
Exam videos
New videos 99 Luftballons Monday, 23 October 2017

Ничего особенного, просто музыкальный клип в классическом его понимании.
Многим запомнилась открывающая песня из самого первого Bubblegum Crisis, многие делали AMV на него, в том числе со ставкой на ностальгическое ретро. В этом же клипе вроде бы все то же самое, разве что акцент поставлен не столько на первоисточник, сколько на подражание классическому клипмейкерству и дух старого MTV переходных 80-90'ых, когда клипы делались на коленке и во главу угла ставилась музыкальная идея, а не деньги. Так и здесь, ничего глубокомысленного, только прекрасная песня, сопровождаемая по возможности прекрасным зрительным видеорядом.

Author: Gabriel
Anime: Bubblegum Crisis 2032
Music: Nena - 99 Luftballons

99 Luftballons


Коубы Best coubs (september 2017, part 1) Sunday, 22 October 2017

j@st @ pr@nk


New videos Deep End Saturday, 21 October 2017

Клип, посвященный расстройствам пищевого поведения и жертвам этих расстройств. Наверное, самая неожиданная тема для AMV, которую я когда-либо видел.

Author's comment: This AMV was really hard to make.
I tried to start and finish this project three times, but each one of these were unsuccessful. Part of this is because anime and manga don't really ever cover the topic of eating disorders. They are few and far in between, and even then the ones that do bring it up do so very subtlety. This was one of the huge struggles with putting this together -- making a convincing and revealing AMV with characters that suffer from such issues. This AMV is meant to bring awareness to the power of media, but most of all, to the fact that eating disorders can affect anyone, at any point in their life. The metaphor of the water reflects the hold of an eating disorder and how insidious it can be. Grasping for breath is extremely difficult, the current can be so strong. Even with the love of those around you, it is possible to slip into the deep end.
To the ones who couldn't make it back to land, may your rest in peace.
To the ones who live to fight another day, I wish for your recovery.
To the families who know this pain, I hope for these wounds to heal.

Author: MinetChan (Madeleine Brookman)
Anime: Bungo Stray Dogs, Charlotte, Boku dake ga inai machi, Free! - Eternal Summer, Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club, Idolmaster, Love Live! School Idol Project, Love Live! The School Idol Movie, Macross Frontier, Sangatsu no Lion, Mawaru Penguindrum, ME!ME!ME!, Nagi-Asu: A Lull In The Sea, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Nisekoi, Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt, Princess Jellyfish, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Say "I Love You", Serial Experiments Lain, Shelter (Short), Sword Art Online, Tari Tari, Tokyo Ghoul, Vividred Operation, Wake Up, Girls!, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Music: Ruelle - Deep End
Awards: Anime Festival Orlando 2017 - Best of Show, Zenkaikon 2017 - Coordinator's Choice, Con-Nichiwa 2017 - Viewer's Choice Award: Drama, Kiga-Con 2017 - Honorable Mention

Deep End


Contests Winners of AnonCon 2017 Thursday, 19 October 2017

Best video overall
1 place - Samuel - Yet another night. (34 points) [Download]
2 place - D0SKA - Paranoia (25 points) [Download]
3 place - UFец - Stranger (9 points) [Download]
4 place - Freeman-47 - Fading (5 points) [Download]
5 place - faki_bella - Born to be an agent (2 points) [Download]
5 place - Hellsing - Сryostasis (2 points) [Download]
7 place - korban - Swordful (1 points) [Download]


New videos Limit Break II: Accel Limits Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Special for D-Contest! Enjoy ~ .

Author: Squardz
Anime: Sword Art Online
Music: I Exist - A Secret Calling

Limit Break II: Accel Limits


New videos Reflection Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Победитель конкурса EtoJeAMV Team Iron Chef. Зеркало 1 - конкурсная версия 10bit.

Комментарий авторов: Special made for EtoJeAMV TEAM IC.

Author: L33tamv, Fury
Anime: Mahoutsukai no Yome, Occultic nine, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Death note, Another
Music: Misogi - Blackheart (ft. Fifty Grand)
Awards: 1 место на EtoJeAMV Team Iron Chef



New videos SUFFERAM! Monday, 16 October 2017

Клип участник онлайн-конкурса ARAM 2017, организованного ассоциацией AMV France. В конкурсе принимают участие работы, сделанные несколькими участниками (MEP). На создание клипов отводится неделя.

Комментарий Azexous: Hi! this is a mep i hosted for aram contest and edited with ppl i met for the first time (cept shadox). there were tons of delays cause some of us wanted to fix their parts so here u go .

Author: Zexy, Shadox, SachaValentine, Azexous, Lucifer@MV
Anime: Koe no Katachi, No Game No Life, Boku no Hero Academia & Little Witch Academia, Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor, Gamers, Vivid Strike, Re:CREATORS, Nisekoi, Watamote & Yowamushi Pedal, ReLIFE and Zankyou no Terror
Music: Lemaitre & The Knocks - We Got U
Awards: 2nd @ ARAM Contest 2017



Contests Winners of Connichi 2017 Sunday, 15 October 2017

Contests AnonCon 2017 Finalists Friday, 13 October 2017

Below are the finalists of AnonCon held by Creaspace. Main feature of this contest is the full anonimity of its participants.


New videos Cherry Bomb Friday, 13 October 2017

Author's comment: I finished a thing. This is the third and final version and different from the Sakuracon/Anime Boston and Anime Expo/NDK versions. I can write a self-deprecating thing here about certain parts still not coming out the way I would like but its close enough so its cool. Its just an actiony upbeat thing to Kill the Kill.

Author: Shin
Anime: Kill la Kill
Music: Against The Current - Running With the Wild Things

Cherry Bomb


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