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Kitsch 24.10.2016

Комментарий автора: 音乐:let the skyfall-Adele 电影使用:《告白》 《渴望》 部分素材来源于网络 2016Haru祭作品

Аниме: Various
Музыка: Adele - Skyfall


Комментарии: 13 |  Рейтинг: 3.483.48
Автор: oracionleo

The Atlas Syndrome 22.10.2016

Комментарий автора: As for "The Witchtrip" I will not say much about this new one; I always try to put a lot of personality in my videos, and i can describe "The Atlas Syndrome" like a strange amv for a strange period of my life.

Аниме: Ergo Proxy, Sakamichi no Apollon, Paprika, PlanetES
Музыка: Vessels - The Sky Was Pink

The Atlas Syndrome

Комментарии: 29 |  Рейтинг: 3.743.74
Автор: KazKon

Shelter 20.10.2016

Официальный клип на песню Shelter (исполняют Porter Robinson & Madeon).

Комментарий авторов: Shelter tells the story of Rin, a 17-year-old girl who lives her life inside of a futuristic simulation completely by herself in infinite, beautiful loneliness. Each day, Rin awakens in virtual reality and uses a tablet which controls the simulation to create a new, different, beautiful world for herself. Until one day, everything changes, and Rin comes to learn the true origins behind her life inside a simulation.

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter


Комментарии: 33 |  Рейтинг: 4.634.63
Автор: A-1 Pictures

Lullaby 13.10.2016

Комментарий авторов:  Heeey guys! Like every year we participated in an AMV contest for the AniNite - which is an Austrian anime convention! We had a few technical issues to deal with (Vegas was really terrible this time) and almost didn't make it in time - thank God we did finish it then! With this video, we wanted to express that even after a loved one's death, it is best to let go of your sadness and live on. That's exactly what the person who died would want you to do, to become happy again. Thus, it is perfectly okay to fall in love once more. We still cant believe we got 1st place and also the crowd pleaser price! Thank you so so much to the great audience at the Aninite! Also big thanks to everyone else who watches the AMV, we hope you like it! We also wanna thank all ppl who support us and believe in our editing skills! Again, thank you so much guys! -hugs. And we're always grateful for feedback!
note: this is an crossover and sadly not a real anime

Аниме: Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso, Kyoukai No Kanata, Naruto, Black Rock Shooter, Free!
Музыка: Nickelback - Lullaby
Награды: 1 место + выбор зрителей на Aninite 2016


Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 3.463.46
Автор: KanameXSisters

Grasp of hope 10.10.2016

Комментарий автора: This was my entry for AWA Pro 2016 after such a long time without editing... it was a struggle, not gonna lie! But I'm somehow quite happy with the result :)

Аниме: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
Музыка: Florence And The Machine - No Light, No Light

Grasp of hope

Комментарии: 12 |  Рейтинг: 3.593.59
Автор: siny

Otherside 28.09.2016

Комментарий автора: Hello there. Here it is! the AMV for Abunai Beyond the stars 2016! I've been working on this for months, the deadline was at 29th of July, i started with this project at 27th of March... First off i had to watch the ENTIRE Clannad Series, and i was in a hurry because i had to edit the AMV as well too, so i was watching around 8 episodes a day, so if you have already seen the anime itself, you know how much i might have cried of the misery and sadness in the anime D: After that, i started editing the entire AMV on the 3rd of May, and it was alot, of struggle, and fighting, and pushing on to the limit alot of AE composition works too XD But all the hard work paid off, and im really happy with that! my idea was to get in the top 3 this year, but instead i made a bump to the 1st place! which is really great! So after all the hard work, and going insane, i present to you: Otherside! I hope you'll enjoy the video, and if you were at the AMV Compo, you enjoyed the video! Thank you!

