
Exam videos
New videos Princes and Princess (Dance with Me!) Tuesday, 15 March 2016

This is my new video, dedicated to one of my first friends in edition. A lady that even though is out lately she has been a very important support during some years ago. And that lady is AimoAio. Wherever you are my friend, I never made you something in the past so I will like to start now.
About the video: You might think this is a typical Dance video... but no. This is a dark romance video, where your typical inverted harem is a normal one. Or at least tries to be the most normal possible. But then you find yourself battling vampires and demons. But this is a Dance track and there's no Dance scenes at all so why? I mainly focus on lyrics and ignore that fact. In the end this is a Romantic video, with some kinds of Drama sometimes.
Special thanks to JSK, Ikore, Kurobi, S.A. Robert and many people that helped during the betatesting here. BLOCKED BY YOUTUBE SO THERE'S NO LINK FOR YOUTUBE... instead you will get a Vimeo link.
This year there will be several projects incoming. 'Animals' coming soon. There's a link to the instrumental version. However the real version is in Vimeo only

Author: TritioAFB
Anime: Dance with Devils
Music: Calvin Harris & The Disciples - How deep is your love

Princes and Princess (Dance with Me!)


New videos Blood Shaker Sunday, 13 March 2016

My first attempt editing to Rap and traditional entry for the STIC XII. As I think lyrics are the most important element in rap music, I tried to focus on synching them as good as possible. It was quiet a pain in the ass to find the right scenes, because I used just a single anime source without time consuming masking and some scenes are not that fitting as they could be. I tried to keep the styles of the 2 rapping guys with my editing, so the first rap part is more aggressive and the second more "funny" cause of absurd lyrics. I know Rap is not that popular in AMVs but maybe someone could like it.

Author: pic4arts
Anime: Darker than Black, Darker than Black - Gaiden, Darker than Black - Ryuusei no Gemini
Music: Dope D.O.D. - Blood Shake ft. Salmo

Blood Shaker


New videos Detective Conan – Sherlock Holmes Credits Style Sunday, 13 March 2016

Fully drawn and animated Sherlock Holmes Credits AMV.

Making Of Video
Картинка Making Of (~0.18 MB)

Author: Amazing Tash
Anime: Detective Conan
Music: Hans Zimmer - The End?
Awards: 1st place Connichi 2015 AMV contest

Detective Conan – Sherlock Holmes Credits Style


New videos Skullpture Saturday, 12 March 2016

Победитель в категории Drama/Romance на  Soul's Team Iron Chef: Otodayo

Author's comment:
Hope you enjoy this video, could have been cleaner but oh well, I'm proud about the final result so it's all good.

Author: Elerye
Anime: Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru, Kara no Kyoukai, Zetsuen no tempest, Suzumiya Haruhi, Hyouka, Tokyo Ghoul, Eden of the east, Aldhoah.Zero, Ef - The First Tale, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Charlotte, Bungaku Shoujo
Music: Echos - Don't Let Me Go
Awards: Best Drama/Romance на Soul's Team Iron Chef: Otodayo



Site news Best of Exam section (February, 2016) Friday, 11 March 2016

Leonana69 - Staring at You

kilaysn - I will never let you go

ram491991 - This Love - When Two Hearts Meet

MagicDarkLight - Luminescence


Zuuki, Flow, Akuzo, ProjectBarcodeError, Darthice, Sephi - Bushido

Noss - Kintaro's adventure

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 65
Average rating: 2.96
Number of comments: 230 (~3.5 comments per video)
Number of votes: 1383 (~21.3 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 5 (~7 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


Contests AMV Greece Iron Chef: Who Da Bo$$ Thursday, 10 March 2016


Greek AMV-community AMVGreece invites everyone to participate in Who Da Bo$$ IC. The dates of this IC are midnight (UTC+02:00) March 25 - midnight (UTC+02:00) March 27. You may participate by yourself or in a group. Individual AMVs and MEPs will be judged separately. Please notice that this year contest videos can be made not only of anime, manga and games but also of cartoons! 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall winners will get an exclusive present from the anime-otaku online store

AMVNews forum thread
Rules and registration (English)


New videos D.R.I.F.T Wednesday, 09 March 2016

Клип участник Soul's Team Iron Chef: Otodayo, победитель в бонусной категории Otodayo Supa Street (клипы на рэп / хип-хоп).

Author's comment: Heeeey!Here's my entry for the twelfth edition of Soul's Team IC: Otodayo Edition! Decided to join the new exclusive category supa street when i heard the song, also tried new stuff, hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Author: Tricky
Anime: Initial D, Next A-Class, Kekkai Sensen
Music: 2Chainz ft Khalifa - We Own it
Awards: Победитель в категории Otodayo Supa Street на Soul's Team Iron Chef XII: Otodayo



Trailers CreaCon 2016 Trailer Sunday, 06 March 2016

CreaCon is a contest of fan videos made of movies, TV series, games and any other sources except anime. The contest was originally created as an alternative to AMV contests and has been held since 2008. It is organized by, friends of This year, thanks to sponsor support, the prize fund has been increased to 21 000 roubles (~300 dollars)! Submission deadline extended till April 25th

 Detailed contest rules [Russian language]


New videos Hopeless Saturday, 05 March 2016

Contest video of Soul's Team Iron Chef: Otodayo

Уже в третий раз подряд искренне наслаждаюсь этим конкурсом, и в третий раз благодарю NewOvermind'а за огромную поддержку, а также Engine of Death за то, что сделал нам интро, ну и VovanKoperativ'а за помощь в решающий момент. Чуть не забыл поблагодарить Lion, что присоединилась к команде за день до начала конкурса. В общем, много благодарностей.

Author: Disengager
Anime: Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Fate/Zero
Music: COPILOT – The Drunken Whaler



New videos H.N.L.O. Friday, 04 March 2016

Победитель в категории Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef: Otodayo

Author's comment: Basically resume, i wanted to edit Haikyuu in a different way less fun/action and more serious oriented/
Have fun watching ~

Author: Dn@
Anime: Haikyuu!!
Music: Richy Nix - Senseless
Awards: Best Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef XII: Otodayo



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