
Exam videos
New videos Anime's Karma Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Finally our MEP is done. It's a parody of the italian song "Occidentali's Karma" performed by Francesco Gabbani (I added a file with english subtitles if you can't understand the lyrics)!
We hope you like our project! ^^

К клипу прилагаются русские и английские субтитры / English and Russian subtitles available

Author: AntaresHeart07, diegao94, Cheis106, KazKon, Okami, [key]Scarlet, Symphonia, Joy's AMV, Kroner -AMV-
Anime: Akame Ga KILL!, Arakawa Under The Bridge, Assassination Classroom, Blood Blockade Battlefront, Death Note, Digimon Adventure, Dragon Ball, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet, Gintama, Haikyu!!, Happy Tree Friends, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Love Live! School Idol Project, Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic, Naruto, Nichijou, Nisekoi, One Piece, One Punch Man, Saint Seiya Omega, Saint Seiya: The Hades Chapter, Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa, Space Dandy, Tamako Market, Tatami Galaxy, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann, Uta No Prince Sama, WATAMOTE, Welcome To The NHK
Music: Francesco Gabbani - Occidentali's Karma

Anime's Karma


Contests Winners of VCA 2017 Wednesday, 29 March 2017

   VCA 2016 Results

Video of the Year
Shin - Weeaboo Peekaboo

Best Action Video 
MrNosec - Numinous

Best Character Profile 
Xophilarus - Muted

Best Collaborative Video 
Xophilarus, Shin - Crucible of Souls

Best Comedy Video 
zest - Karton

Best Dance Video 
Galia&Kitty - Dance is MOVE

Best Dramatic Video 
PieandBeer - Fiat Lux

Best Fun Video 
zest - Karton

Best Horror Video 
KazKon - The Witchtrip

Best Multi-Editor Project 
25 Years of Anime and Music

Best Parody Video 
Rider4Z - Deadpunch [RED-BAND]

Best Romantic Video 
StarTrinity009 - SUKI DA!!!

Best Storytelling
CeliaPhantomhive - Mahoupocalypse

Best Sentimental Video 
Xophilarus - Muted

Best Short Video 
drewaconclusion - Slice Slice Revolution

Best Single Source Video 
Glitzer - Singular Strike Gentleman

Best Trailer or Commercial 
Rider4Z - Deadpunch [RED-BAND]

Best Use of Instrumental Music 
lolligerjoj - Ghost Audition

Best Use of Lip Synch 
zest - Karton

Best Use of Multiple Anime 
CeliaPhantomhive - Mahoupocalypse

Best Use of Special Effects 
qwaqa - Красная селёдка (Red Herring)

Most Artistic Video 
qwaqa - Красная селёдка (Red Herring)

Most Original Video 
qwaqa - Красная селёдка (Red Herring)

Editor of the Year 

Most Improved Editor

Rookie of the Year 



New videos GAMEBREAK Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Комментарий авторов: Une vieille mep qu'on avait fais en ic, il manqué une track depuis des mois, donc merci à Jeremy le barlou .

Author: Luciole, Sunlight, Madao, Lokkiclu, Dn@, Replay Studios, Fadoo-sama, CeliaPhantomhive
Anime: Kekkai Sensen, Black Lagoon, One Punch Man, Hunter X Hunter, Boku no Hero Academia, Death Parade, Taboo Tattoo, K-Project
Music: The Qemists - Jungle // Kanye West - Power



New videos Lovecraftian Complex Monday, 27 March 2017

Contest video of Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination. - H. P. Lovecraft

This project was something I wished from a long time, but I never found a way to realize it — up to now. The most important fact about my inertia of creation it's, without doubt, the pressure. Procrastination happens when we have time. So, when I saw the publication of Soul's Team IC XIII, I found a way to do that. Of course, I had just the concept in my mind, but, with some luck, the right track would appear. My first attempt was to form a team with my two alter-egos, but coldly I was refused. So I looked for my two supafriends (ElpsyC & Niel) and we made a team. An unconvencional team. I also have to thank them for the great opinions and advices they gave me. Well, I would like to remind you: this is not exactly the version that competed in Iron Chef, but rather a version with some modified aspects and characteristics.
Anyway, cutting the bullshit: I sold my soul to the devil, I broken my mouse, not only did I exceed my mental limit, but also my physical limit and almost fucked up my arm; here's the AMV:
Forgive me, Lovecraft.

Making-of video

Author: Hikikomori
Anime: Paranoia Agent, Rebuild of Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone, Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
Music: Kashiwa Daisuke - Colophon.#02

Lovecraftian Complex


New videos Gone Girl Sunday, 26 March 2017

Author's comment: BGM:again-daoko. 主创:oracionleo.   3D 建模: 丶小默.  .抠图:狼の莉乃 prince快乐一夏 我看你修轮胎

Author: oracionleo
Anime: Kokoro ga sakebitagatterunda, other
Music: Daoko - Again

Gone Girl


New videos Anime Slap Empire 2 Saturday, 25 March 2017

Author's comment: It has been about 5 years since the first slap empire was made and it's way past due for a sequel! Anime Slap Empire returns with many more slaps, smacks and a few punches from classics to the latest anime series. I hope you enjoy this new AMV release!

Author: MoonieAMV
Anime: mix
Music: VOCALO Bakuon Jazz 2 - Mischievous Function

Anime Slap Empire 2


New videos Thread of Fate Saturday, 25 March 2017

Contest video of Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

Всем привет, не собирался я снова заливать что-то на ньюз, да и после результатов ST IC XIII (24 место в жанре романтика/драма), желание пропало совсем. Но, на удивление, людям, с которыми я общаюсь и к мнению которых я прислушиваюсь, амв понравилось, и вот я тут). В целом результатом доволен, но раз я 24 место, значитб далеко не все так хорошо. Одним словом, суждение об амв оставляю на вас, от себе только пожелаю, приятного просмотра.

Author: AngrySmile
Anime: Kimi no Na wa.
Music: Aimer - Ninelie

Thread of Fate


Contests VCA 2017 Finalists Friday, 24 March 2017

New videos Blitz Thursday, 23 March 2017

Contest video of Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game

This is my entry for Soul's Team IC XIII action category amv, first time i edit a sport anime and try hard on it .I hope you guys can enjoy the amv. Thanks for watching and feel free to leave your comments.

Anime: Kuroko no basuke, Haikyuu
Music: Papa roach - Last resort (Aelement remix)
Awards: 3 место в категории Action на Soul's Team IC XIII: Change the game



New videos Paranoia Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Paranoia tells the story about a girl who wakes up in a room and discovers she can see how other people died by touching objects that belonged to those owners, but still does not understand why she is there.

Author: Strat, xDeuz
Anime: Angel Beats!, Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae, Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, CLANNAD, Charlotte, Dantalian no Shoka, Death Parade, Kiznaiver, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru, Shiki, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S, Toki Wo Kakeru Shojo
Music: Echos - Fiction



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