Аниме: Clannad, various
Музыка: Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise
Награды: Abunai! 2016 AMV contest 1st place


Комментарии: 19 |  Рейтинг: 3.773.77
Автор: Liquified

9909 24.09.2016

Комментарий автора: Haters will say it's random. xD
My aim was a Character Profile of Mumei and I think that's also what I ended up with. I really enjoyed the series, but I hated the antagonist - that's why I avoided him completely. Also, check out this Band - I'm glad I found this song. Special Thanks to iEmelien! You were a great help.

Аниме: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Музыка: Danger Silent - 9909


Комментарии: 12 |  Рейтинг: 3.273.27
Автор: Kiriforce

Girl's Army 14.09.2016

The author gives me a special version without watermark, he uploads this version to his personal U2B Channel and lets me upload it to AMVNEWS. It's an AMV for Bilibili Mad Contest, hope you guys enjoy it.

Аниме: Girls und Panzer
Музыка: The Glitch Mob - 7 Nation's Army (The White Stripes)

Girl's Army

Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 3.353.35
Автор: 言力华

Saving Grace 07.09.2016

Комментарий автора: ||❀封面作者@捺撒璐小夏 ||❀第二和最佳情感奖!谢谢&# 22823;家喜欢这个视频||❀作品的 021;心是想给夏目一个温暖的童 年,做了一个相互治愈的故 107;,至于基不基,我觉得不要 太在意这种问题233~自由理解就 好||❀谢谢制作过程中蔓越莓&# 22969;妹给的鼓励和修改意见

English: I want to give Natsume Takashi a warm childhood, so I make this AMV. Special thanks 蔓越莓 for giving me strenght and advice during I make this video.
Poster by :捺撒璐小夏. Hope you like it~ The making-of is in additional video file

Making-of video (~30 Mb)

Аниме: Natsume Yuujinchou, Hotarubi no Mori e, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Музыка: The Afters - Saving Grace
Награды: 2nd Place of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016, Best Sentimental of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016

Saving Grace

Комментарии: 26 |  Рейтинг: 3.853.85
Автор: 桥西

Horizon 07.09.2016

Sooooo, about the video... i just wanted to edit something with this song, which i'm listening from a long time and i simply love it. I instantly thought that The Wind Rises was a good choice for this type of music and at last, there it is. Just a simple video that try to explain a felling of a character and his love for what he do and what he will continue to do in spite of everything. Have a good day!

Аниме: Kaze Tachinu, Howl's Moving Castle, Gedo Senki, Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
Музыка: NeedToBreathe - Keep Your Eyes Open


Комментарии: 16 |  Рейтинг: 3.753.75
Автор: Cheis106

Kaikiphony 06.09.2016

Вот и завершилась героическая эпопея этого проекта. Финальная точка поставлена, и теперь я могу вздохнуть с облегчением, зная, что это чудище уже не будет поджидать меня под кроватью, пугая меня по ночам.

Идея клипа возникла много лет назад, при первом моем знакомстве с Циклом Историй. Еще тогда меня пленила визуальная составляющая этого произведения, а также очень запомнился и понравился персонаж Кайки Дейшу, который, собственно, и лег в основу этого клипа. Проект быстро строился и стремительно рушился много раз, чем каждый раз вгонял меня в тоску и глубокую печаль. И вот, только после длительного времени и мучительной работы, этот очередной долгострой наконец обрел свою окончательную форму.

Хочу поблагодарить Галю и Китти за их незаменимую поддержку на момент формирования проекта.

Отдельное огромное спасибо Kimihairu за его непрестанные пинки и заряд мотивации, которыми он меня неустанно снабжал во время наших "нечастых, но таких своеобразных посиделок в личке" (с).

А также спасибо Fury и всем ребятам из моей команды за хорошее настроение и сумасшедшие переговоры в дебрях скайпа.

На сим я удаляюсь, предоставляя вам возможность побыть с этим существом один на один. Благодарю за внимание и желаю приятного просмотра :)

Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari (Black), Monogatari Series: Second Season, Hanamonogatari, Tsukimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu
Музыка: Antonín Dvořák - Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" (Allegro con fuoco)
Награды: 12th place overall, 2nd place in Character Profile category and Best Use of Single Source award at BiliBili Mad Contest 2016


Комментарии: 31 |  Рейтинг: 3.653.65
Автор: Iren S.S.

