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  Worlds Undone 13.05.2024

I wanted to make a simple video for Heavenly Delusion with an emphasis on atmosphere, highlighting its mystery and contrast between the two storylines. Most of scene selection was made mainly for people that already watched the anime.

Аниме: Heavenly Delusion
Музыка: Son Lux ft. Kimbra - Gone

Worlds Undone

Категории: Big Contest 2024 |  Скачали: 108 |  Комментарии: 18 |  Рейтинг: 4.254.25

  Whispered Beads In Smoke 07.04.2024

(in terms of the spoilers I do not think there's any big but I only watched up to around ep16 on disk (I forgot the numbering) , I put minor but proceed with caution)
I use movavi (same edition as always) and macbook air 2014, my storyline focuses on the character recounting his life which he is evaluating. how each thing leads to another which he keeps trying to move to the next thing but keeps hitting problems that he has to figure out no matter how many time he goes through it. he tries to battle to get back the past things he wishes but the moment he tries to grab it it flies away again. even though I will say these clips moved a lot all over the places from the draft 1 to 7 it still had the right topic of evaluating the past from the present.

Granted I know I have to discuss the obvious unique thing about this video. (English has a expressions elephant in the room elephant for the concept, not sure that the equivalent) I have a feeling I am probably the first person at least in the last 6, 7 years (if ever) that has actually chosen the use someone else's video and credit it option. this began when I was other looking for videos with this song new disease and saw a amv for this character on animated music video .org that was not good at all. I thought that I could even do a better video with this different video that I also thought was not the best on the same character as the other video. I think I succeeded at least compare to that video. this is not a I 'ripped off this video and added to 3 scenes' different without changing the order of said scenes, this is my own video that uses scenes made from another person's video. granted once I knew I was going to enter this into the contest this year I spent 5 days making it more my own. I try not to make everything a fight scene and focussed on personal scenes but still have enough action to keep it going, that was difficult to balance definitely as I found new clips.

some areas have a different aspect ratio but that is artistic intent of a 'ribbon effect' for drama. I fixed all of the ones that were wrong by cropping and stretching. I also forwarded one of the battles had a worn tape word out effect that I think worked well. if you can ignore the shortfalls that came with this video from the source I think it is very nice to watch. Quick note about the credits. I tried particularly for the end ones to increase the quality, I spent 4 hours on those end credits trying to work the program in the end I had to just use a screen share option on the PowerPoint and I did not get the margins perfect between the two slides. I know I am a joke and I heard a few people think I was making fun of the contest because of the credits so I really want to be clear I am not an animator I am an editor only.

also the subtitles are done by ear I think I did a good job finding where the lyrics ended and began but I am only human so they will likely be some human error by a few milliseconds. but you know how the saying goes ,better than nothing. do have to thank Artofeel for suggesting the program that made the subtitles, it worked nicely.

Аниме: yu yu hakusho,Hiei - Gessekai by Charbunnitube
Музыка: Spineshank - New Disease (Everything I Know)

Whispered Beads In Smoke

Категории: Big Contest 2024 |  Скачали: 54 |  Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 2.152.15

  What was I made for 11.03.2024

Комментарий автора: Yo, it's my vid for Iron Chef 20: Void Edition - Soul's Team.

Аниме: Gatari Series, Sound! Euphonium, The Anthem of the Heart, Charlotte
Музыка: Billie Eilish - What Was I Made For?

What was I made for

Категории: Drama |  Скачали: 119 |  Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 2.882.88

  Worlds Away 10.11.2023

Качественный клип по исходнику.

Аниме: Tenki no Ko
Музыка: Elephante - Otherside (feat. Nevve)

Worlds Away

Категории: Romance |  Скачали: 172 |  Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 3.573.57

  Warbling 2 08.11.2023

Данный клип не участвует в номинации "Лучшее использование ИИ".

Ну что ж, второй сезон Тысячелетней Кровавой Войны вышел, так что вот, собственно, и наш меп на него! :)
На сей раз постарались вместить все файты, самые сочные и динамичные моменты, коих в этом сезоны было не так уж и много, в отличие от предыдущего, поэтому я и решил меп сделать на 10 частей:)
Хочу сказать спасибо всем участникам за работу, очень рад тому, что никто не ливнул и всё сделали вовремя!
Так что просто включайте и наслаждайтесь просмотром нашего сочного экшен мепа :).

