊 宇宙蹦迪啊。

Author: vontoki
Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Lupin the Third, Black Lagoon, Gunsmith Cats, Beck, Macross Frontier, Macross 30, City Hunter, Perfect Blue, Your Lie in April, Tamako Market, K-On!, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Music: MACROSS 82-99 - 『82.99 F.M』
Awards: Лучший фан на AKROSS Con 2017

Highway Funky


New videos Bloody Tears Thursday, 08 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment
: Всем привет. Для начала все же надо сказать, что обойти стороной эту часть гатари, я уж точно никак не мог. Так-как еще за долго до появления ее на свет, я уже строил злобные планы по реализации темной материи. Но какого было мое разочарование, когда оказалось, что исходник практически полностью не соответствовал моим представлениям. Что начисто похоронили мои планы (ну не первый и не последний раз). Но бросать то, что так тщательно планировалось, а это потом с годами будет есть мне мозг, ну нафиг. Так что пришлось слепить из того что было, хоть на бледную часть того, чего я хотел показать. И решил оформить в виде трейлера.
Полный текст комментарий - на странице клипа / See video page for full commentary

Author: JustRukia
Anime: Kizumonogatari
Music: Colossal Trailer Music - Icarus Lives
Awards: 3 место на AKROSS Con 2017

Bloody Tears


New videos Moonlight Wednesday, 07 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment: Under the moonlight!
- This is a project that initially was not for Akross, but due to the circumstances i decided at the last minute that I would participate. This was my first participation in an international contest, honestly that was not the level I would like to edit for a contest as big as akross, I would like to have prepared myself better and made a worthy edition. I edited this project in less than 2 months, it's not perfect, But I feel like I did a good job. I took 5th place in general raking. And 3rd place in amv chosen by the public (I was really happy to see this, because at no time did I ask someone to vote in me, so I feel that those votes are true!) I would like to thank everyone who supported me with this project, but especially GinBR, who was my beta tester and my main instructor in this project, thank you! And not forgetting all the other editors who supported me: Mari, Ikuzu, Niel, Scofield, Shinzo, Kazeshin, Kuruta ... Thank you!

Картинка Making Of (~5.14 MB)

Author: Nerkoz
Anime: Wolf Children, 5 Centimeters per Second, Akame ga Kill, Detalian no Shoka, Gintama, Kotonoha no Niwa, Naruto Shippuden, Noragami Agaroto, Chuunibyou domo koi ga shitai, ef - A fairy tale of the two
Music: Echos & Nightcall - Rain fall
Awards: Выбор зрителей и Лучшая романтика на AKROSS Con 2017



Contests Winners of CreaGame 2017 Tuesday, 06 February 2018

Best video overall
1 place - D0SKA - Dementia (82 points)
2 place - Leberate - hp (73 points)
3 place - Freeman-47 - Execution part 2 (62 points)
4 place - UFец - Handsome Jack's Right Hand (53 points)
5 place - HungryBobo - Fractured Knight (45 points)
6 place - korban - SPEEDOO (41 points)
7 place - SWS - СЕКС ДРАКА ДРАКА СЕКС (40 points)
7 place - SteRD - Brutalized (40 points)
9 place - Илья Чижов - Horizon : Zero Dawn Story Trailer (39 points)
10 place - Dеath_Kn1ght - ANDROMEDA (32 points)
11 place - OneStrangeMan - DRVRZ (27 points)
12 place - 5c0rp10n - O.D.'ed (20 points (Penalty: 27 - 7))
13 place - Hellsing - The agony of Hellsing (15 points)
14 place - Deithwen - Rice of the Tomb Raider: Heilig (12 points)


New videos Resuscitation Monday, 05 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment:

"Распознав болезни скрытого течения, нам искусный медик дарит исцеление."
Абу Али Ибн Сина

Хотелось бы начать именно с этих слов, ведь не всегда даже самый искусный врач может спасти человека от неминуемого, и этот груз ответственности несет каждый, кто отважился лечить людей. Обычно медицинские драмы показаны с точки зрения пациентов, но я решила внести свой жизненный опыт в данную работу, ведь всегда интересно посмотреть на довольно таки стандартную ситуацию по-новому... Эта история о двух страдающих, о враче, которая пыталась спасти безнадежно больную девочку - все просто, но одновременно сложно и, быть может, тяжело воспринимается, но всем приятного просмотра)

Author: Kawai ishi
Anime: Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Sword Art Online, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Guilty Crown, Charlotte, Young Black Jack, Death Parade
Music: Hurts - Something I Need to Know



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