
Exam videos
New videos The Coordinator Tuesday, 07 February 2023

It's been a very long time since I wanted to make a Gundam Seed retro AMV, but it took me a long time to decide what I wanted to put in it. There are many possible stories on this anime! I finally chose to focus on Kira and his story with Fley, on music that sticks to the retro side of anime.
Hope you like it! ;)

Author: SachaValentine
Anime: Gundam Seed
Music: Raign - Wicked Game
Awards: 8th AMV-France Online Contest 2022

The Coordinator


Contests VCA 2023 announcement Monday, 06 February 2023

The 2023 Viewer's Choice Awards is announced! For many years it has been the largest online contest of the kind. Аny video released in 2022 is eligible for participation, as long as it can be watched online. Videos will be nominated by both audience and jury, and anyone can vote for the nominees

Read the detailed rules at our forum

Nominate your favorite videos here. 

VCA Schedule 

Nominations: 02/09/2023 - 02/21/2023
Round 1 Voting: 02/23/2023 - 03/07/2023
Round 2 Voting: 03/09/2023 - 03/19/2023
Final Round Voting: 03/21/2023 - 03/28/2023
LIVE Stream of Results: 03/30/2023 @ 8PM EST


New videos Heartwarming Saturday, 04 February 2023

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2022

При просмотре клипа, я вошёл в некий транс. Очень приятно было чувствовать это.

Author: MycathatesyouAMV
Anime: Kimi ni Todoke
Music: Sleeping at Last - Two



New videos NAMELESS Friday, 03 February 2023

Всем привет.
Приятно видеть, что старый добрый акросс как-то еще продолжает быть, несмотря на все нынешнее состояние AMV. Так еще находятся те кто при всем при этом продолжают делать клипы. И я ничего не планировал делать, но что-то пошло не так, и весьма неожиданно образом. Правда времени, чтобы сделать клип с нуля, уже практически небыло. Так что пришлось пыхтеть как дизель в заполярье, чтобы успеть сделать работу хотя бы смотрибельной.
А так приятно на какой-то маленький промежуток времени тряхнуть стариной и проверить насколько же заржавели навыки. И конечно же получить очередную порцию гемароя от редактирования. А то я уже стал забывать эти "потрясающее" ощущение. Их мне на пару лет теперь хватит.
Ладно хватит уже трепаться пора уже посмотреть, что там этот автор учудил.
Спойлер: "Ничего интересного".
Приятного просмотра.

Author: JustRukia
Anime: Chainsaw Man
Music: Essenger & Young Medicine - Lost Boys



Contests Big Contest 2023 announcement Thursday, 02 February 2023 announces the annual spring AMV competition - Big Contest 2024. We welcome creators from all over the world to join us with any kind of AMVs. Remember that contest entries should be exclusive, i.e the contest video can't be released online before the premiere at AMVNews. Participants can register via on-line form, registration is opened till the submission deadline for those who have the site account. Videos can be submitted from February 1st till April 15th, 2024. This year we have rule which allows to use any animation and send 2 individual videos.

Prize fund
1 place – 5000 roubles + statuette 
2 place – 4000 roubles + statuette 
3 place – 3000 roubles + statuette 
4 place – 2000 roubles + statuette 
5 place – 1000 roubles + statuette

We have the contest rules translated to several languages. We used last years' translations made by community volunteers with some minor changes so if you find any mistakes in any of the rules please let us know. Also, if you are a foreign creator and are willing to help us with more translations please write a PM to Turbo or okhostok. AMVNews won't forget you! )


-Registration for Big Contest 2024
-Apply as jury for Big Contest 2024
-List of registered jury and participants of Big Contest 2024



Contests Results of AKROSS Con 2022 Wednesday, 01 February 2023

       Akross Con 2023

Best Video:
1. okhostok - Empathy
2.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
3. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス

Best Action:
1. VIDOK - NeuroDrive
2. Kiyoshi - Born in Dark
3. JustRukia - Nameless