Аниме: Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Ketsubetsu-tan
Музыка: Shinedown - I'm Alive

Warbling 2

Категории: Mixed Reality 2023 |  Скачали: 234 |  Комментарии: 1 |  Рейтинг: 3.703.70

  Without You 24.08.2023

Hello everyone, this is an edition of a song that had a great impact on life, I've been wanting to finish this project for some time and it was with an anime that I really like, I also tried to mix it with the band's original clip, it was something that I I've wanted to do this for some time.
Hope you like it.

Аниме: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Музыка: What If I Was Nothing - All That Remains

AMV - Without You

Категории: Оценочная |  Скачали: 152 |  Комментарии: 0 |  Рейтинг: 3.153.15

  Warbling. Part 1 24.07.2023

Рад презентовать вам мой новый меп по Бличу Тысячелетней Кровавой Войне - Warbling. Часть 1! Несмотря на некоторое количество проблем, нам удалось закончить его тем же составом, каким и начинали (что бывает довольно редко :D). В целом получилось сильно как по мне. Так что наслаждайтесь просмотром:)

Аниме: Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen (Thousand Year Blood War)
Музыка: I SEE STARS - Who Am I ?

Warbling. Part 1

Категории: Action |  Скачали: 239 |  Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 3.453.45

  Without Paradise 11.07.2023


Аниме: 91 Days, Harmony, Paranoia Agent, Planetes, Violet Evergarden, The Garden of Words, 5 Centimeters per Second, Death Parade.
Музыка: Dickon Hinchliffe - Salmon Burger, Out of the Furnace; Vitalic - Eternity

Without Paradise

Категории: Story |  Скачали: 129 |  Комментарии: 5 |  Рейтинг: 3.133.13

  Welcome to the DCC 16.06.2023

Here we are with our entry for Tunisia IC, this time Kuroo and me tried to catch the vibes of the song using stylish anime scenes, so we pretty much searched for characters dressing particular/elegant outfits, I hope you'll like it!

Аниме: One Piece Gold / Red, Redline, Dancing in Vampire Bund, Kaguya-sama Love is War - The First Kiss That Never Ends, Yuri on Ice, YOKU - Eve MV, Bishounen Tanteidan, Redline, Persona 4, Blue Giant, Oshi no ko, The Idol Master, IDOLiSH7S3, SoniAni, PriPara, Hi-Drivers, Vivy, Naruto, Bleach, My Dress-up Darling, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, The Ancient Magus Bride, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Shadows House, Spy x Family, Call of the Night, Macross, Dance Dance Danseur, Urusei Yatsura, Dr.Stone, No Game No Life, Code Geass, Nana
Музыка: Nothing but Thieves - Welcome to the DCC
Награды: 6th place Tunisia IC

Welcome to the DCC

Категории: Dance |  Скачали: 233 |  Комментарии: 0 |  Рейтинг: 3.533.53

  Where You Are 22.05.2023

This was one of my quicker edits, though the concept I had in mind for the video didn't really call for anything to complicated. I wanted to create something that felt simple, yet a bit unique at the same time. I originally had this uploaded only to YouTube since I didn't quite feel it was worth uploading here. That said, over time it's grown on me. Perhaps it's my fondness for the song, the anime, or simply just the two combined together. I've decided that I finally add it here in case anyone wanted to download it or view it for the first time.
Regardless, I hope you all find at least some enjoyment from it.

