
Exam videos
New videos Deadly Memories Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Sometimes memories kill... The AMV follows in part the storyline, with my modification at the end, of the anime "Dusk Maiden of Amnesia", a boy meets a spirit of a mysterious girl and ...

Author: Kyros
Anime: Dusk Maiden of Amnesia , High School of the Dead , Shiki , Kara no Kyoukai
Music: ††† (Crosses) - Bitches Brew

Deadly Memories


New videos Rυn Bаby Rυn Monday, 24 August 2015

Author's comment: My video for Оtakon 2015 that didnt make it past screening. I've pretty much given up on improving this so I'm gonna upload it and move on to a new project idea. Inspired by siseoul's Runaway Bunny vid

Author: Phlashbak
Anime: The World God Only Knows, The World God Only Knows III, World God Only Knows II
Music: Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby

Rυn Bаby Rυn


New videos Skull Curse Monday, 24 August 2015

Всем привет! Это наша работа для конкурса Eden Team IC STYLIZE 7th. Решили запилить что-то типо хорора, но подходящей музыки было мало, и мы остановились на этой песне. В целом работой доволен, но в некоторых моментах могли сделать и получше. Приятного просмотра.
Part 1 - SeJuaniAMV
Part 2 - xHAZAMx
Part 3 - L33TAMV
Part 4 - Vipper
Part 5 - ElevenPlayer
Part 6 - zhulkatala

Author: Sejuani, xHAZAMx, L33TAMV, Vipper, ElevenPlayer, zhulkatala
Anime: Another, Harmonie, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Mirai Nikki, Shinsekai yori, Aoi Bungaku series
Music: Sarah Jaffe - Hooray For Love

Skull Curse


New videos Sword of Death Saturday, 22 August 2015

Йо. Уже давно ничего не делал, вот решил поучаствовать в местном буржуевском айси. Сначала хотел попробовать сделать фан, но не нашел песен по душе, но зато приметил одну песенку для экшена, так что решил попробовать, и вроде бы получилось сделать что-то более-менее хорошее по одному из своих любимых аниме. Решил взять новую ову, так как нарезать серии уже времени не было, но, тем не менее, надеюсь, что вам понравится. Приятного просмотра!

Author: Fobos
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin
Music: Shiro Sagisu - Lucifers Dance (Rayden Remix)

Sword of Death


New videos Mind is T(H)orn Friday, 21 August 2015

This is my entry for Stylize 7th Impact IC hosted by Eden Team. While I couldn't find motivation to make a more creative piece, I thought that this song might do a good job at introducing this anime in a good way to the public. The storyline is pretty vague here so I do not blame anyone for being confused, but I would recommend watching King of Thorn if you want answers.
I sincerely hope you have a good time watching, and I look forward to your valuable feedback.

Author: Changelling
Anime: King of Thorn
Music: Starset - It has begun

Mind is T(H)orn


New videos She Loves That Rock And Roll Thursday, 20 August 2015

Просто веселое фановое видео...вроде кейон...тортики...гита...ну все...но трек...когда Юи поет...><
P.S.И трек шикарен, конечно же

Author's comment: Basically this video's an upbeat character profile of Yui from K-ON!; but with a focus on musicianship and not slice-of-life moe. The idea came to me while I was listening to the Best Of album for Electric Light Orchestra at work. It just clicked in my head that the girl in the lyrics was a dead ringer for Yui. Cut to eight months later when I actually got around to editing this and here we are.

Author: Drewaconclusion
Anime: K-on!
Music: Electric Light Orchestra - Rock And Roll Is King

She Loves That Rock And Roll


New videos Dreamers Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Комментарий авторов: Special for Viral Team's Inferno Zero #2 IC. Dedicated to our member Drew who has his birthday some days ago!

Author: [madaraXD], gabberMD, AlchemistEskimo, Slimed, KuroRukio, Sunlight
Anime: Death Billiards (OVA,) Death Parade, Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q, Mardock Scramble,  Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.22 - You Can [Not] Advance, Steins;Gate,  Zankyou No Terror
Music: Broken Iris - Where Butterflies Never Die



New videos Doki ♥ Doki Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Author's comment: Little girls, big splosions (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑. Life has been all kinds of crap to me lately so I went ahead and made myself an early birthday present (I’m gonna be 24 you guys, 24! Unreal). Just something colorful and fun. I’ve been wanting to do this combination for quite some time now anyway. Lots of transformation and magic sequences, because I can. Dedicated to Ileia cause she also loves pink and edited with pretty cure that one time.

Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Splash Star Pretty Cure, Yes! Pretty Cure 5, Fresh Pretty Cure, Heartcatch Pretty Cure, Suite Pretty Cure, Smile Pretty Cure, Doki Doki Pretty Cure, Happiness Charge Pretty Cure
Music: BABYMETAL - Doki Doki Morning, BABYMETAL - Line!

Doki ♥ Doki


New videos Do It Sunday, 16 August 2015

My Entry for Rogue Speed IC hosted by r3act Team Sessions. I know you guys love long and nice descriptions so how it started its been like ages since i did anything so i was like you know why not to try and do something and then R3act team was hosting an ic so i was why not? so after checking the song pack i liked about two songs and one of them was great to do like a army theme edit or more like police type with terorrists and things around it. maybe someday ill do it and not for an ic but since i cant edit anymore with a serious theme i decided to go with what you see here and submit it to the Psychedelic/Horror Category cuz why not also the song was from that category so i wanted to keep it straight. Small Things Count : MLG, Iluminati, Kamina, Pedo Bear. So Just Do It!

Author: L33tamv
Anime: Tonari Seki Kun, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka, Tokyo Ghoul
Music: Aero Chord - Saiko

Do It


New videos Libra squad Saturday, 15 August 2015

Трейлер на Kekkai Sensen (Blood Blockade Battlefront). Команда Libra собрана для того, чтоб уничтожать всякую сверхъестественную хрень, бла, бла, бла и тому подобное. В общем, вот и всё.

Author: Darksss 73
Anime: Kekkai Sensen
Music: Suicide squad - Trailer

Libra squad.


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