
Exam videos
New videos ənάməli Monday, 23 January 2017

Read this manga will be helpful to you for understanding this M@D

Author's comment:

Author: Maeus
Anime: Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction (manga)
Music: きのこ帝国 - You Outside My Window



New videos GO Sunday, 22 January 2017

After many years getting 5th place in various national contests, I finally got the first place after a lot of effort.
What my AMV wants to get through is well obvious, Pokemon go in the world of animes! This AMV is dedicated to Gin Br, my great teacher!

Картинка Making Of (~4.15 MB)

Author: Nekroz
Anime: To aru majutsu no index, Charlotte, Ao no exorcist  & others (+60)
Music: She - Yes ok
Awards: 1st place at Nexteam 2016

[AMV] - GO


New videos Martyrdom Saturday, 21 January 2017

 Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Author's comment: 
Black and white scenes.
Chromatic aberration.
That scene from the Haruhi movie where the girl is rising her arms.
More Magic Bullet things.
A slightly-old song from an indie-esque band.
Lots of AE layers.
A bad idea that should have never happened.
An edgy title.
Not sure about you, guys, but I think I made a nice generic contest AMV.

Author: Joskua
Anime: Mix
Music: Arctic Monkeys - 505


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New videos Hard Luck Sensei! Friday, 20 January 2017

I tried to make a quite unusual combination. The idea is simple: as this "evil" song keeps going, everything becomes more and more mad with these apparent young schoolgirls, who are used to something completely different. Oh, poor poor hard luck sensei .... It all began in a boring night.
"Kiss" inspiration has been high ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Author: Cheis106
Anime: Detroit Metal City, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, Zankyou no Terror, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangai-Chi, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad
Music: Celldweller - Good L_ck (Yo_'re F_cked)

Hard Luck Sensei!


Contests Big Contest 2017 announcement Thursday, 19 January 2017

 Big Contest 2017 announces the annual spring AMV competition - Big Contest 2017. We welcome creators from all over the world to join us with any kind of AMVs. Remember that contest entries should be exclusive, i.e the contest video can't be released online before the premiere at AMVNews. Participants can register via on-line form, registration is opened till the submission deadline for those who have the site account. Videos can be submitted from March 15th till April 15th, 2017. This year we have expermental rule change which allows to use any animation.

Prize fund
1 place – 5000 roubles + statuette
2 place – 4000 roubles + statuette
3 place – 3000 roubles + statuette
4 place – 2000 roubles + statuette
5 place – 1000 roubles + statuette

This year we have the contest rules translated to several languages. We used last year translations made by community volunteers with some minor changes so if you find any mistakes in any of the rules please let us know. Also, if you are a foreign creator and are willing to help us with more translations please write a PM to Turbo or Minstrel. AMVNews won't forget you! )


-Registration for Big Contest 2017
-Apply as jury for Big Contest 2017
-List of registered jury and participants of Big Contest 2017


Contests Ellines Nakama Productions Iron Chef: Wildfire Wednesday, 18 January 2017


AMV studio Ellines Nakama Productions invites everyone to participate in Wildfire IC. The dates of this IC are midnight (UTC+02:00) January 27 - midnight (UTC+02:00) January 29You may participate by yourself or in a group. Both AMVs and GMVs / Live action videos accepted (as part of a special category).
1st, 2nd and 3rd overall winners will get an exclusive present from the anime-otaku online store

Contest thread at our forum
Registration of participants


New videos The Art of Movement Wednesday, 18 January 2017

I wanted to make a video combining figure skating, that requires artistic interpretation and technical developments, with classical music, one of the most interpretable in terms of instrumental genre in my opinion. Enjoy!

Author: Strat
Anime: Yuri On Ice
Music: Antonio Vivaldi - Four Seasons (Winter)

The Art of Movement


Contests Announcement of CreaCon 2017 Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Annual contest of fan-made videos CreaCon 2017 has officially started. Entries accepted from March 1st till March 15th, 2017. Any kind of exclusive fan-made videos can be entered, the ones made of movies, TV series, games, sport shows, as well as self-shot footage and original 3D. The one main restriction concerns anime music videos: those are not accepted because CreaCon was originally created as an alternative to AMV contests. Videos on any subject matter are good for participation. No previous registration required. Today CreaCon is the largest FMV event on Runet, so don't miss it!

Contest prizes
1 place: 9000 roubles + statuette
2 place: 6000 roubles + statuette
3 place: 4000 roubles + statuette

Detailed contest rules [Russian language]


New videos Epiphany Monday, 16 January 2017

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Author's comment: Hello world, this is rather hard for me to explain but it's inspired by Satoshi Kon, Film, the REM sleep cycle and Inspiration itself.

Author: UnluckyArtist
Anime: Paprika, Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue, Paranoia Agent, Ani-Kuri 15, Tokyo Godfathers
Music: Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams



New videos Clozufilu Sunday, 15 January 2017

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Author's comment: Onoderaaa that was awesome kimochiii mucho kimochiii. I wanted it to be as cancur as possible and I think I did it thnks. Also um if u wanna see a making of go to my youtube channel pls lol gib mi monis thnks.
P.S. send nudes

Author: leolide
Anime: Himouto! Umaru-chan, Amaama to Inazuma, Re: Zero, Free!, Original Animation
Music: Stephen - Crossfire Pt. II (ft. Talib Kweli & KillaGraham)



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