This is my first AMV I spend more than a couple hours edit time. I got the idea while listening to the song by Cosmic Gate. The main idea was to get some space footage with crazy tracking shots combined with Sankarea and Tasogare Otome x Amnesia which fit perfectly in the concept in my opinion. The second idea was to construct a feeling of a spell, so I started to experiment with colors and masks. The third concept idea was to create a feeling of interacting with the audience, so I tried to take szenes where the protagonist looks right to the audience. I divided the AMV in a part with cold colors and a part with warm colors. After cleaning up my footage (there were many credit scenes, which I covered with masks or fx tricks) I decided to remove some lyric text, which I integrated before, because some beta testers said, it would look better without it.
Аниме: Sankarea, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia, Guilty Crown
Музыка: Cosmic Gate - Under Your Spell
Вообще я б поставила 4, но мне очень нравится это аниме и музыка понравилась, так что - 5! Молодцом! :)
долорес напомнил....
Видеоряд - 4(5); Всё хорошо, кроме смены цвета по бумкалке и цикличности в некоторых местах.
Смысл - 0(5); Ниочем.
ему конечно ещё есть куда расти, наверняка это первые эксперименты...
а вот клип на исходник я ждал...
У клипа 2 недостатка - смотреть скучно и неприятно. Если на подергивания и другие тех. решения глаз вскоре не обращает внимания, то вот первое не лечится никак.
Siar_Mortal, Yeah the blur is pretty annoying, but I liked the idea to visualise the first lyric part "Counting out the hours, like the beat of a song". Blur was the only thing I know ... so sry for that ^^
The lipsyc isn't perfect but I wished to do it, because I didn't it before. So I have learned something new and I think it fits good in the concept.
Without camera movements the flow was terrible, but I'll try to improve it more.
Thanks for the comments, they help me a lot. (although I need some time to read them, cause my German destroyed my Russian language a lot xD)
Склоняюсь к 3+. Для первой работы вполне.
Man, it's pretty much great, but please, for the love of god, don't do this blur-sync-thing anymore, it looks terrible. And lip-sync is a pretty stupid thing too. And overall, try to keep flow more restrained, without abrupt camera movements.
А вот реализация уже подкачала, с техникой траблы, неаккуратно очень.
Но зато старания автора видны, хотя в целом посредственно вышло.