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NO SCARED 06.05.2013

Hello, A name is called tama. A graduate is Japan. I will participate in a BIG contest 2013. Although a MAD is known, since a AMV is not known, uneasiness is to be able to do a little. With such a work, I am sorry for poor English. If good, please see in how.

Аниме: Fate/ZERO
Музыка: One OK Rock - No Scared


Комментарии: 42 |  Рейтинг: 3.023.02
Автор: RX78_tama

OK.Dream ver2.0 04.05.2013

Тут будет история о NightSlayer'e который не смог.

Было дело после Акросса 2012. Как то утром рано Слеер решил зайти на нюсь и увидел, что БК то вот уже через три месяца. И решил что он должен нагнуть всех и сделать эпик. Вспомнил, что есть офигеная идея для этого, которая храниться еще с прошлого коллаб кона. И делал Слеер днями и неделями. Как откуда не возьмись Слеер погрузился в тьму и имя этой тьме - "DOTA 2" раньше бедный слеер играл только во время отдыха после клипа. Но теперь всё изменилось он делал клип во время отдыха от доты. И недолго думая Слеер понял, месяца до дл, а у него всего 40 сек сделано и решил оставить клип, чтобы не спеша его сделать, но потом.

Поучительная история, о том как родился этот клип. То есть это не то что я хотел сделать. Тот самый эпик, о котором говорится, остался пока в разработке (

Коммент от NightSlayer'a: го коллаб пацыки, а фул клип я потом доделаю =_= Еруш б***ь выключай доту и делай клип. Eсли сегодня попрёт то думаю даже доделаю.  Минута уже есть. Титры надо+ постер+цк+потом всё

Коммент от Erushka^^'и: Да там не долго. Я даже доту удалил. Ломка. Я короче тебя обманул я парт за день сделал XD а всё остальное время я в доту играл XD

NigtSlayer: 0:0 - 1:22
Erushka^^ 1:23 - 2:31

Аниме: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Sword of the Stranger, K, Fate Zero, Naruto, Bleach, Evangelion, Sword Art Online, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Музыка: Stellar – What Is Love

OK.Dream ver2.0

Комментарии: 99 |  Рейтинг: 4.004.00
Автор: NightSlayer, Erushka^^

Warrior Idol 04.05.2013

My Entry for the Big Contest 2013 AMV Competition. This is my first time entering for a AMV competition in Russia.

Since I've been edit a lot of Shoujo AMV's I decided to do a different concept since I really haven't much fun editing during my past projects. So when I've started this project I actually had the fun editing feeling back like it was in 2009 AMV entries since I was at the learning process with my AMV's and changing styles. This time I did it again like the good old times.

Since last year Merey and Timo showed me K-pop music and I saw for the first time B.A.P K-pop group since the K-pop was very high at Abunai I saw the real Music Video and the style of editing and background was stunning since then I've keep that music in mind for a later time.

Since G&J Productions known as Anne and Juliet used an Anime Source called Uta no Prince Sama Maji 1000% in the New Skyline AMV from Tsunacon 2012 I immediately had something in my mind but not the whole image of the Anime. I've watched the Anime and this going to be it B.A.P Warrior was the choice with this Anime.

After that I've started editing with in total of 2 weeks spread in 14 days with stops.

I kind felt a little bit gay when I've edit this AMV cause of the boys group but It was quite a challenge to do this since they won't expect it that I use this Anime. Some of the Animation graphics wasn't quite needed in this AMV but I couldn't find much inspiration to fill that place with other scenes.

Thanks everyone who voted for my AMV and I will continue AMV editing after I've heard about the reactions after the AMV contest.

