
Exam videos
New videos Make You Mine Sunday, 24 September 2017

Yo, this is my entry for AMVGreece IC. I've been seeing this anime being used and really wanted to use it myself and since there was such a nice song at the packs i decided to edit it, even though i wanted to make an action amv this time.

Author: Lightning Arrow
Anime: Le Portrait De Petit Cossette 
Music: Modestep feat Teddy Killerz - Make You Mine

Make You Mine


Коубы Best coubs (august 2017, part 1) Saturday, 23 September 2017

Trust me


Contests ZonaAMV Multi Rave IC: Lucky Star Edition Friday, 22 September 2017


Latino AMV-community ZonaAMV invites everyone to participate in this year's Multi Rave IC. The IC will be held from September 29th till October 1st, 2017. Both collabs/MEPs and solo works are accepted.

Rules and registration
AMVNews forum thread


New videos Hellfire Thursday, 21 September 2017

Комментарий авторов: A mep we did for MDS IC! It's a contest in team of 4, hope you'll enjoy o/ We won the contest!! I am sorry for my former comrades.

Author: lokkiclu, MagicDarkLight, Zuuki, iKuZze
Anime: Canaan/Monster, Sword Art Online, Guilty Crown, Code Geass
Music: Celldweller - End of the Empire



New videos To break and trust Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Ты поломала мне всю жизнь.
Мне надоели твои разбросанные лифчики по квартире.
Мне надоело терпеть твои скандалы.
Всё, я ухожу.

Ты поломал мне все детство.
Теперь я сам буду решать, что делать.
Я буду верить в себя.

Помоги мне поверить в себя.
Верить и идти дальше .
Верить и победить.

Author: Darksss 73
Anime: Evangelion
Music: Imagine Dragons – Believer

To break and trust.


Contests Top 10 AMVs of Nan Desu Kan 2017 Tuesday, 19 September 2017

New videos Anime opening parodies Monday, 18 September 2017

Let's watch a couple of anime opening parodies today. The ones made of non-anime sources. Should we add more like these in the future? Have your say in the comments!

Narmak -  The Spongebob Squarepants

Anime - OP 1

Jameskii - CS:GO Anime Opening



New videos Dentelle Sunday, 17 September 2017

Еще одна работа-посвящение. На этот раз это скромная дань "Графу Монте-Кристо", — как великому роману Дюма, так и замечательному аниме и, собственно, самому образу графа — а также волшебной музыке гениального Сен-Санса, одного из моих самых любимых композиторов. Получился вот такой вот французский коктейль :3
Огромное спасибо художнику かた@子 за потрясающие арты и за разрешение использовать один из них в качестве постера к этому клипу.
Традиционно благодарю за внимание и желаю приятного просмотра ;)

Author: Iren S.S.
Anime: Gankutsuou, Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movies
Music: Camille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre



Contests AMV-France Online Contest 2017 Thursday, 14 September 2017


AMV-France invites you to take part in Online Contest. The very specific feature of this contest is complete anonymity of both participants and judges. The contest is opened for exclusive entries, i.e videos made specially for this event. It is forbidden to release the contest videos online before the end of the contest to keep the anonymity of the creators. Contest deadline is November 26th.

Registration of participants
Contest thread at AMVNews forum


New videos We Two Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Author's comment: I heard a friend of mine was watching this anime and cried within the first minute of the first episode. So I was like "Oh I gotta let her have it"
It didn't help that Pidge kept bugging me while I was making this video and nuzzling me and purring the whole time. There would be moments where I was fine one minute then suddenly crying the next because of her. Thanks gato ;P
Anyway, it was fun giving this and many many, MANY people the feels. Enjoy! :D

Author: Moonpie
Anime: Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko: Everything Flows
Music: Caliko Kat - Good Company (Piano Cover)
Awards: Best In Show Audience Choice на Nan Desu Kan 2017

We Two


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