Index > Action
Recollections 29.05.2018

Приветы. У меня тут для вас очередной клип без смысла, сюжета и моих глубочайших переживаний (как вы это любите).
Я немного немного экспериментировал с двойной экспозицией, хотелось чего-то оригинального и немного больше, чем сделать просто нарезку с красивыми сценами и "вау" эффектами. Возможно у меня даже получилось местами, вам решать.
Инжой наверное...

Аниме: Kizumonogatari
Музыка: Archive - Bullets


Comments: 29 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: RadicalDreamer

SM*SH 28.05.2018

2 место в категории Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef 14: #MAYHEM

До сих пор нет клипа на ньюсе, довольно странно... Один из запоминающихся экшонов на Soul's Team Iron Chef XIV.

Комментарий автора: Hey guys, I'm a bit late to the party should have posted earlier but i was wasting my time watching PSG losing to Madrid -_-  Anyway, it feels good to edit again hopefully next video in less than 2 years. Meanwhile here's my work for this IC, always fun to edit sum action vid. Enjoy.

Аниме: Boku no Hero Academia
Музыка: DVSR - Endless
Награды: 2 место в категории Action на Soul's Team Iron Chef XIV


Comments: 7 |  Rating: 3.223.22
Author: Dn@

Pure White Gold 28.05.2018

I made this while catching up on the manga and getting ready for season three right when it aired I really have been enjoying the series and wanted to make a vid about it

Plot. In a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" (個性 Kosei) are the norm, Izuku Midoriya has dreams of one day becoming a Hero despite being bullied by his classmates for not having a Quirk.

Аниме: My Hero Academia
Музыка: The Struts - One Night Only

Pure White Gold

Comments: 27 |  Rating: 3.543.54
Author: SeanPNG

Shinrai 24.05.2018

After a long time away from amvs I decided to make a little memorial to the old times passed, and whats better than a whored anime with a whored song? By the way, "Shinrai" means Trust. the whole tournament clings to the concept of trusting each other until the very last, greater the losses, the greater the load of trust towards you.

Аниме: Dragon Ball Super
Музыка: Escape the Fate - This War is Ours (The Guillotine part II)


Comments: 16 |  Rating: 3.273.27
Author: LukeG

Keepin' It Simple 24.05.2018

Hi Big Con viewers and participants, nothing to see here in the description. This is just a video I started on 6 days ago with the goal of "Keep it simple & have fun" doing so I didn't know what to put my category as so I left it open. I really enjoyed my time (although it was brief) making this. Not much else to add hope you guys enjoy I guess :)

Аниме: Mekaku City Actors
Музыка: Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (Araatan Remix)

Keepin' It Simple

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 3.353.35
Author: iMCoach

Reverse 23.05.2018

This is my video for big contest 2018, i try to add some stylize and some plot in this amv, hope you enjoy it.

Это мое видео для конкурса 2018 года, я попытался добавить стилизацию и немного сюжета в этот AMV. Надеюсь, вам понравится.

Картинка Making Of (~5.61 MB)

Аниме: Mob psycho 100, Persona 5, Caligula, Maggot baits, Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Музыка: Datascape - Tomorrow Never Comes


Comments: 23 |  Rating: 3.543.54

MY2007 20.05.2018

Frame: Я думаю, что глупо отрицать факт участия в этом проекте человека, который внес хоть и очень малый, но значимый вклад. Поэтому, давайте скажем ему спасибо, за его пусть и небольшое, но участие. Спасибо, Томик! Правда, спасибо.

Tomik: Приходит ко мне как-то дядька Frame и говорит:
- Томик, а томик. Олдскулы свело, помоги запилить эпик по наруте !
А я... А что я ? Разве я мог отказать пожилому человеку.

P.S. на яндексе версия с более высоким битрейтом (1N).

