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Sisters of Fate

There are serious spoilers in video!

I spent the majority of my time working on this in AE. I would like to think I got better with optical flares but not to sure. This is also my first time messing with Magic Bullet. I originally did this back in 2011. But I really wanted to edit Ga-Rei -Zero- again. I liked it back then, but now that I looked at it. Oh dear... it is not that good. Random scenes EVERYWHERE. So I decided to remake it and finally focus on just Kagura and Yomi.

Anime: Ga-Rei-Zero
Music: Fujita Maiko - Unmei No Hito

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

Sisters of Fate

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Author: (video created: 10.03.2015)
Submitted by: GodFire91 22.03.2015 at 14:47
3.49 3.49 (43 votes)
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Comments (3)
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GodFire91   User profile  Video channel
  29.03.2015 07:41
Rila wrote:
mimimishno pretty - I liked it)

Thank You :D
kyle_m wrote:
where'r u goin so fast?

I'm not to sure what you're saying here? Sorry.
kyle_m   User profile
  28.03.2015 00:50
where'r u goin so fast?
Rila   User profile
  27.03.2015 03:22
мимимишно довольно - мне понравилось )

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