
Exam videos
Contests Announcing AKROSS Con 2021 Friday, 20 August 2021

AKROSS Con 2021 has been announced! Don't miss your chance to participate in the oldest AMV contest in Runet!

Registration starts on September 1st, submission deadline - December 15.

Main contest page and registration
AKROSS Con Discord channel


Коубы Best coubs (october 2019) Wednesday, 18 August 2021




New videos BLOW UP Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Совместная работа с Антарес на айрон чиф, было весело делать эту работу с весьма бодрым треком на свежий для меня исходник, несмотря на весь его хейт, мне очень понравилось анимация боев в боруто и Антарес тоже очень хорошо постаралась в своих частях, надеюсь вам понравится, приятного просмотра :)

Author: Fobos, AntaresHeart07
Anime: Boruto, Boku No Hero Academia
Music: Written by wolves - Explode



New videos Fireworks AMV - I Just Know Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Here you go with an anime that no one edited! Joking ofc XD this is probably one of the most overused anime ahaha I still hope you will enjoy it! I can understand why people edit this movie, the animation is so good but tbh the story is not that good, could be analyzed much deeper. This is made for a friend's birthday ˙ ͜ʟ˙

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?
Music: Jacob Lee - I Just Know (New Immunity Remix)

Fireworks AMV - I Just Know


New videos In The Summer Sunday, 15 August 2021

Discovered Dark Days at the beginning of the summer and have been listening to it repeatedly ever since. I always thought Ride Your Wave would work perfectly with it, so I finally decided to just do it. I really wanted to make a prefect summertime AMV, so hopefully I succeeded in at least evoking those mellow summertime vibes.

Author: bbsnypur
Anime: Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara
Music: Local Natives - Dark Days

In The Summer


New videos I'm Feeling Fearless Friday, 13 August 2021

"I'm finally facing it all ... Fearless"

I originally started off with a concept called "Red v Blue". The idea was to make an action AMV that showcased the red v blue theme we often see in anime, ala Naruto (red) vs Sasuke (blue), or Archer (red) vs Lancer (blue), etc etc. Once i started editing though, that all fell away somehow and turned into this.

Anyways, I had always wanted to try my hand at an action-category AMV and story was never my strong suit so here we go again.

This AMV is about overcoming your struggles, fears and addiction - Fearless.

Author: xyik
Anime: Fate Stay Night (Unlimited Blade Works, Heaven's Feel), Pokemon Origins, Afrosamurai, Samura Champloo, Sword Art Online, Dragon Ball Super Broly, The Girl who Leapt Through Time, Devilman Op, Harmony, Darling in the FranXX, Promised Neverland, Bakemonogatari, Naruto Shipuuden, Stein's Gate
Music: Lost Sky

I'm Feeling Fearless


New videos Tomorrow's Leaves Thursday, 12 August 2021

Короткометражка, созданная по заказу Международного олимпийского комитета и приуроченная к Олимпийским играм-2021. Над видеорядом работала студия Ponoc (основана в 2015 году выходцами из студии Ghibli)

Author: Yoshituki Momose
Anime: Original animation
Music: Takatsugi Muramatsu - Tomorrow's Leaves OST

Tomorrow's Leaves


New videos LULLABY Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Быстрый меп, который мы сделали командой Эден в короткие сроки по фану с понравившимся треком, надеюсь вам понравится также, как нам понравилось его делать, приятного просмотра и спасибо за внимание :)

Author: Fobos, NeKu, AzukaYuki, ReiAMV, Chan_AMV, iKuZu, kyugo sebastian
Anime: Ergo Proxy, Bungou Stray Dogs, Fate Movie, Kekkai Sensen, SAO, Vivy Fluorite Eye's, Kill la Kill
Music: Against The Current - Lullaby



Contests AMV contest at Nan Desu Kan 2021 Monday, 09 August 2021


Nan Desu Kan, one of the 10 biggest anime conventions in USA is now taking submission for 2021 AMV contest. Get your videos in for a chance to win a world famous "Asuka" awardNon-exclusive videos created after September 1st, 2019 are accepted in case those didn't participate in Nan Desu Kan before. Collabs and MEPs are accepted too! Submission deadline is August 20th, 2021.

Contest thread at our forum
Full rules and submission form(in English) 


New videos STOP Monday, 09 August 2021

This AMV created on 2014 Year, to be honest I have badly skill of recoloring and transition so I almost not todo (most time I has forgot to do these). My other AMVs same of this video, simple editing and fitting with music, If you guys like it, I will upload more : )

Author: ngtmuzi
Anime: The Animatrix
Music: The Glitch Mob - We Can Make The World Stop



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