Index > Original Animation, MMD, Sentimental > Hana No Saku Basho Print

Hana No Saku Basho

Author's comment: So the kind of "story" behind this is a sort of Miku x Len x Teto thing. Miku has feelings for Len but Len has feelings for Teto. It was based around that idea and also Corpse Party (which is a fantastic game series and I would RECOMMEND IT). I HAD A WHOLE STORY IN MY HEAD AND HAD TO CUT OUT A LOT OF IT BECAUSE IT COULDN'T FIT. UGH

Anime: Original 3D animation
Music: Asami Imai - Hana No Saku Basho

Hana No Saku Basho

Hana No Saku Basho

Hana No Saku Basho

Hana No Saku Basho

Hana No Saku Basho

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3.52 3.52 (95 votes)
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Author: (video created: 07.07.2015)
Submitted by: Minstrel 20.06.2016 at 12:23
3.52 3.52 (95 votes)
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Comments (4)
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jorelforever   User profile
  11.09.2016 22:50
looks like NTR character ..
Милослав   User profile
  07.07.2016 07:04
Такова типа волос я ещё не встречал.
В целом клип получился нормально.
4.5 из 5.0
Verdandy   User profile
  20.06.2016 15:10
Неплохо, но истории можно было бы и побольше, хотя это имхо.
NewOvermind   User profile  Video channel
  20.06.2016 14:33
Ммм трек из корпс пати) Вообще неплохо пошло для ммд, но парой хотелось бы больше обыгрыша трека, например на том же моменте 1:58-2:11.

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