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Perfect you are (P.Y.A)

Saturday, 07 November 2009

Один из лучших клипов на "Девочку, покорившую время". "Цепляет" всех без исключения, даже людей - далеких от аниме. Очень техничная, трогательная и стильная работа. Клип замыкал первую пятерку финалистов Japan Expo 2009.

Author's comment: Ok, so I make this clip in two month. Music: I really love this song, Halou is my favorit artist, an athmosphere drama and speace. Anime: Yes, Girl Who Leapt Through Time is very beautiful, I wanted change the concept of the anime, the film effect, and the black and white it's for that. I hope you like it =)

Author: vann-sasuke
Anime: Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The (Movie)
Music: Halou - Honeythief
Awards: 5 место на Japan Expo 2009

Perfect you are (P.Y.A)


Author: Turbo Views: 273 times
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