
AMV news

AMVTool (Beta 11): a software for encoding and rec

Sunday, 14 May 2017


Introducing AMVTool, a useful software for encoding and recontainering. The program is still in developement so any kind of feedback and testing would be helpful. See AMVTool features below:

Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Automatically chooses the color matrix based on the existing file or guesses based on resolution.
Easy button for setting up file(s) to be recontainered.
Queue for batch encoding.
Shows bit depth of the currently selected video stream.
Supports encoding of AviSynth (Windows Only) & VapourSynth scripts.
Supports encoding to various lossless and lossy formats, including but not limited to x264 & x265.
Supports multiple audio streams.

Planned/Upcoming Features:
Multi-Language Support
Support for Encoding 10-bit and BT.2020
Support for FFMPEG Filters (IVTC, Debanding, etc.)

On Linux and macOS it looks for FFMPEG in the same folder that AMVtool is in, then additionally in /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin. On Windows it looks for VSPIPE in the same folder, however in Linux and macOS it looks for it in /usr/local/bin.

Known Issues:
When using AudioDub in AviSynth, if the output audio codec is AAC it may fail unless the audio is padded
(add trim(0,0,pad=true) after AudioDub).

Windows Requirements:
FFMPEG 3.3 (Copy Included)
Visual C++ Redistributable 2015

Linux Requirements:
MediaInfo Library (Ubuntu Package Name: libmediainfo-dev) 
Qt 5 (Ubuntu Package Name: qtbase5-dev)

Linux Instructions:
git clone 
cd AMVtool 

Download AMVTool forum thread

Author: Minstrel Views: 2038 time
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Comments (2)
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DiGiCyber011   User profile  Video channel
  20.05.2017 01:28
sorry but i only use zarxgui264 , i have no will whatsoever to trust this kind of encoders
slavarussko   User profile
  14.05.2017 20:09
Принимает в контейнере? Нет, ну и тогда зачем его обновлять...

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