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Gloomy Sunday Szomorú Vasárnap 07.05.2019

The plot of the AMV is mainly about Homura (the black haired girl) who suffers from feeling guilty for what she did to Madoka (pink haired girl), and so she decides to kill herself. Above her grave the ghost of Madoka apprears to take Homura to Heavens with her. From here... Understanding the plot is opt ot you!

About the song: The band has an English version of the song, but of course not with these exact words so it wouldn't be the same with that, and because of that I kept it with the Hungarian one. There are plenty of lyrics syncs in it, and as a solution, I created an English lyrics here, and at Youtube by myself, which gives back the exact words.
I'm honestly hoping that despite the hungarian music, you still going to find it enjoyable, and understand what I want to communicate with it.

Аниме: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Музыка: Leander - Szomorú Vasárnap
Награды: 2nd place on 2019 MondoCon Winter Gala

Gloomy Sunday  Szomorú Vasárnap

Комментарии: 5 |  Рейтинг: 3.543.54
Автор: Deliyah

ASMV - The Deadly Sins - Nanatsu no Taizai [Chapter I] 05.05.2019

This was a new experience for me and I am really glad to take part in the Big Contest.
I really enjoyed to work on this ASMV because I already had the idea in my mind before and I started to work on it and really enjoy what I did , I hope you guys will enjoy it too, give me your opinions about it.;)

Аниме: Nanatsu no Taizai
Музыка: GAHD Music - Savage

ASMV - The Deadly Sins - Nanatsu no Taizai [Chapter I]

Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 2.432.43
Автор: WiNN Studios

DreamFall 03.05.2019

I finally finished the works before the deadline.
Although I deleted a lot of the desired results for this purpose.
The general framework is like this.
What I want to describe is such a story, dreamfall in the winter.
Next, I will perfect my work.
Thank you all, if you can have a few comments and suggestions, it would be best.(xD
I use Google Translate to convert the description from Chinese to Chinese, thanks to Google Translate. xD

Аниме: 5 cm per second, Owarimonogatari, Your Name, March Comes in Like a Lion, Sarazanmai, Boku dake hainai no machi
Музыка: Sia - California Dreamin'


Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.323.32
Автор: Loops

Succubus 01.05.2019

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil...." well, with temptation and the evil I mean the female being that God gave us men ... and you maybe know what Eve did ... bringing Adam to ruin ... and even today men often let women turn their heads.

Backstory of my concept(song and Anime): about few month ago I started with a complete different project but I got a blockade, so I dropped it ... and then for a long time I heard "this song" again! and although I can not speak French, I still knew what the song wanted to tell you. The sound and the vocals are so smooth and so oddly soothing and like the whole body has a sort of sexual excitement. And why this anime? For me it was immediately clear that only Monogatari fits well, ...especially Senjougahara fits perfect as the main character, cuz her stoical kind and her clothing fits so good for this song... just which one exactly? well, I didn´t want Kizu and a mix of the seasons(too hyped) ... so BACK TO THE ROOTS! It was for me only Bakemonogatari in question ^^ And I already had a basic concept for a long time.

why the title "succubus"?
A succubus is a female, especially beautiful and lustful demon, who seeks a man to be sexually with him .... and here are 4 of them for Araragi, who will win? ^^
Have fun ; )

Аниме: Bakemonogatari
Музыка: Vendredi sur mer - Ecoute cherie


Комментарии: 57 |  Рейтинг: 3.893.89
Автор: miso

Existence 30.04.2019

hello, I really like neverland and thought this song fits very well.
I am not a big fan of many masks as most new amv unfortunately already have.
I think it's always nice to do an AMV with only 1 anime because I find this challenge more difficult than getting the best scenes out of 10 anime.

I write this in, because I do not know what else to write xD

Hope you like it

Аниме: Neverland
Музыка: Ruelle - Game of Survival


Комментарии: 47 |  Рейтинг: 3.223.22
Автор: HonyxOtaku1

Rain 30.04.2019

Всем привет, решил сделать AMV на аниме "Сад изящных слов" / (Kotonoha no Niwa). В качестве музыки использован музыкальный трек "Макsим - Дождь". AMV основанное на сюжетной арке и фактически является трибьютом.

