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Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

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Author's comment: Here's the second opening of my mini Star Wars anime OP project. This time for Empire Strikes Back! Each of these OP's I wanna give a different kind of a feel that really captures the themes of the films but with the whole anime OP symbolism and sakuga and all that jazz. This one is from Sword Art Online II. Hopefully I did it justice! Enjoy

Anime: Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures
Music: Eir Aoi - Ignite

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

Star Wars - Anime Opening 2 (Empire Strikes Back Arc)

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Author: (video created: 06.08.2019)
Submitted by: EsperOtter 21.09.2019 at 22:05
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Ruslan Feniksov   User profile
  29.09.2019 17:41
Гспд! Швыряю деньги в монитор, а полнометражка все не выходит!
DartSitis   User profile
  23.09.2019 10:50
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Господи, дайте ему денег - пусть снимет полнометражку!
Goliard   User profile
  22.09.2019 01:35
Класс) На Возвращении джедая ( даже мурашки пробежали.

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