
Exam videos
New videos Moonlight Wednesday, 07 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment: Under the moonlight!
- This is a project that initially was not for Akross, but due to the circumstances i decided at the last minute that I would participate. This was my first participation in an international contest, honestly that was not the level I would like to edit for a contest as big as akross, I would like to have prepared myself better and made a worthy edition. I edited this project in less than 2 months, it's not perfect, But I feel like I did a good job. I took 5th place in general raking. And 3rd place in amv chosen by the public (I was really happy to see this, because at no time did I ask someone to vote in me, so I feel that those votes are true!) I would like to thank everyone who supported me with this project, but especially GinBR, who was my beta tester and my main instructor in this project, thank you! And not forgetting all the other editors who supported me: Mari, Ikuzu, Niel, Scofield, Shinzo, Kazeshin, Kuruta ... Thank you!

Картинка Making Of (~5.14 MB)

Author: Nerkoz
Anime: Wolf Children, 5 Centimeters per Second, Akame ga Kill, Detalian no Shoka, Gintama, Kotonoha no Niwa, Naruto Shippuden, Noragami Agaroto, Chuunibyou domo koi ga shitai, ef - A fairy tale of the two
Music: Echos & Nightcall - Rain fall
Awards: Выбор зрителей и Лучшая романтика на AKROSS Con 2017



Contests Winners of CreaGame 2017 Tuesday, 06 February 2018

Best video overall
1 place - D0SKA - Dementia (82 points)
2 place - Leberate - hp (73 points)
3 place - Freeman-47 - Execution part 2 (62 points)
4 place - UFец - Handsome Jack's Right Hand (53 points)
5 place - HungryBobo - Fractured Knight (45 points)
6 place - korban - SPEEDOO (41 points)
7 place - SWS - СЕКС ДРАКА ДРАКА СЕКС (40 points)
7 place - SteRD - Brutalized (40 points)
9 place - Илья Чижов - Horizon : Zero Dawn Story Trailer (39 points)
10 place - Dеath_Kn1ght - ANDROMEDA (32 points)
11 place - OneStrangeMan - DRVRZ (27 points)
12 place - 5c0rp10n - O.D.'ed (20 points (Penalty: 27 - 7))
13 place - Hellsing - The agony of Hellsing (15 points)
14 place - Deithwen - Rice of the Tomb Raider: Heilig (12 points)


New videos Resuscitation Monday, 05 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment:

"Распознав болезни скрытого течения, нам искусный медик дарит исцеление."
Абу Али Ибн Сина

Хотелось бы начать именно с этих слов, ведь не всегда даже самый искусный врач может спасти человека от неминуемого, и этот груз ответственности несет каждый, кто отважился лечить людей. Обычно медицинские драмы показаны с точки зрения пациентов, но я решила внести свой жизненный опыт в данную работу, ведь всегда интересно посмотреть на довольно таки стандартную ситуацию по-новому... Эта история о двух страдающих, о враче, которая пыталась спасти безнадежно больную девочку - все просто, но одновременно сложно и, быть может, тяжело воспринимается, но всем приятного просмотра)

Author: Kawai ishi
Anime: Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Sword Art Online, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Guilty Crown, Charlotte, Young Black Jack, Death Parade
Music: Hurts - Something I Need to Know



Site news Best of Exam section (January 2018) Monday, 05 February 2018

Agito - Lost In Silence

DIZ333 - Witness

iKuro - Thick As Thieves

L33tamv - Excision

Kawai ishi - For you

Li0n - Vampire Sunrise

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 46
Average rating: 2.87
Number of comments: 51 (~1.1 comments per video)
Number of votes: 550 (~12 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 8 (~15 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Delusion Sunday, 04 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017

Author's comment: Watch the alternative version please. The sync is a bit messed up in the standard version.

Author: buggy
Anime: Koe no Katachi
Music: Jarryd James - Do You Remember
Awards: 2 место, Лучшая драма, Лучшая презентация/дизайн на AKROSS CON 2017



New videos Ominous Saturday, 03 February 2018

This is our video for ENP IC: Primitia Zanshin. This is the first time I've experimented something new. We tried to create a similar atmosphere to connect our two parts. We are really happy about the results. I hope you will enjoy it!

Author: Sakon, GoldenThunder
Anime: Magnetic Rose, Jin-Roh
Music: Igorrr - Problème d'émotion



Contests Конкурс AMV и FMV на фестивале FreeTime-Fest 2018 Friday, 02 February 2018


Организаторы фестиваля FreeTime Fest (Гомель, Беларусь) приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV и FMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию принимаются клипы, созданные после 1 декабря 2017 года и не занимавшие призовые места на иных фестивалях или мероприятиях аналогичной направленности. Заявки на конкурс принимаются до 25 февраля 2018 г. Предусмотрены призы для победителей. В случае победы участника, которые не присутствует на фестивале, приз высылается ему по почте.

Тема конкурса на нашем форуме


New videos Secret Friday, 02 February 2018

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2017 

I recommend watching this Chinese film starring Jay Chou, this is a suspense love movie hope you like it.
I believe you will have a deeper understanding of this AMV after wathching it. ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆. Thanks again.

Author's comment: 
This is a secret that can't be said,
your lie in April,
you left just a photo,
without your April is coming,
the loop is hidden in the rapid rhythm.

Author: Yemoemoe
Anime: Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, The Secret That Cannot Be Told
Music: M. Pokora - Juste une photo de toi



Contests Results of AKROSS Con 2017 Thursday, 01 February 2018

   Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. buggy - Delusion 
3. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
4. Radical Dream - Morpheus Fragment 
5. Nekroz - Moonlight 
6. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
7. Hilary Cullen - Quintessence 
8. Cegan - Loneliness
9. DrPenguin - Lucida
10. irriadin - High Faentasy
11. leolide - Faded But Worse
12. iSynister - Providence
13. JFmoon - The origin of the story
14. PieandBeer - Fringe
15. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY  

Best Action:
1. Radical Dream - Morpheus Fragment 
2. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
3. peco@mv - Screaming Time  

Best Drama:
1. buggy - Delusion 
2. iSynister - Providence
3. Cegan - Loneliness  

Best Romance:
1. Nekroz - Moonlight
2. Cegan - Loneliness
3. Kroner - That Day  

Best Comedy:
1. MycathatesyouAMV - One Trick Pony 3
2. leolide - Faded But Worse
3. MikuriAki - Птички  

Best Fun:
1. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY
2. HQ - City Ganker
3. asd4486 - Moon&Back 

Best Dance:
1. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
2. vontoki - HIGHWAY FUNKY
3. asd4486 - Moon&Back 

Best Psychedelic:
1. Hilary Cullen - Quintessence 
2. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
3. leolide - Faded But Worse

Best Character Profile:
1. Artofeel - Nozomi
2. Nards - A Moment Apart
3. Chaiberry - Be Somebody

Best Story/Plot:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. iSynister - Providence
2. DrPenguin - Lucida

Best Original Concept:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. leolide - Faded But Worse
3. buggy - Delusion 

Best Technical Work:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. buggy - Delusion 
3. UnluckyArtist - Counter 

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1. Nards - A Moment Apart
2. UnluckyArtist - Counter 
3. buggy - Delusion
Best Presentation/Design:
1. buggy - Delusion 
2. JustRukia - Bloody Tears
3. Nards - A Moment Apart

Viewers Choice Award
Nekroz - Moonlight
Cegan - Loneliness


 Detailed results here


Contests CreaGame 2017 (Finalists) Thursday, 01 February 2018

Finalists of the videoclips competition CreaGame 2017 were published (videos use game sources).


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