Аниме: SSSS.Dynazenon
Музыка: Mat Kerekes - My Lucky #3

Where You Are

Категории: Character Profile |  Скачали: 180 |  Комментарии: 3 |  Рейтинг: 3.483.48

  World On Fire 26.02.2023

Ку. Небольшой специальный клипчик, сделанный в отрыве от многочисленных оурто и частей в мепы, на день рождения Такеши. Давно уже хотел сделать что-то с этой песней, а тут как раз таки исходник, который оч нравится Такеши, так что было интересно пильнуть легкий и приятный клип с незабояненным аниме для него. Приятного просмотра :)

Аниме: BASTARD!! Heavy Metal Dark Fantasy
Музыка: Skiller - In Bed With Deluge

World On Fire

Категории: Action |  Скачали: 269 |  Комментарии: 0 |  Рейтинг: 3.523.52

  Wild Music 09.01.2023

Данный клип - это прямая пародия на оригинальный клип исполнителя трека. Очень рекомендую ознакомиться. Сама песня не оригинальная - она порезана и здесь поднята бас-гитара (зачем? Смотрите исходник, сразу будет понятно).
Так что включайте ваши сабвуферы, навалите басов и наслаждайтесь!

Аниме: Ongaku
Музыка: КИНО - Дальше действовать будем мы

Wild Music

Категории: Anon Con 2022 |  Скачали: 187 |  Комментарии: 26 |  Рейтинг: 3.643.64

  Waltz S | 10th Anniversary Remake 08.01.2023

«Просыпайся, самурай. Пора зажечь этот танцпол»

Давно хотела сделать римейк этой работы и изначально планировала закончить и опубликовать новую версию где-то в сентябре 2022-го, когда, собственно, и отмечался 10-й юбилей клипа, но из-за дел и всякой всячины в жизни руки дошли только сейчас. Ну, лучше чуток поздно, чем никогда. Буду считать это своим официальным открытием нового года и мотивацией закончить новый клип, который и так уже почти готов :D

Я не хотела вносить никаких кардинальных и концептуальных изменений в клип, т.к. он мне всегда нравился таким, какой он есть, так что в основном я выправила синхру и общее качество видео, плюс сделала пару других легких правок. Возраст исходника уже, конечно, бросается в глаза, но по сравнению с первой версией клипа, на эту плотность пикселей хоть не так больно смотреть. В итоге получилось нечто среднее между полным римейком и покадровым ремастером. Думаю, сейчас клип выглядит так, как я его и задумывала десять лет назад.

Всем здоровья и мира.


"Wake the f*ck up, samurai. We have a dancefloor to burn"

The idea of remaking this old video of mine had been bugging me for quite a long time. Initially, I was planning to finish and release this in September 2022, the actual 10-year anniversary of the video, but with everything going on, I managed to do that only now. But better late than never, I guess. I'll take this as an official kick-off of my new editing year and a motivation to finish my new video which is almost done at this point.

I did not want to make any radical or conceptual changes to the original, so I kept it as faithful to it as I could, eliminating mainly sync and weird video issues, using a better quality source (the age of Champloo definitely shows, though), and making just a couple of tiny changes here and there. Now it looks the way I most probably intended it to look in 2012, and I guess falls somewhere in-between a 1:1 remaster and a total remake.

Wishing all health and peace.

Аниме: Samurai Champloo
Музыка: Johann Strauss - Frühlingsstimmen, Op. 410

Waltz S | 10th Anniversary Remake

Категории: Dance |  Скачали: 152 |  Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 3.583.58

  Wait For Me 05.11.2022

Hello, I made this amv for Indigo Team IC: Dyad Edition, but I decided not to finish it a lot. Anyways hope you enjoy. .

Аниме: Fate Heaven's Fee
Музыка: From Ashes to New - Wait For Me, Stigmata - Сентябрь

Wait For Me

Категории: Action |  Скачали: 226 |  Комментарии: 2 |  Рейтинг: 3.613.61

  Wild Cowboys - The Western 19.10.2022

Thanks everyone who joined the project, special thanks VRSaskayzx for 4k upscaling, TaAZ for the amazing thumbnail and Fobos for helping me with the mep and the awesome outro as always :'3
See You Space Cowboy.

Аниме: Grenadier, Trigun, Wild Arms, Cowboy Bebop, Gungrave, Outlaw Star, Early Reins
Музыка: Jay Hawke & Robin Loxley - Crop Won't Ever Come

Wild Cowboys - The Western

Категории: Action |  Скачали: 224 |  Комментарии: 7 |  Рейтинг: 3.423.42

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