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I intended the intro to be very different from the rest of the video, both to build a sense of progression and to cause a greater impact when the transition occured, which can lead the viewer to feel alienated when watching for the first time.
I respect your decision in disliking the track shift because you feel like the atmosphere was lost, but since that's what I was going for it would be silly of me not to, and with your comment I can tell that it was, for the most part, a succesful experiment.
это ожидание которое потом не оправдывается всё благодоря музе :)
Thank you!
damned, It's actually pretty awesome how someone can relate my video to GEHIRNSTURMEN and Moon Powder, two of my favorite AMVs, that's great to hear, thanks!
Zebiru, It's waaay too early to start guessing, 110 participants and growing with only 10 videos premiered so far, so I bet we're going to have alot more great amvs coming right up, but hey I'll take that as a huge compliment
GABELEKTRO, Thanks alot ; )
DomiusVidz, +1 loled
ощущение что синхре чего то не хватает, не хватает яркости, или четкости отыгрыша, или тут лишняя стирильность в экшн-части, в общем
момент с самолетом и ядром, пустить на одну, две десятые секунды позже а то музыка чуть вперёд уходит, и оставляет некий диссонанс;
ну и напоследок трек) поменьше дабстепа, ну или вперемешку со спокойной частью, было бы лучше, ну это уже на мой вкус.
If I could help, I would like to say that you're investing so much in technique putting concept a little aside, fill in your projects with more content, this gonna leave it more "stuffed".
gta_iv86, ♥
Zebiru, You're far too kind
ThalesEditions, haha I'm not entirely sure if that was meant to sound like a compliment, but hey it sure feels like one to me! Thanks for watching thales.
nekroz98, Thank you for the kind comment, glad you liked it ; )
Also sorry for not replying to russian comments, I'm not discriminating you or anything like that, but I barely understand what you were saying after I translate it, I know this is a russian website, but I would appreciate it if you could comment in english if the comment was meant for me, thanks.