
Exam videos
New videos Project 69 Friday, 06 May 2016

Всем привет, здорова, хаюшки и тому подобное. В принципе ничего не добавлял в клип, из эффектов разве парочку масочных вспышек да цвет добавил, в остальном же - чистый монтаж, без особых крутых эффектов и масок.

Author: Darksss 73
Anime: Metropolis
Music: Petteri Sainio - Above All.



New videos 婕纶二重奏 (Part II) Wednesday, 04 May 2016

Вторая часть дилогии клипов за авторством DDF на песни Jay Chou, точнее, на кавер-версии песен в исполнении сестры певца, Zhou Jie Lun. Первая часть здесь. 

Author's comment: 大家好,这里是DDF,以前听杰伦歌时就经常以脑补剧情为乐,觉得他的一些歌特别有画面感。遇见婕纶后更是根本停不下来。这次从其中带了三个女孩与大家见面,感谢支持与表白!!(话说现在好像美式风和古风的两条不归路上越走越远,该选择哪个好呢,真烦恼 _(:з」∠)_ )
导演:DDF | 分镜:DDF | 原画:DDF | 动画:DDF | 场景:兔小柠、DDF

Author: DDF
Anime: Original animation
Music: 周婕纶 - 发如雪

婕纶二重奏 (Part II)


Site news Best of Exam section (April 2016) Tuesday, 03 May 2016

Rise - Singularity

siny - Stronger

PiercedSky - Celestial

Kiriforce - Dualism

iKuZze - Next Level

Vik - We Are II

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 49
Average rating: 3.05
Number of comments: 134 (~2.7 comments per video)
Number of votes: 1070 (~21.8 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 8 (~14 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos 婕纶二重奏 (Part I) Monday, 02 May 2016

Аниматор из Китая под ником DDF - большой поклонник творчества тайваньского певца Jay Chou. DDF практически в одиночку создал дилогию потрясающих фанатских клипов на песни Jay Chou, точнее, на кавер-версии песен в исполнении сестры певца, Zhou Jie Lun. Сегодня мы представляем вам первый из дилогии клипов на песню "Mr. Magician" (魔术先生)

Author's comment: 大家好,这里是DDF,以前听杰伦歌时就经常以脑补剧情为乐,觉得他的一些歌特别有画面感。遇见婕纶后更是根本停不下来。这次从其中带了三个女孩与大家见面,感谢支持与表白!!(话说现在好像美式风和古风的两条不归路上越走越远,该选择哪个好呢,真烦恼 _(:з」∠)_ )
导演:DDF | 分镜:DDF | 原画:DDF | 动画:DDF | 场景:兔小柠、DDF

Author: DDF
Anime: Original animation
Music: 周婕纶 - 魔术先生

婕纶二重奏 (Part I)


New videos 多彩的宝箱 Saturday, 30 April 2016

Альтернативная версия опенинга к аниме Shirobako.

Author's comment: 自制 新人自制 长月单投 算是第一个完整的静止mad 细节 构图 剧情(没有剧情吧)很多不到位 时间也比较仓促 嗯 总之希望赏脸 最后谢谢 南瓜 枫叶大大 yao天师的帮助。 BGM:奥井雅美 - 宝箱-TREASURE BOX

Author: CZY
Anime: Shirobako, Original animation
Music: Masami Okui - Treasure box



New videos Mounting Dread Thursday, 28 April 2016

Author's comment: I love Wolf's Rain. It introduced me to anime outside of children's shows, and I just really wanted to make a video capturing the spirit of it. I found this show really emotionally traumatizing when I first watched it so I definitely wanted to explore the darker elements of the show in this video. I just really hope I did the show justice with this video xD

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Wolf's Rain
Music: Disturbed - Sound Of Silence

Mounting Dread


New videos Endlessly Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Author's comment: Yooooooo!!! Bon voilà, nouveau clip perso hors IC ou contest depuis grave longtemps ! Donc c'est un clip drama/romance à la Left us Falling, ça fait longtemps que je voulais en refaire un mais j'avais zéro idée d'anime, et en ayant check Shigatsu j'me suis dis que j'pourrai faire un truc dans le style.

Author: Luciole
Anime: Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Music: The Cab - Endlessly



New videos Fortify Saturday, 23 April 2016

I had only 2 days to work on this video and it's really rushed. I have so many things I want to fix but I don't really have time to fix it. I hope you like this video. I would also like to give a shout out to my teammates for this ic, PIKAPIKA and Ryuu-Dono. Cao ni amv ♥

Author: Eion
Anime: Guilty Crown, The disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Hyouka, Zankyou No Terror, Fate/Zero, Kyoukai No Kanata, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Music: Illenium - Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora)



New videos Headstrong Thursday, 21 April 2016

Notre petit IC pour l'IC grec. J'ai rien à dire en particuliers, c'était fun à faire mm si le fait de passé d'un duo à un MEP dans le feu de l'action, avec Zuuki qui vend mes tracks à Death le samedi, ça voulait rien dire.

Author: Akuzo, Death_K, Sephi
Anime: Ao no Exorcist, Naruto, DBZ, HxH, One Piece, FMA
Music: Dangerkids - Destroy Myself



Contests Announcement of AMVNews: Level Up 2016 Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Level Up holds the seventh thematic contest of Level Up series. The main idea behind the contest is to join forces of pro and novice music video creators and make them work in pairs. Partners exchange experience, and novice gains new skills in video making from his/her "elder" teammate, thus increasing his/her level drastically. As the previous contests (2009, 2011,  2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015) showed, this concept draws much interest of creators as well as of viewers' audience.

Thе contest is opened for pairs of AMV makers, Pro (experienced and acknowledged creator) + Novice (a beginner without significant achievements). A team’s goal is to create a small AMV through joint efforts, with the assumption that Pro doesn’t do editing and does not work on effects but does what he/she can to support the Novice technically.

Novice’s duties include: project settings adjustment, clips cutting, making of effects, AMV encoding.

Pro’s duties include: thinking the AMV concept over together with Novice, software using advice, advice on effects making, help in searhing for sources, beta testing, advice on video encoding, video upload and filling in the site form.

Contest schedule

1) Registation of pairs till June 15th, 2016
2) Submission of videos from July 10st till August 1st, 2016

English rules
Contestant registration (+ list of participants)


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