
Exam videos
Misc Best of Exam section (September, 2015) Friday, 02 October 2015

New videos Neapolitan Friday, 02 October 2015

Author's comment: This one has been a long time coming [sex joke]. I first started the original version of this video back in July of 2012, but due to procrastination and a few hard drive failures, it kept getting put off. Back then the arrangement of sources was slightly different but the basic idea was always there. I restarted this current version in June of 2014, swapped out Arakawa Under The Bridge for Durarara and re-encoded all my other sources.
I basically had to edit three separate videos and then go back and re-edit those three to match each other. A lot of trial and error went into this. I don't know what else to say about it. The video won the Masters competition which I have been obsessing over for the past six years. I'm amazed I didn't break out crying when I was brought on stage.
As of this November or so I'll have been editing for ten years. And in all that time this is quite possibly the only time I've gotten a video to work exactly as I envisioned it.

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Durarara!!, K-ON!, K-ON!!, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, Zan Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei, Zoku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei
Music: Spoon - Don't You Evah
Awards: Победитель Anime Weekend Atlanta Masters 2015



Contests Winners of Mix Con 2015 Friday, 02 October 2015

The summer AMVNews contest is over. 22 persons took part in the voting and here's the final result: 

Best video in Retro category
1 place - SachaValentine - Cards (29 points)
2 place - nixanol - Gagarin (17 points)
3 place - neko lover - How Green, How Bright, How Wonder (15 points)
4 place - NakkiD - CHAM (11 points)
5 place - Not found - Outta My Mind (9 points)

Best video in Summer Fun category
1 place - JazzsVids - Unlocked (45 points)
2 place - TritioAFB - Bad Dog The Remix (32 points)
3 place - leolide - Downtwon (25 points)

Best video in Freedom category
1 place - Blazed Apart - Rainy Days (37 points)
2 place - Darksss 73 - Sintesis - Kanbaru (34 points)
3 place - Shadox - Depression (32 points)


New videos Anime meets Grand Theft Auto Thursday, 01 October 2015

Фанатам серии посвящается. Authorу удалось (или почти удалось) передать атмосферу GTA5 посредством аниме (детали интерфейса прилагаются). Даже если вам не понравится клип, возможно вы досмотрите его до конца.

Author: Xify
Anime: Black Lagoon, Durarara, Terror in Resonnance, Jormungand, Mirai Nikki, Aikatsu!, Eden of the East, Kuroko no Basuke, Toaru Railgun
Music: Carpenter Brut - Looking for Tracy Tzu

Anime meets Grand Theft Auto


Contests CONSTATION v1.0 contest Thursday, 01 October 2015


Freelance video studio CONSTstudio announces contest for DIY video creators who would like to bring video making skills to a new level. According to contest results one or several participants will be proposed to join CONSTstudio.
Videos made entirely in Adobe After Effects are eligible. You can use AE templates and any 3D plugins. There will be two winners: Best overall and Judges' choice. Submission deadline is November 1st, 2015.

Forum thread (detailed rules in English)


Contests Дедлайн конкурса AMV на фестивале Anime Factor 201 Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Организаторы ежегодного аниме-фестиваля Anime Factor (г. Хабаровск) напоминают, что сегодня - последний срок для подачи клипов на конкурс AMV в рамках фестиваля. Принимаются работы, ранее не участвовавшие в аналогичных конкурсах города Хабаровска и не занимавшие призовые места в аналогичных конкурсах фестивалей России. Клипы-призеры будут показаны на большом экране фестиваля.

Заявки на конкурс подаются через форму сайта организаторов. После окончания срока подачи заявок в течение 10 дней (до 10 октября) допускается досылать материалы к уже поданным заявкам. 

Подробные правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Форма для заявок на сайте организаторов
Группа фестиваля Вконтакте


New videos Melancholic Melodies Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Our submission for the Connichi exclusive AMV Contest 2015. Both of us wanted to edit with Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso for a while and Connichi 2015 seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so. Our goal was to match the mood of the Anime and song and we are very happy with the result.

Author: Eazy, pic4arts
Anime: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Music: One Republic - Apologize
Awards: 2nd place overall + Viewers choice award at Connichi 2015

Melancholic Melodies


New videos Just Funkin' Dandy Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Author's comment: I started this video way back in March and worked on it fairly casually until about 2 months until the AWA Pro deadline where I started to spend serious time and effort to get it done in time. When I heard Uptown Funk I wanted to edit to it and Space Dandy seemed like a pretty good match. Space Dandy reminds me of retro sci fi comics and I wanted to go with that as the theme.

Author: Shin
Anime: Space Dandy
Music: Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk
Awards: Best in Show, Best Technical, Best Upbeat на Anime Weekend Atlanta Pro 2015

Just Funkin' Dandy


New videos Wave Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Well i like vaporwave.. Alot.. haha so i wanted to do a really cool original AMV with a old theme with it, and i think i managed it :) This song was indeed hard... really hard for me to edit to, but yeah i hope you enjoy it.

Author: YellowCookiexD
Anime: Koimonogatari, K-on, Tokyo ghoul, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kyoani shop CM, Sword Art Online II, Ef - A Fairy Tale of the Two, Tamako Market, Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Blood+, Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Fate Zero, Yumekui Merry, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai, Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Seka, Hyouka, Sakamichi no Apollon, Zankyou no Terror, Steins gate, Outbreak company
Music: コンシャスTHOUGHTS Kimochi



New videos Follow My Lead (FML) Monday, 28 September 2015

Ветеран-клипмейкер Koopiskeva возвращается к AMV и представляет достаточно новый для жанра прием: кукольную анимацию.

Выдержка из комментария автора: Welp, it seems I'm back into it. O:
I started this around November 2014 (actually I had a different video idea a month prior), and it has been quite a journey with this one. Fun fact - my daughter Mae was not even born yet when I started this. How things change. :P
In 2014, I was getting back into watching anime and had joined the Quickening contest to shake off some editing rust. I quite enjoyed the process again, so I wanted to make a full video on my own once more. I saw this show called 'Baka and Test' (which seems pretty underused actually), and loved it. I wanted to make a quick and fun video (sounds familiar...). My wife Grace had always been listening to k-pop so I've been pretty bombarded by it for many years now. I asked to see if she could find me a fun song to edit with. Watching the Youtube show 'EatYourKimchi,' she found this song for me called Telepathy by Girl's Day. I was pretty excited to start my video with it. As I started the prepwork for editing, I decided to listen to other Girl's Day songs just for background music..... and then Female President came on. I was hooked.
So, a crazy idea came into my head to recreate the actual dance version of the music video...  

Author: Koopiskeva
Anime: Baka And Test - Summon The Beasts, Baka And Test - Summon The Beasts 2, Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu: Matsuri, Original Animation
Music: Girl's Day - Female President

Follow My Lead (FML)


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