Index > Comedy (Fun)
A-GO! 02.03.2014

Клип победитель батла Skirmish & Slots #4: Democracy/Hypocrisy

Что сказать, по воле рерола, мне опять пришлось делать треш D А также для тех, кто не знаком с батлом - мв выпадает рандомно, и нынешним мв было DJ Hero - Just BlowKurokami. Клип чуток доделал после батла (оригинал и других участников, можно посмотреть по ссылке на батл, которая дана выше), ну и в сумме, получается, на него ушло 4 дня) В этот батл также пришлось вкинуться, чтобы сделать клип.
ЗЫ Помните: ни слова по-русски.
ЗЫЫ А также про батончик, сиськи и капусту )))

Аниме: Kurokami, Guilty Crown, NouCome, Call of Duty MW3, Dark Souls
Музыка: DJ Hero - Just Blow
Награды: 1 место на Skirmish & Slots #4: Democracy/Hypocrisy


Comments: 67 |  Rating: 3.933.93
Author: NewOvermind

Ru.Comix 3 01.03.2014

Долгострой номер 3. В проект попали миниатюры следующих авторов: JestoChan, Mortimus, Death_Kn1ght, Varlonec, IrenSS, Bill Ein, chili72r, NewOvermind, Masagami, Seturian, Mister_Colt, Carpetman, SiarMortal, Delphin, Azzzat, PhilonySSuikoden, Sorrow, PotaP, Hlebalolomator, Pocky, Nihai, Shafukato, res4ten, NarUAMV, Pustoy, VasSerMan7, cLereAt, RustedBird, zloper, Umika, Bjakua, ZEVS1993, Toriko и Shinaki.

В этот раз мы решили не повторять ошибок и надеяться, что титры будет кто-то смотреть, поэтому подготовили страничку с подробным таймингом по исходникам. Так что если у вас есть вопрос а "какая музыка" или "какое аниме"  на xx:xx, то вам сюда: список исходников Ru.Comix 3 в картинках.

Мы продолжаем собирать миниатюры для следующих выпусков. Отправить свою миниатюру или подать заявку на участие в составе жюри можно здесь: Чем больше будет активность тем скорее выйдет четвертая часть и не придется ждать очередные 3 года. )

Аниме: Mix (см. описание)
Музыка: Mix (см. описание)

Ru.Comix 3

Comments: 337 |  Rating: 4.224.22
Author: AMVNews Team

Needs 27.02.2014

Riddy (richardbfv) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): So I had the idea to do a Sims theme AMV for years, but I didn't had the skills and wasn't motivated so I found the best pro I could have asked for: Jazzy, who suggested me to join Level Up with her and she gave me all the support to do it. I had to hurry a bit with it and it doesn't look how I wanted, but I guess it came out okay. If you haven't played Sims maybe it won't be that fun but I hope everyone enjoys it and maybe get motivated to play Sims?
* Special thanks to ReplayStudios

Jazzy (JazzsVids): When Riddy first presented his idea to me for Level Up I was suuuper excited about it because I'm a huge fan of this game (The Sims). Riddy was already a very capable editor, so I didn't have to assist him too much, but I tried to help in any way that I could. As my friend, of course I enjoyed working with him hahaha :D I do think we ran out of time a bit towards the end, but overall I'm very pleased with his entry.

Аниме: Binbougami ga!
Музыка: Breathe Electric - One In A Million


Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.983.98
Author: richardbfv

R-EVI US 24.02.2014

Клип участник батла Skirmish & Slots #2: Jackpot or Fail

Решил сейчас залить его) Напомню, для тех кто не знаком с батлом - мв выдается рандомно и клип нужно сделать за неделю или чуть больше. Виновниками данного мв являются: Карп со своими Дигимонами и Люц со своим Гарлем Шейком. Клип запилил за два дня, 30 сек в первый, и оставшееся в последний, не спав, c силами собирался) По сюжету, думаю все понятно - гг спасает мир с бакоантивирусом от вируса D

Аниме: Digimon Savers, Soul Eater, Code Geass, Kakumeiki Valvrave
Музыка: Baauer – Harlem Shake (Loki Remix)
Награды: Второе место на Skirmish & Slots #2: Jackpot or Fail


Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.413.41
Author: NewOvermind

Female Titan 21.02.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Referencing Pacific Rim and Shingeki no Kyoujin, I tried to create an alternate EVA story where Shinji has to face something much more terrifying than angels. I mean she eats people AND pokes your eyes out. It started as a joke, so there was never any intention to make this the ultimate crossover, though I tried to get the most out of what I had. The first 20 or so seconds were mostly animated in AE (using Element 3D) and took more than a month, or 80% of the production time.

Аниме: Evanglion: 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone, Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Vividred Operation
Музыка: TNGHT - Higher Ground (Lets Be Friends Re-Amp)

Female Titan

Comments: 33 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Kvakond

Free Willies 15.02.2014

Pro: l33tmeatwad
: Amaterasu (Предыдущие работы / Previous works)

This project was basically the result of a conversation that turned into a Level Up project. It evolved a lot over time, basically starting out as an entirely different video than what it ended up being.

