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  Heart of the Champion 06.01.2017

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”
– Joseph Campbell
“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is.”
― Joss Whedon

Аниме: Boku No Hero Academia
Музыка: Pete Masitti ft. Dve James - Heart of a Champion

Heart of the Champion AMV

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 487 |  Comments: 5 |  Rating: 2.882.88

  Human Nature 06.01.2017

Комментарий автора: BGM:I am waiting for you last summer - Retreat. 2016黄金祭单投,炸一下尸

Аниме: Death Billiards, Death Parade
Музыка: I am waiting for you last summer - Retreat

Human Nature

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 454 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.173.17

  Human GO - Pokemon In Real Life 28.12.2016

Human Go] is a collaborative project aiming to create a three dimensional look of the Pokemon world by switching the perspective between Pokemon and Humans.

Аниме: Original 3D
Музыка: Konrad Kavallieratos - Pokemon main theme

Human GO - Pokemon In Real Life

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 525 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.053.05

  Holding On To You. 26.12.2016

A story told from Slaine's perspective, I didn't like the ending of the anime, so I tried to modify it a bit in my work. I hope the ending part of this amv is not too subtle, plus noise filter might seem messed up when re-compressed into low bit rate version. And as always, any comment or advice are most welcomed.
Cheers, happy holidays.

Аниме: Aldnoah.Zero
Музыка: Crywolf&Emalyn - Intro, Hiroyuki Sawano - A-z-p1@n0_5overs

Holding On To You.

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 558 |  Comments: 4 |  Rating: 2.812.81

  Heart Storm 14.12.2016

"My heart is a STORM of feelings."

I created this video at a bad time of my life. I hated all over the world and I put what I feel into this story. Everyone has a crazy side, but we try to keep it hidden. If we think about it, there are few things that make us crazy, but the main one is the loss of someone we love. Just as the hero of the video, we want to keep that person / thing to ourselves until crazy. Maybe not everyone will understand that.
I ipiegato a month and a half to make this video, I consider him one of the best for the effort and the end result.
I hope you like it as well to you and if you have advice to give me, I accept them.

Картинка Making Of (~2.04 MB)

Аниме: Fate Zero/ Zankyou no Terror/ Plastic Neesan/ Prison School/ Death Note/ Hyouka/ Ano Hana/ Orange/ Toradora!/ Nisekoi/ Sukitte li na yo/ Clannad After Story/ School Days/ sakurasou no pet na kanojo/ Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!/ Another/ Boku Dake ga Inai Machi/ Kyoukai No Kanata
Музыка: Thirty Seconds of Mars - Hurricane
Награды: 3° Place to AMV Contest Games&Comics School Festival

Heart Storm AMV

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 446 |  Comments: 11 |  Rating: 2.912.91

  Hana 10.12.2016

Клип обыкновенный. Породы гладкошерстной. Не линяет. Не сбрасывает шерсть.
Питается исключительно шоколадной продукцией. В меру успитанный. Не требует ухода и выгуливания. При обнаружении врага громко и шумно убегает. Сьедобен. Созревает в период цветения гладиолусов.

Картинка Making of (~4.2 Мб)

Аниме: Www.Working!
Музыка: New Politics – Girl Crush


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 529 |  Comments: 14 |  Rating: 2.972.97

  Heathens 23.11.2016

Hi, Please do not look for sense in this AMV, i just take scenes that i like and thats all. That goes for all my old amvs.
Just enjoy and thanks for watching.

Аниме: Mirai Nikki, 91 Days, Parasyte, Flip Flappers, Sangatsu no Lion, Shingeki no kyojin, Shokugeki no Soma, Tokyo Ghoul, Big Order, Guilty Crown, Boruto, Naruto Shippuden, Kizumonogatari, Sword Art Online, Death Parade, Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso, Haikyu, Kyosou Giga, Golden Time, Sankarea, Charlotte, Akame ga Kill, DanMachi, Noragami, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Parasyte.
Музыка: Twenty One Pilots - Heathens (Dunisco Remix)


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 527 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 2.302.30

  Heroic Strike 21.11.2016

Комментарий автора: Hello guys! This is my new amv. After first minute of my vid I lost my inspiration (as always), but I really wants to finish this! I think it's not bad for my new little solo project! ^^

Аниме: One Punch Man
Музыка: ONE OK ROCK - Shake it down

Heroic Strike

Categories: Action |  Downloaded: 908 |  Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.343.34

  H·E·X·L·A·Y 18.11.2016

Intro/Outro Seq::HalfEar, 00:00~00:22/03:21~04:13 ▶3D Motiongraphics
Part I/Director::INiXiE, 00:23~00:55 ▶ 키즈나이버×잔향의 테러
Part II/시드Seed, 00:56~01:28 ▶ 초속 5cm
Part III/Ray, 01:29 ~01:59 ▶ 샬롯
Part IV/LeeHwarang, 02:00~02:43 ▶ 마법소녀 마도카 마기카
Part V/격락_GRST, 02:44~03:21 ▶ 일곱 개의 대죄
Schedule: 16.08.21~16.11.14