Аниме: The Garden of Words
Музыка: Макsим - Дождь


Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.262.26
Автор: Strannick610

Last day of memory 28.04.2019

Всем доброго времени суток. На вашу оценку, моя первая работа в таком жанре видео. Что то удалось предать, что то нет, не судите строго. Жду качественную обратную связь от вас.
И хорошего вам просмотра!

Аниме: Любимый во Франксе Darling in the FranXX
Музыка: Paris Blohm feat. Elle Vee - Into Dust

Last day of memory

Комментарии: 11 |  Рейтинг: 2.142.14
Автор: Reale

How Brain Tumors Affect the Mind, Emotion and Personality AMV 26.04.2019


Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Музыка: Yakui The Maid - L22

How Brain Tumors Affect the Mind, Emotion and Personality AMV

Комментарии: 46 |  Рейтинг: 2.392.39
Автор: reice

2028 23.04.2019

Greetings everyone :) This is my entry for the big contest 2019 the story is fictional and does not express any religious affiliation, i got the idea from some articles talked about asteroid 1997XF11 who will pass close to the earth in 2028 as they said, then i wrote a story and this video is the first part of it. Inspiration resources:

Картинка Making Of (~3.0 MB)

Аниме: Your name, Psycho pass, Flavours of youth, The gardien of the words, 5 cm per second, Wolf children, The place promised in our early days, Cross road, Violet evergarden, A silent voice, Napping princess, Hyouka, When the promised flower blooms, Harmony, Inuyashiki, Terror in resonance, A fairy tale of the two, Weathering with you, One punch man, Made space brothers, Original animation
Музыка: Hans Zimmer - Mountains


Комментарии: 67 |  Рейтинг: 4.134.13
Автор: ZarakiJA

« MIRAGE » 22.04.2019

"I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man." - The Butterfly as Companion: Meditations.

Manga and anime with reincarnation theme has been an obsession of mine since the last few years. One day I thought why not create an AMV with this theme, and voila, here we are. So, this is my fantasy comes true, and I am glad that I make it on time for big contest!

Thanks for watching.ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚

Картинка Making Of (~3.16 MB)

Аниме: Manaria Friends, Zombieland Saga, Amagi Brilliant Park, Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works, Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Mahou Tsukai no Yome, Majo no Takkyuubin, Gunslinger Stratos, Isekai Shokudou, Tonari no Totoro, Kabukimonogatari, Akagami no Shirayukihime, Original Animation
Музыка: Halou - Night Divides The Girls, Johann Pachelbel - Canon in D (Violin, Cello & Harp)


Комментарии: 28 |  Рейтинг: 3.743.74
Автор: MapleMAD

Drowning 21.04.2019

The story is about a series of fantasies that occur when a girl drowns. It's my first time to take part in Big Contest. I don't have experience but I try my best to make this video. Hope you will enjoy this video.

Аниме: Zankyou no Terror
Музыка: G.E.M.邓紫棋 - 那一夜


Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 3.103.10
Автор: Kouha

Weaving Wounds 17.04.2019

My motivation behind the video:

This video is really personal because of the themes involved in it. I won't go too into detail with its meaning since I did make it with the intention of making the interpretation flexible. I essentially wanted to make a video about mental health and dealing with mental health issues in a way that is not self-destructive. I often see people either belittling mental health problems or glorifying them, and I wanted to make a video that avoided stretching into either territory. Mental health issues should not be shamed, but they are still issues that should be at least managed in as healthy of a way as possible. I was inspired to approach the subject this way due to my own ongoing journey with my mental health problems, and while I definitely still have a long way to go, I have certainly come a long way too.

The process of making the video:

Oh boy, so this video has been on a journey. I originally started this general concept right after the first season finished with a different song. I knew I'd have better footage if I waited for the second, so I did. Unfortunately, the first song I tried didn't work out, and there were several different song combinations with this anime I attempted afterword for about a year and a half before I settled on this one in early December. Since then, I have reworked the video 4 different times before settling on the direction I ended up taking with it.

