
Exam videos
New videos Secret Santa Thursday, 05 January 2017

Hi guys, this is my Secret Santa 2016 for Xophilarus. She asked for a fanservice video, that doesn`t use dance music, so i came up with the Idea to tell a story on the video. The Video took me about 2 Weeks and I hope you can enjoy it. I tried to make if feel like the original music video of the song, i also created some motion graphics for this video, for the Story. Hope you enjoy it !

Author: Zest
Anime: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari
Music: Banks - Beggin for thread

ZEST - Secret Santa


New videos Digital Emotion [2017 New Years MEP] Wednesday, 04 January 2017

Hi guys, happy new year for all! Arrived the New year's MEP.
It was a hard project... wasn't simple. Different of both years back, the project's idea was complete based in a continuation of old "New year projects" of the editor xDreww
The work of the previous years can be found here: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
For lack of time, xDreww couldn't participate, for this reason i joined forces with my friend "Scofield" to realize this project. I was missing edit again and had this song to use in something new, i offered to xDreww the idea and he left me in command. I hope you guys enjoy!

Author: Fadoo Sama, AMVLuna, Shinzo, Scofield, Strat, Vinyl, MagicDarkLight, Lokkiclu, ThalesEditions
Anime: Noragami, Kiznaiver, Harmony, Shelter Animation, Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, Kubikiri Cycle, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, Subete ga F ni naru, Ef: tale of memories, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Shakugan no Shana
Music: Flash Brothers feat. Epiphony - More Than You Know (Ram Remix)

Digital Emotion [2017 New Years MEP]


New videos Singularity Tuesday, 03 January 2017

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Новая работа от призера прошлогоднего AKROSS Con'а.

Author: Buggy
Anime: Grave of the Fireflies
Music: Röyksopp - Triumphant



New videos Introspection Sunday, 01 January 2017

Hi hi hi! This is my entry for indigo team IC, I wanted to edit a character profile focused in the main character of Ыangatsu no lion with a depressive feeling and expressing the sentiment of the anime, hope you like it!

Author: Z0rek
Anime: Sangatsu no lion
Music: Jacoo - Towards the light



Site news Happy New Year 2017! Saturday, 31 December 2016 wishes you a happy New Year! May it bring you new impressions, new creations, lots of fun videos to watch and tons of new ideas to edit. We hope to see you all around in the year to come and share new adventures together!

Below - several greetings from AMVNews users. Thanks for everyone who participated!


New videos War Child Friday, 30 December 2016

Давно хотел сделать что-то с этим сурсом, надеюсь хоть на разок зайдет. Инжой. -

Author: RadicalDreamer
Anime: Senjou no Valkyria, Girls und panzers, Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin, Fate: grand order
Music: X-Ray Dog - Come and get me



New videos No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop Thursday, 29 December 2016

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Author's comment:  Write a description is my least favorite part. Because, being honest, I exceed all my "creative" force (can I say that?) when I am creating the AMV. And when I finally arrive in this part, I don't even know who I am, I don't like to hear the music anymore and the anime I used seems saturated. You know, it's hard to create a name (a title!), for the project, imagine an entire description? Well, it was fun, and I'm happy to have finished the project and participate here, in the Akross. I not going to talk much about the AMV, because I hope you guys watch and then find out what it is.

Author: TakayanagiPRO
Anime: Highschool of the Dead, Zankyou no terror, Toradora!
Music: Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

No One Survives At The Atomic Bomb Drop


Site news TOP 20 AMVs of year 2016 Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Year 2017 is almost here, so let's sum up the results of 2016. Meet AMVNews 20 top AMVs of 2016! You can watch them on YouTube (playlist below) or check the list of all AMVNews videos of 2016 sorted by rating.


New videos Fall Down Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2016 

Author's comment: This is the first time I participated in the contest ... hope you like it!

Author: KiyoT
Anime: Charlotte, Rewrite, Clannad, Angel Beats!, Noragami, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Killer Tracks - Lay Me Down

Fall Down


New videos Uragira Chō Monday, 26 December 2016

Basically, we meet young lady Kotomi who falls in love with a cute boy. Everything could be okay and cute if her parents weren't fighting with each other all the time. The violence is all around her, she even got raped. What kind of childhood is that? One day her whole life turns to ashes as her home burnt down. Happily, she was saved by her cute-lover-hero-boy.
Time passes, lovers were away from each other for a while but they met again. All feelings are coming back but... there's another girl on the way to Kotomi's happiness. What could she do to get her dream-boy-who-lives-with-other-girl-and-even-has-a-child back? There are multiple possibilities but Kotomi's childhood wasn't great at all and since the only thing our little butterfly loved was taken away, she gone mad.
Made for 3 days IC

Author: Kenji, TheOblivion6277
Anime: Clannad, Angel Beats, Another, Blood C, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Charlotte, Fate/Zero, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel, Kara No Kyoukai, Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda, School Days, Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso, Steins;Gate, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Music: Hurts - Rolling Stone

Uragira Chō


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