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Never Give Up

Комментарий авторов: Hi all! This is my new little mep hosted by me in may ! Actually it must be a fast mep (deadline was just a one week), but shit happens xD
Actually it was a mep with people that i didn't know (except Daryu, Agito & Vanitas)! I'm just took random people from youtube and try to host mep!
It wasn't easy, most of us have fails in parts but in the end i'm glad that it's come out pretty good overall !
I'm wanna say thanks to people who participate in it (special thanks for Hadez, who re-edit his part with other anime, al for active and good part with alt story (i guess xD),
Daryu for help with replacement one guys who drop his part, Jozt with re-edit his part with other anime and Vanitas who fix almost everything like other guys ),
it was a really nice challenge for me, i enjoyed to work with this people ! Well, maybe in future i will do this again, who know, so yeah, i hope you like this mep, see ya = )

Anime: One Piece, SAO, Nanatsu No Taizai, HunterxHunter, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Boku no Hero
Music: Trust Company - Close Your Eyes (Til It's Over)

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

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Author: (video created: 26.07.2019)
Submitted by: portland 17.08.2019 at 10:48
3.53 3.53 (86 votes)
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Axiles   User profile
  24.09.2019 19:52
КАК ЖЕ КРУТО - 5. Давно не видел добротного екшена
Encruzio   User profile  Video channel
  04.09.2019 19:51
Ой ой ой как же хорошо зашло по сути. чувство темпа музыки у авторов на хорошем уровне. Честно признаюсь видел много экшн клипов. Но этот прям впечатлил. Особо мозг напрягать не надо . Джас энджой. Спасибки. Удачи авторам.
Fobos   User profile
  17.08.2019 13:27
LOL, thanks for share

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