Аниме: 3-gatsu no Lion
Музыка: Icon for Hire - Under the Knife (Accoustic)

Weaving Wounds

Комментарии: 34 |  Рейтинг: 4.074.07
Автор: Xophilarus

SHades of void 15.04.2019

Всем добра. Снова космос-стайл в готическом-греческом от меня))) Итак... начну, пожалуй все по порядку.
- Данное ММВ создавалось на протяжении 8-9 месяцев в Sony Vegas, кроме двух фреймов в конце (не дружу с АЕ). Работа началась задолго до моего клипа "Sky Garden" (это был мой "экспериментальный" клип, так как он с похожей концепцией. Его я кинула на растерзание ради этой работы). В данную конкурсную работу я вложила все свои эмоции, делала с душой. Давно планировала сделать нечто атмосферное и необычное. И тут подвернулась к прочтению манга "Холст забвения". Обожаю ее) Аниме по ней существует, но, по непонятной мне причине, на адаптацию продолжения истории надеяться не приходиться. А жаль. Аниме "The Lost Canvas" остановилось только на 1/3 повествования всего сюжета манги. Да и адаптация мне не особо понравилась, хотя там и рисовка хороша, но нет той атмосферы, которая есть в манге.
- О манге. Исходник "Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas". Манга - произведение черно-белое, так что всем любителям цветастого - это не сюда) да и в цвете смысла не было, так как основные цвета в этой истории это черный и белый. Покрасить решено было акцентами некоторые элементы (выбор пал на синий, красный и лиловый). Большое внимание, особенно ближе к середине, уделено пейзажам. Многие фреймы нарисованы мною с нуля, так как подходящих просто не нашлось, ну и соответственно убрала все звуковые вставки из манги (они обычно на пол листа)))
- За "центр" истории клипа я взяла героя Алона (он же Аид). Вся сюжетная линия у меня построена на его мировозрении и жизненном пути. Другие персонажи присутствующие тут, так или иначе повлияли него, это Пандора и 2 друга детства (Тенма и Саша).
- Теперь про музыку. Epica – шикарная и любимая мною группа, думаю вы уже поняли из прошлых работ, что я люблю симфо металл) эта песня подходит, как по мне, идеально к данной истории. Смотрите с сабами) каждый кадр подобран под текст песни, так что слова со смыслом, а не просто атмосферу задают)
Посмотрите мейкинг. Сравните фреймы, там такая красота и эпичность на страничках (мангака постарался на славу) и да, рисовка манги божественна, в прямом смысле этого слова).
- Клип вышел снова пафосным, что ли) но под такой исходник иначе быть и не может). Мейкинг сделала в 2х вариантах: картинкой для удобства и видео (кому не лень потратить 4 минуты)
На этом, наверно закончу. И так разошлась с описанием) Приятного всем просмотра.

Картинка Making Of (~6.49 MB)
Видео Making Of (~87 MB)

Аниме: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas (manga)
Музыка: Epica - Blank infinity, Paul Romero/Rob King - Haven town

SHades of woid

Комментарии: 71 |  Рейтинг: 3.903.90
Автор: Ellafaessa

Sisters' fight for the throne 15.04.2019

I've tried to create an original story, a stage play:
After the King's death his daughters mourn for him. Then a young man appears, who mesmerizes one of the sisters. The young man 'persuades' the blonde girl, to turn against her blood to pit sister against sister.
What will happen?

Картинка Making Of (~0.41 MB)

Аниме: Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal, Gate - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri, Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3
Музыка: Ruelle - Game of Survival

Sisters' fight for the throne

Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 3.283.28
Автор: Nuke

Dream the impossible 13.04.2019

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Комментарий автора: Soooooooo I tried something a bit different lol. Did you guys want another 4 min Gurren Lagann amv? No? Oh well I did.

Аниме: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Музыка: Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams - A Million Dreams, Michelle Williams  - Tightrope
Награды: VCA 2019 - Best Storytelling, Momocon 2018 - Best Sentimental, Director's Choice, Animazement 2018 - Best Drama AMV, Nan Desu Kan 2018 - Best Drama AMV, Kuronekocon 2018 - Best in Show, Anime NYC 2018 - Best in Show and Audience Fav 2018

Dream the impossible

Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 4.104.10
Автор: BecauseImBored1

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