
Exam videos
New videos ARMAGEDDON Wednesday, 28 August 2019

I started this video shortly after watching the show. Although the title and the song are the same, I thought it was very fitting for the show. Theres a lot here I'm not completely happy with, some small things I didn't adjust/take out again before final render, but overall I'm ok with how it turned out. I'd recommend this show to anyone who hasn't watched it. It really does play with your emotions a lot and I enjoyed the story. Now back to the Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter World grind. When's Iceborne? Thank you and enjoy!

Author: Crookz
Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Music: Blue Stahli - Armageddon



New videos Star Wars - Anime Opening 1 (A New Hope Arc) Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Author's comment: So this was a little fun to pass the time today. I'm a fan of the artstyle as well as the mini episodes for Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures and it's very anime inspired so I decided to do an anime style OP for it. I'll do 3 of these, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. Since that's mainly the films they do. So hopefully you all like this. And yeah this is a taste to come for more Star Wars content for all my subscribers.

Author: ForeverRed3000
Anime: Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures
Music: Yui - Again

Star Wars - Anime Opening 1 (A New Hope Arc)


New videos Hell March Platelet Sunday, 25 August 2019

Что будет, если милым анимешным девочкам дать в руки автомат Калашникова, научить маршировать на Красной площади, летать на вертолетах и десантироваться не хуже ВДВ на поле боя? Узнаете, просмотрев клип

Anime: Hataraku Saibou
Music: Frank Klepacki - Hell March

Hataraku Saibou


New videos Catalyst Friday, 23 August 2019

Комментарий авторов: SO. UH.
Aerialesque and I actually made this back in August for Nan Desu Kan's AMV contest in September 2018.
We were gonna go back and fix a bunch of stuff we didn't like about it that played in the contest version but then that never happened so HERE IT IS IN ALL IT'S BUSTED GLORY.
Basically, we both wanted to enter NDK but neither of us had any great ideas and I had this song and I was all "Dusti. Collab?" and she was like "SONG! YES. OK!"
We went with a visual aesthetic of only using dusk/night scenes to fit the general idea and feel of the song. It started as a general "life and experiences at night" kind of video and quickly devolved into the sappy romantic abomination that it is today.
In all honesty though, I had a blast working on this video with Aerialesque. Like, chatting about editing during the day, sitting up on VCs, sharing betas, etc. was so much fun. We were both up until like 3am one night just dumping light leaks on the video, neither of us coherent or actually caring what it looked like, but jumping dumping them everywhere (Praise old faithful) and that was so god damn fun.
The title is a nod to our friend Katalyst who sat there patiently with us on Discord, waiting to play Overwatch with us as we bitched about lip flap, swinging from fire escapes, and the fact that they really don't do anything at all in Kimi Ni Todoke.
Also, those band girls are totally lesbians. They don't know it but they are.

Author: Radical_Yue, Aerialesque
Anime: Denpa Onna To Seishun Otoko,  Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?, Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid, Kimi Ni Todoke, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Nerawareta Gakuen, Hibike! Euphonium, Hibike! Euphonium 2, Toradora!, Ano Natsu de Matteru, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Music: Andrew McMahon In The Wilderness - Fire Escape



Contests EtoJe IRON CHEF #3: RE:BOOT Wednesday, 21 August 2019

EtoJeAMV Team studio invites you to join their third Iron Chef.  The contest is to be held from August 23rd to August 30th, 2019. Solo AMVs, collabs and MEPs accepted. A prize is reserved for the winner. See full rules at our forum for details.

IC rules at our forum



New videos Shade of Winter Tuesday, 20 August 2019

8 место на NCS 2019

Finally I'm here to share my latest video created for the NCS Summer 2019, this is in fact the first time I make a more reasoned video than usual and I'm very happy with the result.
I have to thank AntaresHeart07 and Kroner for helping me make the video as solid and complete as possible !!!
Thanks guys :)

Author: Raven-AMV-
Anime: No Game No Life, No Game No Life: Zero
Music: Hidden Citizens (feat. Jaxson Gamble) - Hazy Shade of Winter

Shade of Winter


New videos Never Give Up Monday, 19 August 2019

Комментарий авторов: Hi all! This is my new little mep hosted by me in may ! Actually it must be a fast mep (deadline was just a one week), but shit happens xD
Actually it was a mep with people that i didn't know (except Daryu, Agito & Vanitas)! I'm just took random people from youtube and try to host mep!
It wasn't easy, most of us have fails in parts but in the end i'm glad that it's come out pretty good overall !
I'm wanna say thanks to people who participate in it (special thanks for Hadez, who re-edit his part with other anime, al for active and good part with alt story (i guess xD),
Daryu for help with replacement one guys who drop his part, Jozt with re-edit his part with other anime and Vanitas who fix almost everything like other guys ),
it was a really nice challenge for me, i enjoyed to work with this people ! Well, maybe in future i will do this again, who know, so yeah, i hope you like this mep, see ya = )

Author: Fobos, Hadez, Agito, AL, DaRyu, Jozt, Vanitas
Anime: One Piece, SAO, Nanatsu No Taizai, HunterxHunter, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Boku no Hero
Music: Trust Company - Close Your Eyes (Til It's Over)

Never Give Up


New videos Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascot Miraitowa Competition An Friday, 16 August 2019

Промо-ролик, посвященный Летним Олимпийским играм-2020, которые пройдут в Токио. В главной роли - Miraitowa, официальный маскот мероприятия. 

Author: Hyogonosuke
Anime: Original animation
Music: Unknown

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Mascot Miraitowa Competition Animation


New videos Kindness Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Author's comment: spoilers for the second season but not the last battle!
hey this took forever
hey i really love mob psycho ;3;
info in credits

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Mob Psycho 100
Music: Mother Mother - It's Alright, ABBA - Mamma Mia



New videos Rêve éveillé Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Author's comment: Voila mon entrée pour l'IC Indigo : The Siege ! J'ai regardé le film Penguin Highway quelques jour avant l'IC et je me suis dit que ça pouvait être intéressant de tenter un cross over avec un autre film du même studio sur une story que j'avais en tête depuis quelques temps. D'autant plus que je n'ai pas fait un amv drama depuis très très longtemps en IC ! Je pense qu'avec un jour en plus j'aurai eu le temps de corriger ou rajouter des truc (dans la story par exemple) mais je reste très content du résultat.

Author: Sylverz
Anime: Penguin Highway, Taifu no Noruda, Hinata no Aoshigure, Hoshi wo ou kodomo, Sakasama no Patema, Kaijuu no Kodomo
Music: Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike, Sufjan Stevens - Should Have Known Better
Awards: 2 место в общем зачете, Best Drama/Romance и Audience Choice на Indigo Team IC 4: The Siege

Rêve éveillé


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