Death Reincarnation 04.09.2016

The author announced in the comment that he has already deleted the project of this AMV and he doesn't have a non-watermark version. It is a pity that we can only watch the video with watermark.

Комментарий автора: bilibili mad大赛2016第一,啊啊啊啊真的很感谢各位喜欢,创作这部作品呢是想讲出一个生离死别的故事,嗯。其实啊我是想做出一个真正能让大家燃起来的作品,没想到大家都觉得很惊悚,很意外啊....然后2p加了一个修改对比,希望能帮到一些有兴趣制作mad的新人们,剩下的我在评论区里补充啦╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

English: It is a story about life and death. In fact, I wanted to make a video which could make your heart burn, unexpectedly, most of the viewers say it just like a thriller...The making of is in the additional video file, I hope this video may help some editors. Hope you guys enjoy this AMV~

Making of video ( ~ 12Mb)

Аниме: Various
Музыка: Jack Trammell - Lust for Power
Награды: 1st Place of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016, Best Drama of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016

Death Reincarnation

Комментарии: 32 |  Рейтинг: 4.124.12
Автор: 无意间

Into The Glass 28.08.2016

Boy meets Girl. His World becomes larger than himself. 
I really enjoyed making this one. Like with all my videos, I try to bring that cohesion with the music and source. Made a few mistakes but learnt a few things along the way. Due to the deadline of a few contests, I rushed out a version of this video which some might have already seen. It was about 80% complete but I think the important thing is to get the concept and story. Restrictions on the not being able to use more than 30secs of season 2 of the show also meant I had to be clever about how I wanted to conclude this.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Laura Doggett - Into The Glass

Into The Glass

Комментарии: 12 |  Рейтинг: 3.583.58
Автор: andrewbee

Ojo no Ansatsu 23.08.2016

DigiCyber (Novice): Well, regardless of how hard it was to make this clip i'm still pretty glad & satisfied with the progress that i made :) , working with Noor on this clip was an incredible experience for me since i learned a lot of things about how to make a clear story & to improve more with my editing itself , as improving more with the basics most of all as well as the technical part as well :) , i wish if i had a bit more time to fix couple of things but it was a great experience for me to do this with such an incredible pro as Noor :) , i hope ye'll enjoy & understand this clip regardless of some probs that i had ^^

Noormuda (Pro): Being a pro isn't as easy as I thought it would be haha. but I had a great experience teaching Digi how to execute his thoughts through editing and what he needs to achieve that. but starting with an editor that is still new to the editing world was quite a challenge I have to admit, but seeing how digi was when he first started his project and now after he finished it makes me proud because there was a huge difference how he used to edit months ago and how he edits now. Digi had the motivation to change and prove it to everyone and I think his final product is great. I do think he leveled up during this project and I believe he will keep on leveling up until he reaches what he wants.

Аниме: Akatsuki no Yona, Gintama, Sword of the Stranger, Akame Ga Kill, Nurarihyon no Mago, Mushishi, Fate Zero, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Sword Art Online, Ao no Exorcist, Kara no Kyoukai, Aldnoah Zero
Музыка: Broken Iris - A New Hope, Fanu - The Unseen

