
Exam videos
New videos Two Hearts Saturday, 23 May 2015

Author's comment: My video that I made for AWA Pro 2013 (yes, almost a year ago). As many people know, I am notoriously slow at releasing videos. >> After AWA, I totally slacked off and didn't work on this for months, and it really did take me this long to pick it back up and finish it. There's still a few things that bother me and I'd like to fix, but frankly, I just need to get this off of my computer. Anyway, this idea had been in the back of my mind for awhile, but I hadn't had the chance to create it due to being busy with contests and such. Ever since I saw Paper Route live like a year and a half ago, I had wanted to showcase their music (seriously, go check them out, they are amazing), and after watching Toradora! the idea for this video came together really easily. My main goal was to make something that had a good mix of the goofy, as well as emotional/dramatic aspects of Ryuuji and Taiga's relationship. I adore these two characters, and this show, and I hope I did them/it justice. Enjoy!

Programs used: Sony Vegas 10, Adobe After Effects CS6
Special Thanks: Radical_Yue, Kisanzi, Reigna, Mamo, CrackTheSky ...for putting up with my various betas and providing me with helpful feedback. Thanks guys!

Author: Aerialesque
Anime: Toradora!
Music: Paper Route - Two Heats
Awards: AWA Pro 2013 - Best Romance

Two Hearts


New videos Aria of Perseverance Friday, 22 May 2015

Author's comment: Hi, this is my most recent drama video, and honestly, it is my favorite solo project so far by a decent amount xD. I didn't do anything super special here or anything. I am just super happy with how it turned out, and I have wanted to edit to this song for a long while.

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso
Music: Icon For Hire - The Grey

Aria of Perseverance


New videos Riot Thursday, 21 May 2015

Author's comment: My AMV for Team Warfare final round. Thanks for watching.

Author: xDieguitoAMV
Anime: Kuroko no baske
Music: ONE OK ROCK - Riot

Kuroko no Basket AMV - RIOT


Contests Winners of CreaCon 2015 Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Best video overall
1 place - Benjamin - Beyond Us (175 points)
2 place - UFец - Heisters (166 points)
3 place - Samuel - Holy War (163 points)
4 place - Leberate - COVEN (143 points)
5 place - Malya - The Lost Future (137 points)
6 place - Norlack - Falling Skies: Battle Earth (132 points)
7 place - B@rs - ДЗ-17 (99 points)
8 place - PriDock - Lost Memories (90 points)
9 place - HLEBAL0L0MATOR - Not Tomorrow (84 points)
10 place - Neogrimm - Immortal (54 points)
11 place - SandY - Games of Q-Mind (53 points)
12 place - Speedy_Gonsalez - Heavy Destroyers (52 points)
13 place - Vek - Crow's Justice (45 points)
14 place - Domius - Amazing (39 points)
15 place - Tar4s - Elysium - Orenda (34 points)
16 place - Hellsing - BAD GRANDPA (19 points)


Anime news Смотри «Наруто» — спасай аниме! Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Наши друзья с мегакинопортала КГ обеспокоены судьбой аниме. Им слово. :-)

Японцы прощупывают российский рынок, выпуская на него «Наруто: Последний фильм» 4 июня 2015 года. Лишь достойные сборы могут убедить их в здешней востребованности аниме как формы искусства. Неважно, любишь ты «Наруто» или нет. На кону — будущее кинопроката аниме в России. Мы обеспечили фильму качественные перевод и озвучивание от студии «Реанимедиа» и показы в лучших кинотеатрах страны.


New videos Lacrimosa Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Author's comment: “Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.”  – Tecumseh

I wanted this video to somehow portray the importance of childhood heroes. Oddly enough, Usagi was never a childhood hero of mine – but she became one to me during adulthood. The whole “power of love” thing is cliche and overdone, but I think people brush off how powerful those messages are just because you see it a lot. Sailor Moon wouldn’t be sailor moon if it wasn’t for those cheesy messages about how true love overcomes all, but even as someone who is almost 24 I still think those messages are pretty damn important.

Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal
Music: Les Friction - World On Fire, Marina & The Diamonds - Lies (Zeds Dead Remix)



Contests Big Contest 2015 deadline extension Monday, 18 May 2015

Good news everyone! Big Contest 2015 deadline extended till the 2nd of June! As usual, by numerous and heart-wrenching demands to administration. )


New videos I Will Show You Sunday, 17 May 2015

Клип принимал участие в конкурсе Japan Expo 2014 и занял 5 место.

Author's comment:  Yooooo il est temps de vous montrer.

Author: Luciole
Anime: Kuroko no baske
Music: From Ashes to New - I Will Show You

[Kuroko no Basket AMV] - I Will Show You -


Contests CreaCon 2015 Finalists Saturday, 16 May 2015

Finalists of the CreaCon 2015 contest using  FMVs, GMVs and other non-anime music videos were revealed. There are 16 videos in the main category. Details under the cut.


New videos Liquor Store Saturday, 16 May 2015

Hello! So I started this video like a month ago and finished it yesterday. I maybe rushed it a little bit in some parts but overall I think it's not that bad. It may not be my best video (I am not sure), but I honestly put the most work in this one. Hope you like it!

Author: AonoFlamez
Anime: Ben-To
Music: Korpriklaani - Vodka

Liquor Store


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