Аниме: Naruto
Музыка: Linkin Park - Faint


Comments: 110 |  Rating: 4.324.32
Author: tomik

Limerence 18.05.2018

Комментарий автора: Hi guys, video made in 2 days for the IC LAZINESS NO LIMIT organized by AMV ITALIA. I have won it. This was very fun and terribly difficult to edit. I hope you enjoy. Special thanks to LukeG who's supported me.

Аниме: Kizumonogatari I Tekketsu-hen, Kizumonogatari II Nekketsu-hen, Kizumonogatari III - Reiketsu-hen
Музыка: Scooter - Nessaja
Награды: 1° place into IC LAZINESS NO LIMIT


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: Okami

Atonement 17.05.2018

Not much thought went into making this but I had a lot of fun editing! Didn't really plan to submit this to BC but the timing was perfect and I thought why not. I would appreciate if you guys could use English in the comment section since Google Translator sucks.

Аниме: B: The Beginning
Музыка: Grandson - Blood // Water


Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.803.80
Author: Kazumoe

RoE trailer: Скоро всё (не) закончится 12.05.2018

Хидеаки Анно и Khara скоро развернут рекламную компанию по поводу выхода четвёртой части.
А я, как грамотный фанат, уже клипаю трейлеры и сопроводительные материалы, чтобы завлечь новых фанатов в уютную секту евафагов. Стало быть, вводный трейлер в этот замечательный китайский порномультик, который, возможно, станет дополнительным стимулом приобщится к Еве, теперь уже по новому.

И да, я клятвенно обещал больше не делать клипов по Еве, но это ведь не клип)

Деус е....т вообще адовые клипы.
Ну такой вот примерно рецепт усредненный, потому что вариаций масса.
Берется трек, он не режется, резать - это не про Деуса. Он берет ОВУ, вываливает её на трек и сразу начинает клеить. Добавляет в клип огромное количество баяных кадров, штампов, неофицальной озучки и ГЛИЧА! для забористости, класический стробомонтаж сверху. Все это клеиться до дыма из глаз. Потом конвертируется в х264 прямо в редакторе, вручную и ремукситься с другим звуком. Потом Деуса заносит и щедро полив всех остальных клиподелов под их клипами дерьмом он начинает заливать. При этом заливая на ньюз, обязательно пишет поехавшую пасту. Пишет и приговаривает полушепотом "ух б..". При этом у него на лбу аж пот выступает. Любезно мне иногда предлагает побетатестить, но я отказываюсь. Надо ли говорить о том какой дичайший пердеж потом в коментах? Вонища такая, что обои от стен отклеиваются.

По дополнительной ссылке версия без цк.

По второй дополнительной ссылке на версия 10 бит с заботливо сохранённым шумком, задавленными градиентами и раздутым сверх всякой меры битрейтом.

Аниме: Rebuild of Evangelion
Музыка: Audiomachine - Blood and Stone (Ivan Torrent Remix - Epic Choral Hybrid)

RoE trailer: Скоро всё (не) закончится

Comments: 70 |  Rating: 3.473.47
Author: AweDeus, mwDeus

Player 11.05.2018

Всем привет снова. Долго не мог найти годный трек для клипа и как то случайно наткнулся на трейлер одного фильма... Мне понравилась его дорожка и решил сделать на неё что то вроде своего трейлера, соединил две дорожки из первого и второго трейлера, и вот что получилось. Сам трейлер я не копировал, глянул чисто ради интереса 1-2 раза.

Аниме: SAO Ordinal Scale, Quan Zhi Gao Shou, Pandora, ME.ME.ME.
Музыка: Ready Player One - Trailer OST


Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.743.74
Author: `ZeRO

Golden spirit 10.05.2018

Hello everyone. This is my first time Big Contest edition 2018, The production process is very happy, thanks to slklvy for my help, I wish you good results. Hope you will enjoy this one!