Ojo no Ansatsu

Комментарии: 31 |  Рейтинг: 3.583.58
Автор: DigiCyber

CYBER MAFIA 22.08.2016

Жанр: Киберпанк, Психодэлика, Драма, Фантастика, Нанопанк
События разворачиваются в 2113 году в Японии. Мир уже достиг больших продвижений в высоких технологиях и стремится полностью автоматизировать повседневные процессы. Верхушка богатых и влиятельных людей Японии - запускают новый проект полного подчинения общественности, который вскоре называют "Система Сивилла". Цель данной системы - это полный контроль и подчинение "избранным". Вам говорят - что делать, куда идти, за вас принимают важные решения, минимизируя тем самым вашу индивидуальность и свободу выбора. Коррумпированность чиновником в Японии 22века составляет более 90%, поэтому систему быстро узаконивают, а яро-несогласных просто устраняют. После закрепления власти Сивиллы, система переходит ко второму этапу - "Генетической модификации и полной кибернетизации человека".
Несколько известных хакеров: Сёго Макисима, Мотоко Кусанаги, Франсуаза Ри и Джо Самомура, взламывают частичный код Сивиллы, откуда узнают о целях нового правительства и грядущих опасностях, в следствии чего Макисима создает организацию хакеров под названием "Инквизиция" целью которой является уничтожение коррумпированной власти и самой системы Сивилла.

Картинка Making Of (~7.88 MB)

Аниме: [Original Animation], Psycho-Pass tv:1, Psycho-Pass tv:2, Koukaku Kidoutai Arise - Alternative Architecture , Kekkai Sensen, Re: Cyborg 009, Bakemono no Ko, Arise Pyrophoric Cult, Ghost in the Shell:2 Innocence, Gekijouban Psycho-Pass,Ghost in the Shell The New Movie,Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Beatrice-Raws Charlotte, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru, Psycho-Pass 2 - Creditless ED, Psycho-Pass 2 - Creditless OP, Under the Dog - Anime trailer, Bio Inc, Alzheimer's Enigma, Amgen Corporate Social Responsibility, Amgen Science, An Important Role for Angiopoietins, Broadcast Demo Reel , Cell Culture and Expansion, Discovery Science, Alien Planet Earths, Earth Zoom To The Milky Way Galaxy, Floating Along the Milky Way, Genome Editing with Crispr, ISS Symphony - Timelapse of Earth from International Space Station, Identification and Isolation of the Gene of Interest, Immunology in the Gut Mucosa, Influenza animation - flu virus mechanism, Kinesin, The Zero Theorem, Ekusu makina, A Scanner Darkly, Elysium,Halo: The Fall of Reach, Appleseed Alpha, Eye in the Sky, The Empire of Corpses,Eve no Jikan Gekijouban,Nightmare City 2035, Mardock Scramble Asshuku, Mechanisms and secrets of Alzheimer's disease- exploring the brain, Transcendence, Riddick, Nerve system - aniamtion samples,Nike Football Presents- Pro Genius Mental ,Dramatical Murder, New Horizons, Sclerostin, Andy Fielding - Retro SciFi Green, Blacklight- Retribution - Onslaught,Egoist - Namae No Nai Kaibutsu -Day Version, ctOS - Improving Chicago Through Innovation,Medical Animation - Showcase by Scientific Animations,Watch_Dogs - ctOS Threat Monitoring Report,Watch_Dogs - DedSec, Cyberpunk 2077, Deus Ex-15th Anniversary Animated, Oblivion, Deus Ex- Mankind Divided - Announcement, Digital Matrix Cyber Security Video, Hollowpoint, Plague Inc- Evolved, Remember Me, Mardock Scramble Asshuku, Casshern Sins, Texhnolyze, Lain - Serial Experiments, Mardock Scramble The Second Combustion, Codehunters, Blame, Baldr Force Exe Resolution, Zegapain, Pale Cocoon, Exaella, The Animatrix, Cyber Coil, Armitage 3: Poly-Matrix, hack//G.U. Trilogy, Hyper Future Vision: Gunnm, Blame! Prologue, Armitage 3, Ultraviolet: Code 044, Parasite Dolls, Robotic Angel, Death Parade, A.D.Police, Baton The Animation, Vexille - 2077 Nihon Sakoku, Short Peace Movie, Appleseed, Anarchy Online, Red Faction:Armageddon, Beneath a Steel Sky, FlashBack, Ajin Movie,Harmony, Genocidal Organ, Doomsday Book
Музыка: M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea, M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea ( Remk Remix ), M83 - My Tears Are Becoming A Sea (Remix ), более 200 звуковых эффектов


Комментарии: 35 |  Рейтинг: 3.803.80
Автор: MikiMiki

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