AMV Editor: Timmie Ng

Program used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, Adobe After Effects CS5.5, Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5, Adobe Audition CS5.5, Megui, Virtualdub 1.9

Аниме: Uta no Prince Sama Maji 1000% Love
Музыка: B.A.P - Warrior
Награды: Yaycon 2013 AMV competition 1st place

Warrior Idol

Комментарии: 64 |  Рейтинг: 3.103.10
Автор: FateTRSC

Order 03.05.2013

Представляю вам мою новую работу. Это мой 5-й Big Contest ... и мой последний клип. Оглядываясь назад, я с большим удовольствием вспоминаю времена, когда я впервые открыл windows movie maker , как медленно, но верно я учился, стараясь использовать новые знания в своих работах. Осваивал новые программы и стремился сделать свою следующую работу немного лучше предыдущей. С каким неподдельным восторгом я читал положительные комментарии и, немного хмурясь, вдумчиво изучал критику в сторону своих клипов. Спасибо всем зрителям и авторам за отлично проведенное время. Настала пора сказать: "Прощай, AMV!"

P.s. Шутка. Просто надо было что-то в описании накалякать.

Аниме: Jormungand, Jormungand: Perfect Order
Музыка: Maybeshewill – C.N.T.R.C.K.T, Santa – Time to attack


Комментарии: 113 |  Рейтинг: 4.034.03
Автор: Padre

Eternal Fight 01.05.2013

After almost 1 years this MEP is finally complete (Y). The idea began with the release of the new Celldweller album where I liked a song and I wanted absolutely use it. So the MEP started with some of my friends and after a lot of problems we ended last week. All the parts are about fight against something. we wanted to transmit "the strength" of the battles above all. We hope that we have succeeded in our aim. Hope you like it. Enjoy
Part01 - [madaraxd]
Part02 - LucidAPs
Part03 - Scofield
Part04 - xDreww
Part05 - Aresshiachan
Part06 - GabberMD
Part07 - MagicDarkLight
Part08 - xDieguitoAMV

Аниме: Beyond the Clouds, Munto TV, Ga-Rei Zero, Casshern Sins, Mahou shoujo Madoka Magica, Fullmetal Alchemist - Brotherhood, Nurarihyon no mago, Black Rock Shooter (2012)
Музыка: Celldweller - Against the Tide, Ricochet - Blue Foundation

Eternal Fight

Комментарии: 77 |  Рейтинг: 3.973.97
Автор: [madaraxD], LucidAPs, Scofield (+5)

Revolution of the Downtrodden 29.04.2013

The underdog. The one that is an unlikely hero & savior. There are many of them out there and are judged for being unworthy or unimportant. Well this MEP is about some of those underdogs. Amazing characters that have overcome many obstacles despite the odds and harsh judgment from anybody else who ever had the misfortune of underestimating them, and throwing them to the ground to be trodden over. We hope you enjoy this video.

Аниме: Btooom!, Fate/Zero, Guilty Crown, Kara no Kyoukai, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach, Zetman
Музыка: KDrew - Circles

Revolution of the Downtrodden

Комментарии: 35 |  Рейтинг: 3.233.23
Автор: Kat, ForgottenXsoulz, Gintoki (+5)

Bring Me Out 28.04.2013

This is GrowingNOOB and I take part in BC for te first time. This is an "action" clip with story plot about time loop. Characters fight against the game for their loved ones. I tried to tell a story only in montage instead of re-configuration. Hope you like it and thanks soooooo much!

Аниме: Hyouka, Kara no Kyoukai, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Shakugan no Shana, Steins Gate, Suzumiya Haruhi TV, Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Музыка: Evanescence - Bring me to life

Bring Me Out

Комментарии: 67 |  Рейтинг: 3.853.85
Автор: growingnoob

AM MEP 23.04.2013

A MEP me and some buddies conjured up. It came out well and we are already looking forward to the next contest : )

Special thanks to kYo for filling in last minute and for producing the poster and outro. Enjoy!