Аниме: Mahou Tsukai no Yome, GOSICK, Rozen Maiden
Музыка: Krale - Lady of Clockwork

Golden spirit

Comments: 19 |  Rating: 3.193.19
Author: RasielAMV

KNOW THE LEDGE 09.05.2018

So this was an AMV i made in 4-5 hours, for WeeklyAMVContest, two days after the clips were released.
Now, despite having been made in such a short time, I feel like this is still a complete AMV. Sure, it's not even 2 minutes, but I find long AMVs weird :/
To anyone who can understand the lyrics, there's very clear lyric sync consistently throughout the whole AMV. But what's different about this and a lot of other lyric sync-heavy rap AMVs is that I more or less still show you the original sequence of how the anime unfolds, rather than choosing scenes from any part of the movie's sequence just to forcefully match them with the music's lyrics. My lyric syncing is always phenomenal, if I must say (check my Mob Psycho AMV "run..." for proof).
Naturally, though, I'm not being toooo strict in following the anime's original sequence, and in the "chorus"-ish parts (you know with all the DJ scratching etc) I mash up various scenes without regard for where in the movie they're from. This is just because the music at that point gives me the "mash-up" kind of sound, but I also need to increase the pace while also choosing high intensity scenes, so can't rely on still following the movie's order there.
But then when I indeed am trying to show a sequence of events going on, I'm not being lazy and just dropping in scenes from the order of the anime either. At 1:23, Tetsuo has a shocked face and turns around and this goes really well with the lyrics (and scenes) that come next. But before this, I had to show his face actually turn surprised, which I did at 1:21. But that scene of him getting shocked is actually from later on in the anime than from when he turns his head and sees those soldiers shoot at him. And if that wasn't enough, the scene of the camera zooming in on Kaneda was from waaaaay later in the movie. There is a similar shot of Kaneda right at that point of the scene (after tetsuo gets shocked) but my sense of cinematography dictated I choose the one where the camera zooms in (it really enhances the idea that what Tetsuo saw was shocking and so he had to focus his sight on it and then once he's focused and thought about it, he then turns his head to the next appearing threat...)
Okay there's more I wanna say but I can't be bothered anymore but you get the 4 hour vid is the best Akira amv of all time. Peace.
edit: oh yeah also in the anime I can never tell right off the bat whether the main character is Tetsuo or Kaneda. All the posters show Kaneda, but let's be real Tetsuo is like the icon of the movie. This is one of the features of the movie that made it so great. But yes, I wanted to carry over this feature into the AMV, that's why the first scene is Kaneda doing his thing, then third is Tetsuo doing his thing (if you go watch that part of the movie, it was Kaori in it too but I did some pro editing and made it a Tetsuo-only scene because I had to for this concept), then the 5th thing is a very rapid back and forth between them both turning their heads to initiate some action. But...since the movie does put greater importance on Kaneda at the start, I made it look as if there was this "exchange" of who'd start the AMV and Kaneda wins. Then the first piece of lip sync is from him, but the last piece of lip sync in the AMV is Tetsuo. Haters will say I am making this shit up now, but no legit this shit was all calculated and what I was thinking while editing. Don't doubt my IQ.

Аниме: Akira
Музыка: Eric B. & Rakim - Juice (Know the Ledge)


Comments: 20 |  Rating: 3.303.30
Author: Enigmo

Vivant 06.05.2018

Hey I freaking love Wakfu and I wanted to capture the adventurous feeling I got from the show in this video. The working title of it was "Nekokitkat did this song better" but I feel like I approached the song in a different way at the end. The credits are pretty long and there are spoilers but only for season 1.

More information here

Аниме: Wakfu
Музыка: I Lived - OneRepublic, Good Life - OneRepublic


Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.843.84
Author: PieandBeer

you can (not) realize 01.05.2018

Почему бы не сделать клип на Еву, подумал я. И сделал.

Аниме: Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, Evangelion: 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo
Музыка: Lorn - Set Me Free, Catslash - Bore Hole, Keenan Mathias - I'm Still Here

you can (not) realize

Comments: 66 |  Rating: 3.133.13
Author: Br0m

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