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Автор, ну зачем? НУ ЗАЧЕМ??? ты слил амв бгмерзкими аудиомашинами? Боже... Первая минута была так прекрасна и переполненная надежд. Но им не суждено было сбыться...
P.S. Реквестирую версию с полным "Take It All"
I also used ReelSmart Motion Blur to soften the movement in the clips, it's from the same guys who made Twixtor so it uses a similar method to track what's on the scene and create cool looking "per-object" motion blur, adding to the smoothness.
Why does it look so smooth? any plugin?
Even Buggy who had already used twixtor in combination with ghibli in akross 2015 is now being accused of plagiarism in 2016 for doing the exact same thing, only because Ghost Audition premiered in between his two videos.
It feels like since most of the community lacks the knowledge to do any better, they feel personally aggravated and must vent out somehow, or maybe it's because russia was once again close to taking back the crown of akross.
Don't blame the editor, blame yourselves, try harder next year.
Внутрикадровая синхра тоже впоряде.
Но этот баянистый исходник, баянистая музыка
и слизанная стилистика lolligerjoj
я хз..
мб нью фаги от такого и текут, но старички ,думаю, явно не оценили данный плагиат
p/s AKROSS рли уже не тот..
Plz speak english, the editor won't understand if u speak russian
Не боян, а классика. Ну и классно же всё сделано.
euh well i meant something like John The Hellhound / externalize / ect ..... but okay
You want atmosphere? Fuckin watch No Sympathy This amv had so much atmosphere it almost felt like real life.
архи боянная ева, боянная музыка, сильная похожесть на Нойз, одного из прошлых призеров АкроссКона, а там, где меньше похоже на Нойз, похоже на миллиард дабстеп-нарезок. так еще и скучно и затянуто.
и это победитель? голосовали мартышки?
it's almost rare to see well combination between basics & fx usage & atmosphere creation in AMVs nowaday though , but for the others it really is tragic to see bunch of people who add a shitload of transitions / 3D texts which bring us eyes cancer & then they come & say " wow look i'm too pro rn " that's the real tragedy that came upon the community nowaday
Shakespeare did not exist, dude.
i know man, i'm like a shakespeare poem and you guys are 5 year-old kids. 5 year olds wouldn't see the genius of shakespeare's poems.
Nobody will praise you except yourself..
AMVs are ridiculous today because everyone only has three things in mind when making an amv "should i do a bunch of after effects 2d motion graphics with lots of camera pans? should i become lolligerjoj the sequel? or should i make a crossover amv?"
There's no more originality like there used to be, for example:
No Sympathy
Spike's Own Little World
I have already seen it. I need orgasm videos like "dead as history" or "It's Smoky Today".
Now I want to say something about amv nowadays:
I think these new AMVs are ridiculous, where is the atmosphere? They are so anonymous. People spend a lot of time to do stupid effects or create stories (ALL SAME STORIES) without focus on the editing.