
Exam videos
New videos Monster Friday, 29 October 2021

There's nothing special to introduce. I just think it's very interesting to edit in this way.

Author: 小太
Anime: Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi
Music: Bahari - Savage (bitmastr remix)

M̶ O̶ N̶ S̶ T̶ E̶ R̶


New videos Travel Oregon - Still Only Slightly Exaggerated Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Третий по счету ролик о красотах штата Орегон, созданный анимационными студиями Psyop и SunCreatures в духе работ студии Ghibli. Предыдущие работы здесь:

Only Slightly Exaggerated
Only Slightly (More) Exaggerated

Author: Kylie Matulick, Todd Mueller, Tobias Orderud
Anime: Original animation
Music: Jim Dooley - Travel Oregon

Travel Oregon - Still Only Slightly Exaggerated


New videos September Monday, 25 October 2021

"You'll only realize that you truly love someone if they already caused you enormous pain. Your enemies can never hurt you the way your loved ones can. It's the people close to your heart that can give you the most piercing wound. Love is a double-edged sword, it can heal the wound faster or it can sink the blade even deeper."

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen, Seisouhen, New Kyoto Arc
Music: Spoken - September



New videos Redeemed Sunday, 24 October 2021

Redeemed is set in an alternative universe of KnY where the protagonist, Kamado Tanjirou, decides to use his dead mother's credit card to buy himself a blue cloak on amazon. Nah but for real, it's just the typical action video, cheers.

Author: Riku
Anime: Kimetsu No Yaiba
Music: Annisokay - Locked Out, Locked In



New videos Hanami Saturday, 23 October 2021

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2021

Вылез динозавр из-под литосферных плит, чтобы посмотреть как Сакура расцвела. Достал баян и начал веселиться. На его звуки пришли все старые друзья: Басака, Райда, Сейба, Ширик и другие. Полюбовались вместе Сакурой и довольный динозавр полез обратно в свою берлогу.

Author: seriy
Anime: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel
Music: The Prodigy - Light Up the Sky



New videos Ayaka's Summer Wars Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Кукольная анимация по мотивам игры Genshin Impact.

Author: Jordan Tseng
Anime: Original animation
Music: Joshua David Mitchell - Ayaka's Summer Wars OST

Ayaka's Summer Wars


New videos Suspense Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Мне просто очень понравился Покоритель Шамбалы, хоть я и отнекивалась от его существования как могла. Сложно устоять перед Эдвардом Элриком.

И эта версия песни нравилась. И оно вот как-то все состыковалось.

Author: nurikokourin
Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa
Music: Tulia - Nothing Else Matters



New videos The Power Of The Dark Side Monday, 18 October 2021

Мой клип на участие в Creacon 2021.) Клипом я доволен и более того даже считаю, что это одна из моих лучших работ в целом, что я делал. Надеюсь, вам понравится.
Пы.сы надеюсь никого не отпугнет смешение геймплея с кат сценами и синематиками. Приятного просмотра.)

Author: Fobos
Anime: Star Wars (The Force Unleashed 1,2; Battlefront, The Old Republic)
Music: Celldweller - The Imperial March (Star Wars Cover)



New videos Changes Are Coming Sunday, 17 October 2021

I finished to watch this spin-off lately suggested by some of my friends, I couldn't skip the opportunity to edit a song by new Daughtry's album :3 I tried to use the most iconic moments of the show, I hope you'll enjoy!

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Saint Seiya - Soul of Gold
Music: Daughtry - Changes Are Coming

Changes Are Coming


New videos Flower Story Saturday, 16 October 2021

Just recently saw an amv using Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora). I saw some W Z amv glimpses in there so thought why not bring one of his amazing amv's into view.

W Z creates some amazing amv's. You can check his YT / bilibili channel for more.

Author: W Z
Anime: Tamako love story, Demo 2, Maquia: When the promised flower blooms, A place further than the universe, Your name, Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, Clannad, Anohana, The ancient magus bride, Children of the sea, Ef: A tale of memories, Houseki no kuni, Wolf children, Beyond the boundary, Clanned, Violet evergarden, Shelter, Omoi, omoi, furi furare, Wandering witch the journey of elaina, Josee the tiger and the fish, Beautiful bones: Sakurako's investigation, re-zero
Music: Illenium - Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora)

Flower Story


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