Аниме: Zankyou no Terror, KIZNAIVER, Byousoku 5 Centimeter, CHARLOTTE, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Nanatsi no Taizai,
Музыка: Aimer - Falling Alone

H·E·X·L·A·Y ᴹᴱᴾ

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 430 |  Comments: 1 |  Rating: 2.662.66

  Haunted By The Past 12.11.2016

My entry for the Chonnichi AMV Contest 2016 :3 I wanted to make something with a bit more substance. I'm glad it was shown at the Con, as it was a great experience to watch it on big screen. Hope you like it:3

Аниме: Sankarea, Kara No Kyoukai, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Wonderful Days, Angel Beats, Another
Музыка: Rawtekk - Amber's love as like a marble (Billain Remix)

Haunted By The Past

Categories: Drama |  Downloaded: 935 |  Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.453.45

  Heartbeats 09.11.2016

Комментарий автора: 在遥远的未来,所有的一切,包括人类,都已经完成了高度的机械化。 而在机械社会的一个荒芜的广场上,一个女孩细致的雕琢着自己的木雕。然而让她失望的是,无论如何努力,面前的一樽樽棕熊木雕都面无表情,毫无生气。女孩绝望地摇了摇头,手中的木工工具也逐渐破碎。正在此时,在女孩的身后,翠绿的青草开始盛开。她转过身,在青色光芒的沐浴中,一只活生生的棕熊站在了那里……
Sina: @Lv4-CoachP @Wind-butterfly @布列瑟農__Bressanone @just明明黄 @请小心台阶

Аниме: Original Animation
Музыка: Original music


Categories: Original Animation |  Downloaded: 1219 |  Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.913.91

  Haku 01.11.2016

Ну вот началось. Я снова вернулся. В общем этот клип планировалось доделать раньше (гораздо раньше) того, что по Хибике. Но так уж вышло... И да. Клип назвал настолько просто, насколько возможно (кто смотрел сурс, поймут). Где-то здесь должна висеть табличка 16+ или же 18+, но я не знаю, где она тут есть, так что напишу об этом в описании :3
Ну так вот. На чем я остановился? Ах да. Титры в клипе - это на самом деле не титры. Ну, вы не поймете, пока сами не увидите. И да. Они милые. Определенно. Ни одного кадра по титрам в скрины не кину. Так интересней)
P.S.В начале клипа все будет очень красиво
P.P.S.А может и не только в начале...

Аниме: Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen, Utawarerumono - The Two Hakuoros
Музыка: Faun – Diese Kalte Nacht


Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 493 |  Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.293.29

  Humans Are Such Easy Prey 16.10.2016

Настанет миг, для ньюса страшный миг,
когда на главку клип с ютуба угодит.
Забудут сразу все тогда на ньюс дорогу,
и вознесут, отчаявшись, свои молитвы к богу.
Неистово в сердцах начнут его просить,
чтоб грех голосованья дал им искупить.
Но будет всё напрасно, и они сопьются с горя,
а я ещё добавлю (на ютубе клипов море).

Аниме: Akira
Музыка: Perturbator — Humans Are Such Easy Prey

Пророчество старой бабки с попугаем

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 487 |  Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.363.36

  Hearts beating 05.10.2016

Всем добрый день:) Изначально этот исходник служил как тестер туториалов, но потом что-то "заиграло", и это превратилось (как мне кажется) в довольно милое amv. Хотя оценивать его вам:) Заранее спасибо за просмотр:3

Аниме: 5 Centimeters per Second
Музыка: Daughter–Still

hearts beating

Categories: Оценочная |  Downloaded: 399 |  Comments: 2 |  Rating: 2.912.91

  Hulapalu 03.10.2016

My submission for Connichi exclusive AMV-contest 2016.
I wanted to use one of my currently favorite songs. My amv-friends who also visited Connichi in september found it kinda awkward that I was using this song...guess 'Schlager' is not for everyone (just for those who drink enough haha).
Unfortunately for you guys this song is in german. Lucky for you guys I just had some time to do an english translation.

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

Happy hour in the middle of the night
Sexy, everyone is dancing everyone is laughing
Fourty degrees on the dancefloor
Hulapalu you whisper in my ear

What is Hulapalu, what does it come with
Do you maybe close your eyes during Hulapalu
Can you see the stars during Hulapalu
Please, tell me how to do it?

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

Where is Hulapalu, tell me where does it come from
How do you spell Hulapalu what the hell is this
I just believe Hulapalu is not completely g-rated
You just say 'so what'?

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

Аниме: Space Dandy
Музыка: Andreas Gabalier - Hulapalu


Categories: Dance |  Downloaded: 868 |  Comments: 24 |  Rating: 4.034.03

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