
Exam videos
New videos Dissidia: Once Upon A Time Monday, 13 July 2015

7 место на Japan Expo 2015. Сложная и запутанная история-кроссовер. Знающие французский могут ознакомиться с пересказом событий на странице автора.

Выдержка из комментария автора: Alors je vais un peut raconter ma life si je dois commencer par une personne c'est 
Dn@ - merci frère de m'avoir soutenu,aidé,motivé et même après 9 ans d'amitié sa ma fais plaiz d'avoir clipé 2 mois non stop avec toi c'était de la frappe de ouf, j'était obliger de le mettre entre l'amv et l'outro
Sephi - toujours à mes coté toujours à me donner de la force sans toi je serais surement lvl 50 sans la materia souvenir de fadoo x) (j'ai de la chance de t'avoir)
Redrum - toi aussi je te connais depuis longtemps merci de m'avoir donner cette force et t'es encouragement bro
Luna - on ce connais depuis pas longtemps mais on a rattraper cela en 2 mois quoi t'es devenu une amie, merci pour m'avoir beta et motivé j'ai kiffé t'es réaction pendant ses 2 mois
Creed - mon tank toujours la pour protéger ma motive bordel on ferais quoi sans toi enfoiré putain il est ou distopio xD
Yuzuki - thanks bro if you see this message, thanks for the help and i love you catman!
Farm - thanks bro for the drawing you boosted me 
Origamii - merci pour ton soutien et t'es messages qui m'ont permis de bien avancé
Vivifx - thanks for the voice 
et pour finir Risa - une amie proche qui me motive pour tout ma cheerleader officiel :p

Author: Fadoo-sama
Anime: Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, Shingeki no Kyojin, Bakuman, One Piece, Naruto, Macross Zero, Berserk, Bayonetta, Btooom, Arslan Senki, Fate/Stay Night, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni, Sailor Moon Gankutsuou, Punchline, Soredemo Sekai a Utsukushii, Magi, Sword art online, Shingeki no Bahamut, Tokyo Ghoul, Yamada-kun and the seven witches, Saint Seya, Ef, Garo, Log Horizon, Original animation 
Music: Yasuharu Takanashi - Fairy Tail Theme, Kamelot - Once upon a time, Kamelot - Soul Society, Yasuharu Takanashi - Dragonforce, 

Dissidia: Once Upon A Time


New videos Dreamer Monday, 13 July 2015

6 место на Japan Expo 2015.

This was my entry for Japan Expo 2015. I got ranked the 6th. I think its not bad for a first time in this contest haha. I really enjoyed editing this project. even though I didnt have alot of time because of exams and university, I managed to make it somehow the way I expected it to be. I hope you all enjoy it as well!

Author: Noor
Anime: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso , Golden Time , Grisaia No Rakuen
Music: Mating Ritual - Moonlight
Awards: 6th place at Japan Expo 2015



New videos Color The World Sunday, 12 July 2015

Одна из моих последних работ. Идея появилась года так четыре назад, казалось что, при таком большом наличии добротного материала, довольно маловато работ на тему природы. Изначально хотел сделать что-то необычное, но пока годами собирал всевозможные сцены на тематику природы, потерял напрочь всю мотивацию и интерес к работе, чтоб уж совсем не забрасывать начатое, сделал простенькую нарезку на данную тему. Приятного просмотра!

Author: Mohgog
Anime: Air, Arakawa Under The Bridge, Aquarion Evol, Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova, Arcana Famiglia, Atelier Rorona, Byousoku 5 cm, Brave Story, Clannad, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Cossette no Shouzou, Chaos Head Noah, C3 Cube x Cursed x Curious, Dantalian no Shoka, D-Stormrider, Dance in the Vampire Bund, Eden, EF Tales Memories/Melodies/Of The Two, Free!, Fairy Tail, Gokukoku no Brynhildr, Gosick, Gundam 00, Hagure Yuusha no Estetica, Hakkenden, Hoshi Wo Ou Kodomo, Hyouka, Heroic Age, Kanon, Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi, Kara no Kyoukai, Kami-sama No Memo-chou, Kuroshitsuji, Loveless, Little Busters!, Last Exile 2, Mirai Nikki, Macross Frontier, Muv-Luv Alternative, Maken-Ki!, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Nagi no Asukara, Nerawareta Gakuen, Nisemonogatari, No.6, Noein, Origin Spirits of the Past, Red Data Girl, Shangri-La, Shining Ark, Shinsekai Yori, Supercell-Perfect Day, Sola, Seirei no Moribito, True Tears, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Tears to Tiara, Tales of Symphonia, Uchuu Senkan Yamato, Valkyria Chronicles
Music: Two Steps From Hell - Color The Sky

Color The World


New videos Theater Sunday, 12 July 2015

5 место на Japan Expo 2015.

