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Крик в середине тоже не к месту.
Несмотря на это не могу сказать, что мне не понравилась техника. Просто где-то чего-то не хватало, а где-то было в избытке. Профиль неплохо раскрыт, клип в принципе приятный.4
Одна только замена их на внутрикадровую сделала бы работу в разы эффектнее.
Thank you for the advice - I agree, in hindsight, the effects I used at 1:28 appear sloppy, and do not create the right kind of cacophony I was hoping -- also at 1:37. You are correct that I wanted to invoke emotion, or at least show the character's emotions in this amv, and whether I've done this successfully or not, I will let the viewer decide. And thank you for the comment on the technical aspects - I am still learning, but I am glad you appreciate the technique
Kroner -AMV-,
thank you for the detailed comment, it was my goal however to integrate harsh, ugly effects to emphasize what was going on in violet's head -- destructive, dark, and almost intangible. I purposefully messed with the delicate animation and used different coloring to outline how fast moods can change in an unstable mind. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as a more typical amv, but I hope you can see that sometimes dissonance is created on purpose.
You do it well with the effects i really like them, the idea how you do it.
I really understand how you wanted to say how violet feels because she lost him..beautiful. - story
I think you took really good scenes and i feel how you go with the song, you show the feeling from violet with the song and that concept.
lonliness - i wish you luck
Despite the successful of your intentions, I really appreciate this kind of tought. Ideas have always an huge importance for me and I’m more interested in those before the actual realization, but this is a contest and we should evaluate the “final product”. So if from one side O appreciate the idea, I must say I didn’t understand it from the vid itself. Effects were really distracting and even if most of them were on point, the whole atmosphere got lost trying to figure out what I was seeing. My suggestion is to integrate better effects with your intentions, you’re already a good editor, I think you just need to find the right balance
Также отмечу некоторые спорные эффекты искажения, которые выглядят грязно ( как на 1:28 ). Возможно стоило бы поискать замену таким эффектам.
Но, повторюсь, в плане техники клип вполне годный. Хороший монтаж, хорошая синхра, интересный подход к синхре щелчков трека. 4
Thank you for the insightful comment. I felt a bit lost when making this, and it shows. I wanted to try effects and themes that contrasted the beautiful animation (and the romantic, fluffy theme that I've seen this anime used too many times for), but I agree, behind it is the same kind of story. My main motivation for making this, is the fact that violet was the most traumatized character in this story, yet we don't see very much into her mind, even though she is the main character. I thought her story didn't invoke enough emotion, so I wanted to retell it in my own way.
Новая идея из разряда "голый король". Очевидно, что клип задумывался "резковатым". Но, имхо, можно было взять какой-то абсолютный матрок под это дело. Рваный монтаж и вокал, который никак не обыгрывается создают ощущение легкого пофигизма.
Жаль что за "Новой формой" все тот же сюжет.
Ну хотя бы попытка в какую-то оригинальность, даже при том, что эффекты выглядели грязновато.