
Exam videos
New videos Yuseiboushi Monday, 20 September 2021

Официальный клип на песню группы Eve "Yuseiboushi (Living idly and dying as if dreaming)".

Author: niL
Anime: Original animation
Music: Eve - Yuseiboushi (Living idly and dying as if dreaming)



New videos Thunder Sunday, 19 September 2021

Победитель в категории Fun/Upbeat на Nan Desu Kan 2021.
Изначально клип делался для Japan Expo 2021

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Author: flo55
Anime: Mix
Music: The Bloody Beetroots & Jet - My Name Is Thunder (Electronic Version)



New videos Aggressive Aftertaste Friday, 17 September 2021

Author's comment: Shokugeki no Soma or the anime Food Wars first came out in 2015. Here's my AMV / anime music video called Aggressive Aftertaste! I consider this video to be upbeat and action.

Just a part of my yearly video release to submit to the NDK AMV contest.

Author: Phlashback
Anime: Shokugeki no Soma
Music: The Struts - Body Talks

Aggressive Aftertaste


Contests CreaCon 2021: looking for judges! Wednesday, 15 September 2021


Annual contest CreaCon is currently looking for jugdes! To join the jury you must comply with one of the three requirements below:

- You must have an account at registered not later than March 1st, 2021 and have no less than 50 comments at
- You must be a winner of any CreaSpace contest in any nomination or a winner of any joint event held together with CreaSpace (like Real Contest),AKROSS ConBig Contest and other contests at
 - You must be one of Top-30 CreaSpace editors.

If you want to join the jury and fit at least one of these reauirements, check this thread and PM the organizers. Your message must be: "Please consider me as a judge for CreaCon 2021"


New videos Colours Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Короткометражка совместного производства студии HAOLINERS Animation (Япония) и Studio Tumble (Китай). С японской стороны режиссером работы выступил Такуми Тандзи (автор фонов в ряде работ Макото Синкая).

Комментарий авторов: In the pursuit of her dream, Protagonist Lin worked alone at an animation company in a big modern city, which was too busy to answer her father's message.

She was given an important role in a new project. However, her inspiration dried up under the pressure of the schedule. she fell into a low point where she could not hold a pencil again...Losing confidence, Lin go back to her hometown. She found out a sketchbook when drawn with her father in childhood. Encouraged by the memory, she rediscovered her first love to painting and devoted herself to creating and embracing her dreams.

Author: Takumi Tanji, Dong Yi
Anime: Original animation
Music: Miyu Kumagawa - Grey Butterfly



New videos Embers Monday, 13 September 2021

Special For Algeria IC 3 | Sin City.
Hi, this is our entry for the IC in the action category. We were satisfied about the result and wanted to share it.
This is a slightly modified version.
Hope you enjoy :3

Author: ShadowEaze, Zoid
Anime: Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel, Fate/Zero, Tsukihime (Remake)
Music: Against the Current - Legends Never Die



New videos Hearts on fire Saturday, 11 September 2021

Победитель французского командного конкурса ARAM (All Random All Mid)

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Комментарий координатора:
Hey guys! Here is our entry for the Aram Contest 2021!
Aaaah, i'm super happy to have succeeded! Basically I didn't want to do the Aram for fear of being elected leader and of not knowing how to manage my team but I let myself get carried away because it is also a new experience. I am so proud and happy with my team, i would especially like to thanks syeroz for helping me in the leadership role, also Mello for awesome banner and for everyone, they were all great and we managed to homogenize the clip as I wanted!
This is probably my last participation in a competition for a while (because it’s the return of classes), so I hope you like this clip and see you next time!

Thanks to Mello for banner!

Author: FarriX, Fzwks, Syeroz, Krishna, AizV, Hiikaryli
Anime: Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?, Kizumonogatari, Violet Evergarden, Darlin in the Franxx, Tenki no ko, Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai
Music: ILLENIUM - Hearts on fire, Sufjan Stevens - Should I have known better
Awards: 1 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на ARAM 2021

Hearts on fire


New videos Natsu Ga Hajimaru Wednesday, 08 September 2021

Еще один промо-ролик, посвященный токийской олимпиаде. Над созданием видеоряда работали 17 аниматоров, в результате в клипе сочетаются сразу несколько стилей анимации и различные дизайны персонажей. Спонсором промо выступила компания Calorie Mate, которая занимается производством питания для спортсменов.

Author: Jun Aoki
Anime: Original animation
Music: Orangestar - Surges

Natsu Ga Hajimaru


New videos Второй полёт Monday, 06 September 2021

Около восьми лет назад мне довелось сделать порядка полудюжины музыкальных видео для кавер-группы Radiant Records, когда ребята только начинали развиваться. Это был интересный опыт, но часть каверов Ютуб страйканул и они исчезли за прошедшие годы.

Одним из любимых мною видео что исчезли с той поры, была лирическая нарезка на песню Second Flight, которая делалась во время бурных жизненных событий и имеет ностальгическую ценность для автора. Надеюсь, что в оценочной найдётся кто-нибудь из старых зрителей + отсюда клип уж точно не куда не денется:)

(Важное примечание: представлен пережатый рип с потокового видео - а не сгинувший оригинал, к моему сожалению).

Author: Урзак
Anime: Onegai Teacher, Onegai Teacher OVA/artbook , Onegai Twins, Onegai Twins OVA
Music: Kotoko - Second Flight (Tooniegirl, russian cover Radiant Records)

Второй полёт


Contests TOS Contest 2021 Sunday, 05 September 2021


TOS MAD Club studio (China) invites everyone to participate in a huge online event - TOS Contest 2021. You can submit AMVs, GMVs or original animation, your entry must be exclusive - no publications online before the results of TOS Contest 2021 are released. Prize fund of more than $8000 is reserved for winners. Submission deadline is Decmber 10th, 2021.

Detailed rules at our forum
Registration of participants


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