Author's comment: Voici donc le théatre pour la JE ! Je vais être court et bref, je n'ai pas trop besoin de m'étaler la dessus. Tout d'abord je n'aurai jamais cru qu'il finirai 5ème loin de la, du coup ça ma un peux surpris. En bref j'en suis fière de ce clip. Peut être celui que j'ai le plus apprécié à monté. (HORS SD) pour la JE (Sauf la partie escalier qui voulait ma mort, akuzo tu comprendras). Même si le clip est quelque peut en bordel parfois, j'espère que j'aurai réussie à vous faire apprécié ce clip.

Author: Flow
Anime: Gosick
Music: Noisycell - Last theater
Awards: 5 место на Japan Expo 2015



Contests Results of Japan Expo 2015 Saturday, 11 July 2015


Organizers of Japan Expo 2015 released the full list of all AMVs which took part in the contest with download links. We too invite everyone to get acquanted with all videos that strived to participate in Europe's biggest anime convent. Let every of them find its viewer!

Winners and Finalists of Japan Expo 2015:

1st place: Dn@ - F.Y.C
2nd place: RedRum - Lost fragment
3rd place: Sephi - Sirion
4th place: Luna / JazzsVids / Replay Studio - Anime's got talent
5th place: Flow - Theater
6th place: Noor - Dreamer
7th place: Fadoo-Sama - Dissidia : Once Upon A Time
8th place: Nedits - Oblivion
9th place: Naoya - Stratos Sphere
10th place: Celia Phantomhive - Volleybot
11th place: Hayden - T.W.U.W
12th place: Vik - Rubik's Method
13th place: SachaValentine - Alice's escape
14th place: MagicDarkLight - Fulgurance
15th place: Mystyk - The Fall
16th place: Tricky - The Pretender
17th place: Cmoididi&Kloud - Shake It Off²
18th place: Cross - Hello Nicky, Good Bye Ryo
19th place: [key]Scarlet - Renegade (freedom cry)
20th place: Cyber-EG - Amaterasu
21th place: Yuko & Emy - Twins worlds
22th place: flo55 - mes 55
23th place: Rider4Z - Yato's God Complex
24th place: PikaPika - Imagine
25th place: Yunowhy - Sweet Dreams

Audience Choice Award:

1st place: Luna / JazzsVids / Replay Studio - Anime's got talent
2nd place: Dn@ - F.Y.C
3rd place: Fadoo-Sama - Dissidia : Once Upon A Time

Please write in comments which AMVs you like the most, including the ones which didn't make it to the finals.


New videos Premonicion Saturday, 11 July 2015

Japan Expo 2015 video, started back when the anime was airing and finished recently. Didn't expect to finish it actually but here it is. Also Special Thanks to SWS, Geingel and Kuruta for betatesting the proyect

Author: TritioAFB
Anime: Witch Craft Works
Music: All That Remains - What if I was nothing



Contests Announcement of CreaRetro 2015 Friday, 10 July 2015 invites everyone to take part in summer thematic competition CreaRetro 2015. The contest is opened for non-professional music videos made of movies, games and any kind of animation (except for anime). All video sources must be released before the year 2000. No restrictions of either genre of the video or music track. We accept exclusive entries only, i.e. the ones which have never been released online before. Entries can be submitted from 15 of August till 15th of September 2015. Prize fund totals 6000 roubles.

Detailed rules in English


New videos Sirion Friday, 10 July 2015

3 место на Japan Expo 2015.

Выдержка из комментария автора: Bon, retour de JE, je commence par ouvrir les bails en postant mon clip: Sirion. J'ai pas envie de m'étaler dessus, c'est surement le clip que j'ai le plus bossé, je le kiff beaucoup et je suis super contente de sa place au classement.

Author: Sephi
Anime: Mix
Music: She - Electric Girl
Awards: 3 место на Japan Expo 2015



New videos Lost Fragment Thursday, 09 July 2015

Клип делался для участия в конкурсе Japan Expo 2015 и занял 2 место в общем зачете.

Author's comment: Yop, voici mon clip pour l'exposition des japonais. C'est tout pour moi, salut.

Author: Redrum
Anime: Mix
Music: Memtrix - All you are
Awards: 2 место на Japan Expo 2015



New videos The Creepening Thursday, 09 July 2015

Клип делался для участия в орговском конкурсе The Quickening 2015. В рамках конкурса участники делятся на группы, затем каждой группе выделяется один музыкальный трек, на который каждому из участников необходимо сделать клип.

Author: Chikasole
Anime: Aku no Hana
Music: Jaymes Young - Two More Minutes

The Creepening


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