
Exam videos
Contests Results of AKROSS Con 2019 Friday, 31 January 2020

     Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. Radical Dream - Prophecy
2. Ridiculous - Ride on your waves
3. NearLight - Wish
4. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
5. Kouha - In Dreams
6. Multi-Editor Project - Lotus
7. GoldenThunder - "Friend"
8. Li0n - Onigiri
9. Sutrue - Ignite the star
10. Kyoto Edits - No Destiny 

Best Action:
1. Li0n - Onigiri
2. Multi-Editor Project - Lotus
3. CHarlie_B - Rhythm Zone

Best Drama:
1. Ridiculous - Ride on your waves
2. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
3. GoldenThunder - "Friend" 

Best Romance:
1. FT - Dreamer
2. Sutrue - Ignite the star
3. MycathatesyouAMV - Poppycockers 

Best Comedy:
1. MycathatesyouAMV - Poppycockers
2. WhiteRabbit - TDCOBB AMV
3. KSANDR - Failure Party  

Best Dance:
1. wolf kunAMV - DREAM MOMENT
2. Platinum - Platinum Disco
3. Tsitra Ykcul - Toxic Too

Best Story/Plot:
1. Sutrue - Ignite the star
2. NearLight - Wish
3. MrAuditore & tanott - Sword of Immortality

Best Psychedelic:
1. Kouha - In Dreams
2. Radical Dream - Prophecy
3. cegan - How to be Eaten by A Woman

Best Character Profile:
1. DespairsAbyss - Unforgiven
2. FT - Dreamer
3. GiaQuando - Count Dracula

Best Teamwork:
1. Multi-Editor Project - Lotus
2. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
3. MrAuditore & tanott - Sword of Immortality

Best Original Concept:
1. Kouha - In Dreams
2. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
3. Sutrue - Ignite the star

Best Technical Work:
1. Kouha - In Dreams
2. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion
3. Radical Dream - Prophecy

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1. Kouha - In Dreams
2. Multi-Editor Project - Lotus
3. WhiteRabbit - TDCOBB AMV
Best Presentation/Design:
1. Radical Dream - Prophecy 
2. Multi-Editor Project - Lotus
3. Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion

Viewers Choice Award
Kouha - In Dreams
Arrow & Lucifer - Steampunk: New Albion

 Detailed results here


New videos Yen Thursday, 30 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Yen means a strong desire and craving of an addict.

Yen tells the story of a young student who'd like to experience an intimate relationship for the first time in her life. After her confession gets interupted, she decides to pursue the personal contant she desires through other, more accessible means. Will she experience what she wants? Or will she get lost in whatever she's trying to find?

Author: Tommy-Dawg
Anime: Kuzu no Honkai,
Music: Ariana Grande - imagine



New videos Нюни 2 Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

“Живи долго, мучайся до конца” — под таким девизом проходит жизнь людей, которые обнаруживают себя в состоянии закончившегося праздника. Цирк сгорел, клоунов расстреляли полицейские, а создатели мифа оказались стареющими пердунами в мире обдолбанного истеблишмента. Духовное просветление, медленное самоубийство, постоянные колебания между реабилитацией и новой дозой пополам с надоевшим развратом. Вот участь тех, кому было отказано в праве называться детьми.

Author: Deviant
Anime: Mirai no Mirai
Music: Samaty – Питер Пен

Нюни 2


New videos Onigiri Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Author's comment: Here is my submission for this year's Akross. There isn't a grant idea behind it, it's a classic action video and I hope some will enjoy it inspite of being just that. It was great fun making a video for Akross as i had never joined it before and i hope i can join again next year. Lastly I would like to thank everyone who helped me and beta tested my video!

Author: Li0n
Anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Music: Tha Trickaz - Cloud City



New videos Ten Fingers Monday, 27 January 2020

Author's comment: 十年的主题
2010 暂无
2011 春夏秋冬
2012 干杯
2013 科技
2014 纸飞机
2015 偶像
2016 旅游
2017 回家
2018 城堡游乐园
2019 美食

Author: 汐渚之岸
Anime: Original Animation
Music: Two Steps From Hell - Compass (Thomas Bergersen)



New videos Steampunk: New Albion Sunday, 26 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Hello everyone, we are really excited to show you our newest collab.
I decided to visit my good friend Dennis in real life during Christmas vacation, and we thought it would be a nice idea to make an entry for Akross together. I had this concept in my head for over a year, which i did show to dennis back then, and since we both liked it we started editing. It was a lot of fun, just not for my back since his couch wasn't really that comfortable.
I hope you enjoy our video!

Author: Arrow, Lucifer@mv
Anime: Steamboy
Music: Paul Shapera - New Albion, Paul Shapera Annabel Has A Doll

Steampunk: New Albion


New videos Another World Heroes Saturday, 25 January 2020

Оригинальное название: 异世界英雄传

Author's comment: 今年塞的一些梗先保密,过几天再详细说一下——主要现在手机不太好编辑[画风突变]。大家可以自己琢磨琢磨——其实很多也能看出来吧。
先说一下BGM吧,我看有人问,其实视频结尾也贴了:Curio ft. Lucy - Ten Feet (Daxten Remix),这个我也是从dota2wtf找到的,应该是国外制作者自己混的歌,所以国内音乐APP可能找不到。不过b站是有这个歌的投稿的,虽然没什么播放量[tv_黑人问号]搜索下ten feet即可。

Author: 9137LMX
Anime: mix
Music: Curio ft. Lucy - Ten Feet (Daxten Remix)



New videos Wish Friday, 24 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

This is my first time entering Akross Con.It's also the first time I've tried to make a trailer. I've tried to be a spoiler. There are many unsatisfactory problems in the work due to the time problem, but I hope you like the work. Thank you!

Author: NearLight
Anime: Fate/stay Night: Heaven's Feel
Music: LuLuProduction - Trailer Teaser Sci-Fi



New videos Dreamer Thursday, 23 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Author's comment: Hi! :D
I'm very happy to present my video Dreamer, I enjoyed the time editing and it was a really good experience. This time I get for a sentimental work, I hope you can enjoy it :)

Author: FT
Anime: Omoide no Marnie, Spirited Away
Music: The Strumbellas - Spirits



New videos Pangu Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Короткометражка от независимой студии анимации TAIKO Studios (Китай). Вольный пересказ китайского мифа о первочелевеке Пань-гу и появлении сущностей Инь и Ян.
Мультфильм сделан по заказу стримингового сервиса Tencent Video.

Author: Shaofu Zhang
Anime: Original animation
Music: Steve Horner - Pangu OST



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