
Exam videos
New videos Silver Nitrate Sunday, 15 November 2015

Author's comment: Video made for Round 2 of AMV Roulette where we were given a week to edit a comedy/fun video paired with a cover song while including at least ten seconds of dancing. The version here is somewhat different than the version submitted to the contest, primarily in the second half and minus the befuddling outro, and I'm sure we are all better off for it.
It was also once known as lunar caustic. AgNO3

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Kyousougiga (TV, ONA)
Music: Harvey Danger - Save It For Later

Silver Nitrate


Contests Конкурс AMV на фестивале FreeTime-Fest 2016 Saturday, 14 November 2015


Организаторы фестиваля FreeTime Fest приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию принимаются клипы созданные после 1 декабря 2015 года, не занимавшие призовые места на иных фестивалях или мероприятиях аналогичной направленности. В случае, если клип получил приз на конкурсе, проведенном после завершения приема заявок на FreeTime-Fest, снятие своей заявки с участия остается исключительно на совести участников. Заявки на конкурс принимаются с 1 декабря 2015 по 6 марта 2016. Из присланных заявок будут отобраны 10 клипов для показа на фестивале.  

Призы для победителей:
Гран при - планшет Wacom Bamboo One (CTL471)
Приз зрительских симпатий - внешний аккумулятор Yoobao YB-M20

В случае победы участника, которые не присутствует на фестивале, приз высылается ему по почте.

Тема конкурса на нашем форуме


New videos Heroes Thursday, 12 November 2015

Author's comment: So this is my entry for the SpeedProof IC, I don't have much to say, it was so different from everything I've made so far (wich was only drama//romance with few exceptions) I wouldn't say that I loved editing action but it wasn't as bad as I expected (probably because It had some fun in it) and maybe I even do another action video soon. #Believe.
About the IC well.. what can I say, pretty much like all the others ICs not much sleep, not much food, but I did learn alot. And way I say alot I mean ALOT. I have to say big big thanks to Luciole who was always there for me if I got stuck in the making of the video, and taugh me so many things about the flow, the sync and all those things that are not really that important in Drama AMVs (Not saying that you dont have sync in Drama but you get what I mean )

Author: Elerye
Anime: One Punch Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Haikyuu, Naruto Shippuuden
Music: One OK Rock - Deeper Deeper
Awards: Best Action на Aeon Speedproof IC



New videos Bardo Wednesday, 11 November 2015

This AMV is about life struggles and emotions.. when you lose something so close to you, it's like losing yourself.. it's really hurts... These feelings is hard to put into words. Just watch and feel it.

Author: Azexous
Anime: K-project 1,2,movies, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Ao No Exorcist, Durarara
Music: Nightcall ft. Dreamhour - Dead V
Awards: 2 место в категории Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC



New videos Heroes Tuesday, 10 November 2015

My Submission for Iron Effects 4 IC. I wanted to edit Rolling☆Girls since I saw the very first episode but never found a fitting song, thanks to whoever submitted it. Also thank you unkown taiwanese guy, your last minute seeding made this possible.

Author: Eazy
Anime: The Rolling Girls
Music: Pegboard Nerds - Hero (feat. Elizaveta)



New videos Something Fishy! Sunday, 08 November 2015

Author's comment: Argh this has basically been done since the summer but i've been so like >> dissatisfied so i've been dicking around with it when i could between work and not doing anything productive. The vid is something that probably won't make a lick of sense without watching the series prior. it's just a reason for you to watch the series though, which is in fact my masterplan >8D But for srs it's a super cute series with so few videos for it. I just wanted to make something nice. Also the credits have guaranteed me a spot in hell but at least it'll be warm =3=

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Tsuritama
Music: Royal Teeth - Wild, South Park - Gay Fish

Something Fishy!


New videos Beyond Oblivion Saturday, 07 November 2015

This collab has been made in 3 hard days for SpeedProof IC contest.
A person who doesn't know where he goes... is he dead? Why other persons can't see him? Who is that girl and why he feels that is different from others? he has to discover it for escaping from oblivion.

xDeuz: Thanks for watching Beyond Oblivion;) Made this Amv with dedication, I like it in many ways, but especially editing with Strat (Uge) to achieve the end result, I'm lazy and some people know that, but the music has been inspiring and motivating. Thanks gabberMD (Dani) to add the song to SpeedProof IC New Edition, Thtat's why this AMV is dedicated to you (Hug) See ya soon.

Strat: We had a lot of problems because our idea was very ambitious for an Iron Chef, but we could communicate it very well and thanks to it we avoided other complications. We had no time for a beta between us but that doesn't mean we didin't help each other finding scenes, preparing masks etc. The trust in ourselves was very important all the days. I took advantage of the IC for testing new stuff, so I'm very happy with all the result. Thanks to xDeuz I've could learn a lot in a low time, I won't forget this.

Author: Strat, xDeuz
Anime: Charlotte, Dekinai Watashi Ga, Kurikaesu, Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie In April
Music: Nightcall (ft. Dreamhour) - Dead V
Awards: Best Teamwork на Aeon Speedproof IC

Beyond Oblivion


Site news Best of Exam section (October, 2015) Friday, 06 November 2015

New videos Lonely Souls Thursday, 05 November 2015

My video for SpeedProof AEon IC. Tried to make the little story as clear as posible, but basically what I'm trying to show is that even in your hardest moment you can find someone in a similar situation to share your pain, and support each others.

Author: xDieguitoAMV
Anime: Welcome to the NHK, Ga-Rei -Zero, Colorful, Clannad After Story
Music: Sigur Rós - Ný Batterí
Awards: Best Overall и Best Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC

Lonely Souls


New videos 6F.Und3r Tuesday, 03 November 2015

Author's comment: Wesh la mif! Bon voilà mon IC r3act, toujours à la poursuite de mon apprentissage AE, j'ai ssayé de nouvelle chose et j'ai vraiment bien kiffé ! Pas grand chose à dire d'autre si ce n'est merci Aku pour la bann, Zuuki pour l'outro et merci El.g pour helvetios! J’espère vous kifferai!

Author: Luciole
Anime: K-Project
Music: Phase One – Six Feet Under
Awards: 1st place R3T IC



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