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Flap My Jack

Клип-участник третьего раунда конкурса Project OrgEditor 2020. В этом раунде участникам нужно было сделать клип, посвящённый какому-нибудь празднику, и это клип про День блинчиков (Pancake Day).

Author's comment: "I like Pancakes" - Brandon Mull
Here is my second entry for the Project Org Editor contest. The prompt was to go with a season, holiday, or special time of the year. I chose the holiday "Pancake Day". Which yes, is a real thing. It's also known as Shrove Tuesday, but Pancake Day is just a lot more fun sounding. I don't do comedy/random videos often, so it's usually pretty entertaining for me when I do.

The inspiration and idea for this video came from this lovely improve scene. It also became the title as homage. Lol

I was only able to create this video with the help of a very useful tumblr page. It gave me examples of the food scenes I needed, but also what series and episode the shot was from. That's a godsend for trying to find things like this. I never would have been able to find all of these pancake shots otherwise...Also this is one of the few videos where the majority of the scenes I used I haven't even seen the series. My favorite is still the grenade pancake. I have no idea what that was about..Anime sure can be strange at times. Also discovered what appeared to be a spider scaring a bunch of girls scene. I don't know why that isn't a more common scenario in slice of life/comedy series...

On a final note, after making this video, I really want pancakes. Anime food can look so appetizing at times.


Anime: Eureka Seven Ao, Darling in the Franxx, Aikatsu, Atelier Escha & Logy, Yuru Yuri, Luck &Logic, Amnesia, Kaguya-sama, Wake Up, Girls!, Upotte!!, Charlotte, Flying Witch, Shirokuma Cafe, Kimi no Na Wa, Koe no Katachi, ReZero, Kyoukai no Kanata, Black Rock Shooter, Cardcaptor Sakura, Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card, Ao no Exorcist, Alice to Zouroku, Kakushigoto, Flip Flappers, Happiness Charge Precure!, Is the Order a Rabbit, Little Busters! Refrain, Parasyte the Maxim, Tamayura Hitotose, Soul Eater, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Yuri on Ice
Music: Parry Gripp - Pancake Rocking

Flap My Jack

Flap My Jack

Flap My Jack

Flap My Jack

Flap My Jack

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Author: (video created: 29.10.2020)
Submitted by: EsperOtter 21.11.2020 at 14:53
3.67 3.67 (57 votes)
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Comments (6)
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Yonakano   User profile
  13.02.2022 22:09
Еда - это такая тема, которая никого не оставит равнодушным))
iris-am   User profile
  06.10.2021 18:47
Блинчики (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
mic   User profile
  10.01.2021 18:37
Совсем неплохо и видео ряд отличный, но субъективно не интересно.

Хотя со второго разу зашло и даже очень.
Darksss 73   User profile
  22.11.2020 00:18
Иногда надо - что-б такое выходило = а то всё экшен да мясо.
Risen404   User profile  Video channel
  21.11.2020 15:19
Забавная работа
олух царя небесного   User profile
  21.11.2020 15:05
Когда возникает необходимость пристроить парочку перезревших бананов, смело замешивайте тесто для бананокейков - со сгущёным молоком просто объедение

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