Аниме: Free!, Princess Jellyfish, Boku no Pico, Ouran High School Host Club, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Музыка: The Lonely Island - No Homo

Free Willies

Comments: 36 |  Rating: 3.813.81
Author: Amaterasu

Hooked 01.02.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Ok I guess I'll briefly explain the concept/plot/story of our AMV:
So we have 3 characters: Usui (the boy), Shizuku (the brunette girl) and Sena (the blonde girl). The story starts with Usui, who's quite popular at school among the girls, till he runs into a girl, Shizuku, who pays him no attention at all. This sparks his curiosity for Shizuku and he develops a crush on her. He pursues her only to be rejected by her later. After feeling the sting of rejection, Usui becomes somewhat spiteful towards Shizuku. He soon meets another girl, Sena, who is very outgoing. Getting over his previous rejection, he develops a more lustful crush on Sena. In the end, to Usui’s surprise, he finds out that the girls have another secret. ~

Аниме: Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Музыка: Royal Republic - Addictive
Награды: Лучший фан на Akross Con 2013


Comments: 44 |  Rating: 4.254.25
Author: JazzsVids, AmvLuna

One Other Way 28.01.2014

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013

Комментарий автора: Finally finished it! It took me over half a year...not because it was so much work but because I became fuckin lazy when it comes to amvs. Some information about the video: It is about boys who have a crazy and kinda creepy side. And it shows that every one of them has his own way to make the girl falling in love with him. Their crazy side might be scary first but can also become loveable :3I know that some of you might complain about the song. I'm so sorry!!! But the song was perfect for doing that kind of video because it also sounds kinda....crazy... and creepy... ;)
Special thanks to Cenit and pic4arts for beta testing!

Аниме: Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Музыка: One Direction - One Way

One Other Way

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.673.67
Author: JadeCharm

Suck at Love 25.01.2014

This is a old video made for the birthday of StratosRvS. Toradora is enough static as anime therefore I looked for scenes with nice movements of camera of all episodes. The video is made in a week and I used only Sony Vegas pro 8.

Аниме: Toradora!
Музыка: Simple Plan - You suck at love

Suck at Love

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.803.80
Author: Okami

Ninety Nine (Problems) 23.01.2014

Комментарий автора: I've got ninety nine problems, but this video ain't one!

Аниме: Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai (1-2)
Музыка: Hugo - 99 Problems

Ninety Nine (Problems)

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.733.73
Author: James Blond

Ninja Re Bang Bang Monogatari 16.01.2014

Клип от автора из Японии. Работа была дисквалифицирована с конкурса AKROSS Con 2013, видимо за то, что реальная премьера клипа состоялась ещё в сентябре 2013 года.

Аниме: Nekomonogatari, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogotari Series: 2nd Season
Музыка: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Ninja Re Bang Bang

Ninja Re Bang Bang Monogatari

Comments: 74 |  Rating: 4.454.45
Author: ふぉー_

The Battle of 2000: Takoyaki Wars 11.01.2014

Комментарий автора: This is the lost recording of the Battle of 2000 where two brave souls risked their lives against a giant flavored octopus and each other. Who will win?

Аниме: Cardcaptor Sakura, Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card (2nd Movie)
Музыка: Pomplamoose - Angry Birds Theme

The Battle of 2000: Takoyaki Wars

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.973.97
Author: pacotacoshell

Ishvalan Eviction Notice 31.12.2013

Клип делался для проекта Disney MEP (масштабный MEP продолжительностью больше часа, в котором каждый фрагмент представляет собой полноценный клип на песню или мелодию из диснеевского мультфильма).

Выдержка из комментария автора (перевод): Я посмотрел "Ральфа-разрушителя" и он тут же стал моим любимым мультиком №1, я был готов делать клипы на все треки из саундтрека. Тут наступил Disney MEP 4, я взял три песни из мультфильма, но сделал в итоге клип только по одной. Прости, Hamstar! 
Изначально мне хотелось, чтобы Шизу из Durarara!! сыграл Ральфа, а Эдвард - Мастера Феликса. Но когда первые попытки это сделать провалились, я понял, что в "Стальном алхимике" вообще-то есть свой разрушитель, который во многом похож на беднягу Ральфа. Тут идеи просто повалили, и я помчался искать нужные кадры в обоих сезонах FMA...

Сравнение Before & After

Аниме: Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie - Conqueror Of Shambala, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV)
Музыка: Buckner & Garcia - Wreck-It, Wreck-It Ralph

Ishvalan Eviction Notice

Comments: 38 |  Rating: 4.254.25
Author: Hagaren Viper

Bad Dog 22.12.2013

Back in March I promised to make this video for MentalTsui. I guess you have heard about him in the past and if you haven't I recommend you to check his videos. When we were in the Nero Team, he showed me this song. By that time I was starting to watch the Zero no Tsukaima saga, so when listening to this song and comparing the images with the lyrics, I had this match. Although I started to work in this video by that time, I wasn't able to finish it due work and the AKROSS Con video. By October that was the last time I worked in the beta... until now. By that time, I was done watching second, third and fourth season. Still watching the first season, so that's the reason you'll notice there's no scenes from that season. I guess it has became a tradition to bring a new video by Christmas time starting since Concordia back in 2011. This 2013's time with a Fun video, although it's not my usual style to edit to Fun. This is also a preview to a future video I'm planning to make.
Special Thanks to MentalTsui, madaraxD, AnthyAMV and VovanKoperativ for the advice here

Аниме: Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi, Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo, Zero no Tsukaima Final, Asobi ni Iku Yo!, Maken-Ki!, Omamori Himari, Kampfer
Музыка: Neon Hitch - Bad Dog

Bad Dog

Comments: 41 |  Rating: 3.873.87
Author: TritioAFB

Internet Friend 13.12.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2013 

Комментарий автора: Hi there. Always wanted to create a short AMV with this song. I've tried as much as possible to reflect the meaning of the song in the video and to pay more attention to the story and atmosphere. As a result, sync suffered. Story came out pretty clear and epic, so i hope it won't be hard to understand it :)

Special thanks to RespectTM

Аниме: Steins;Gate
Музыка: Knife Party - Internet Friends

Internet Friend

Comments: 43 |  Rating: 3.683.68
Author: Shurpik

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