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Реклама All music videos on the website are created by enthusiasts (anime and music fans) for other enthusiasts and are not affiliated with musical artists or anime companies in any way. You can use site materials in case you provide the appropriate active hyperlink to the source. |
37.5/50 - эффорт.
17.5/50 - как мне понравился клип. (В итоге 55/100)
Ну не нравиться мне этот клип, но очень много работ проделано. Автору удачи в будущем, он талантливый парень.
First of all: thx :D
2nd: Well I can't really help you with that. I can assure you that there is a reason for everything in this video and I think you can very well make it out if you watch it focused. But as always I think everyone should have the chances to get his own experience and ideas from what they see :)
overall, very interesting
А так клип конечно технично выполнен.
But I should acknowledge that you did considerable amount of effort, it always should be taken into account, GL in rankings. Will look forward to see something emotional like you did before.
If you have 100% freedom to do/edit anything that you like, it's very, very hard to find the right path. To find the only way this kind of concept/art style is realy looking great.