Best Drama:
1. okhostok - Empathy
2. TakeshiAMV - 不再需要你
3. bloodSlayer - After the Rain

Best Fun:
1.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
2. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス
3. SabiChii & xappalose - Hanging Out

Best Romance:
1. MycathatesyouAMV - Heartwarming
2. okhostok - Empathy
3. TakeshiAMV - 不再需要你

Best Story/Plot:
1. okhostok - Empathy
2. MycathatesyouAMV - Heartwarming
3. bloodSlayer - After the Rain

Best Psychedelic:
1. Nero_09 - 多重人格
2. MyLordMV - Tell Me What
3. Bea$t - Innominatus


Best Character Profile:
1. okhostok - Empathy
2. MycathatesyouAMV - Heartwarming
3. bloodSlayer - On & On 

Best Dance:
1.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
2. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス
3. TritioAFB - Liberated Woman
Best Original Concept:
1. SabiChii & xappalose - Hanging Out
2. okhostok - Empathy
3. Nero_09 - 多重人格

Best Technical Work:
1.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
2. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス
3. Nero_09 - 多重人格

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
2. Nero_09 - 多重人格
3. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス

Best Presentation/Design:
1. Azexous - G.L.G.K.G.B - ガスライ・ゲトキプ・ガルボス
2.  氵Yumu - みんなの梦、私の梦
3. JustRukia - Nameless

Viewers Choice Award:
JustRukia - Nameless


MyLordMV - Tell Me What

Detailed results here



New videos My Obnoxious Neighbor Tuesday, 31 January 2023

I started liking the band Snot aftering seeing a bunch of Jason Salce (RYS's) AMVs. Shortly after I finally saw the movie Tonari no Totoro. I loved the energy the kids had and the happy carefree nature of the movie. I wanted to do something silly and fun with it.
Then I had an idea! Take a song that on the surface totally clashes with it and make a video ... Snot was a great choice!
The song lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with the movie. The song begins "Spray the masses with gunfire. Foreign pigs will live in fear, they never learn."
When watching Totoro one thing I noticed was that Satsuki's hair stood up like a Super-Saiyan's whenever she yelled. So I just rolled with it....

Author: aluminumstudios
Anime: My Neighbor Totoro
Music: Snot – Stoopid

My Obnoxious Neighbor


New videos みんなの梦、私の梦 Monday, 30 January 2023

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2022

Динамичный денс от китайского автора. Приятного просмотра.

Author: 氵Yumu
Anime: Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
Music: CHiCO with HoneyWorks - 我武者羅




Contests Winners of Anon Con 2022 Friday, 27 January 2023

 Anon Con 2022

The annual AMVNews contest is over. 12 persons took part in the second round voting and here's the final result: 

Best video overall
1 place - Leberate - Cringe_ (27 points)
2 place - Death_Kn1ght - Blades of Steel (16 points)
3 place - Fobos - Resurgence (14 points)
4 place - Encruzio - Requiem for Love (13 points)
5 place - PhantomTM - Confusion (11 points)
6 place - TakeshiAMV - Unbreakable (10 points)
7 place - Klertrol - головная боль (7 points)
7 place - Kamilla Kayter - It's not what you wanted from me (7 points (Penalty: 11 - 4))
9 place - Fobos, TakeshiAMV - Chaotic Power (6 points)
10 place - SWS - Продолжать Нельзя Остановиться (5 points)


Contests Finalization of voting Thursday, 26 January 2023

Second tour of voting has been ended. From this moment and on, there will not be any limits for discussion of the identity of authors. Results will be published at 27 January, 18:00 Moscow Time (UTC+3).

You can indicate in the comments section which clip belongs to which author. For each correct guess, the user is awarded a point and the one who correctly guessed the most will receive an achievement in the profile. On the contrary, for the correct guessing of your clip, a point will be deducted.



 Случайная цитата