Аниме: Code Geass, Broken Blade, Rahxephon, Aim to the Top 2 - Diebuster, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, Gurren Lagann
Музыка: Machinae Supremacy - Attack Music, Indiscriminate Murder Is Conter - Productive


Комментарии: 63 |  Рейтинг: 3.213.21
Автор: Mally

Ultimate Line 20.04.2013

Yo! This is my video for Big Contest. So I wanted to make a race between several anime, unfortunately there was not really much good anime for it, so I just concentrated on these three animes there. I hope you enjoy it!
Special Thanks to : Dn@, Hayden, and Oxide for the poster.

Аниме: RedLine, Fate Zero, Karas
Музыка: Blue Stahli - The Ultimate
Награды: Лучший дизайн титров и работа с текстом на AMVNews: Big Contest 2013

Ultimate Line

Комментарии: 91 |  Рейтинг: 3.803.80
Автор: Madao

Snowball Genocide (Beta) 17.04.2013

Клип-победитель первого раунда конкурса Project OrgEditor 3 (King of Spring). Задачей участников в этом раунде было создать клип, связанный с одним из четырех времен года (основное условие - время года должно узнаваться безошибочно).

Аниме: Azumanga Daioh, Upotte, Kanon, Sora no Otoshimono 2, Acchi Kocchi
Музыка: Montee & Junky Sound - Royal Taste (Jan Waterman Remix)

Snowball Genocide

Комментарии: 45 |  Рейтинг: 4.274.27
Автор: Kisanzi

Ocean Deep 17.04.2013

This is my entry for Big Contest 2013. I can't say that I didn't have enough time to finish this but I certainly did not prepare myself to join this contest. This is my first time joining an AMV contest.

I started this AMV in February and only really finished the intro of it because I was working on other projects during that time. I decided to join this contest 6 days ago and only had 3 rough days to finish the main body of this as the deadline was still set on April the 15th..so excuse the weak editing at some parts of this AMV. I had this video done and prepared for the 15th before the deadline was extended to the 23rd.

I know this video lacks in concept/plot because I edited this in a "RANDOM ACTION MUSIC VIDEO" fashion but by the looks of, it could potentially have a short story in there.

So let me sum the main points: A couple broke up. She’s being hospitalized due to some illness. They look back into their past. The girl goes through a difficult phase in her life. She’s trying to fight off the obstacles with her best friend she met at school. The boy eventually became a victim as well (idk why). They later on found new mates. The boy finds out her true identity (and is shocked :o) . The new pair broke up because it didn’t work out?. She’s on the verge of suicide and her ex out of the blue appears and tries to save her. He succeeded and they once again look back into their past. Finally they found each other again and became dear, loving couples again.

Very random and unclear when watching the video but that’s what I got.. hope that makes it a bit more enjoyable to watch.

Initially this was made for a whole different purpose but I felt like it needed a bit more excitement to it so the contest came in handy... and well I know Russian folks love drum & bass music :3

It's definitely not my best work but I hope you enjoyed this :)

Аниме: Kara No Kyoukai
Музыка: B-Complex - Ocean Deep

Ocean Deep

Комментарии: 65 |  Рейтинг: 3.593.59
Автор: kYo

For the Win 14.04.2013

Hi everyone! We Japanese will participate for the first time in this contest. I wanted to make AMV using Two Steps From Hell. But, I was not able to make a satisfying thing. I still need to practice. XD

I hope you'll enjoy. Sorry, my English is bad.

Аниме: Sword Art Online
Музыка: Two Steps From Hell - For the Win

For the Win

Комментарии: 134 |  Рейтинг: 4.164.16
Автор: DigiCat

One Last Breath 14.04.2013

Комментарий автора: Мистрес призвала Фараона Найнети (как его имя переводят в аниме) и Усаги с остальными сейлорами борется с ним из последних сил. Надеюсь, что задумка моя будет понятна и вопросов "а где же Фараон Найнети?" у вас не возникнет.

Аниме: Sailor Moon
Музыка: Paul Stanley – Live To Win

One Last Breath

Комментарии: 56 |  Рейтинг: 3.743.74
Автор: Lelika

Digital Hell 13.04.2013

So I've been working on this AMV for almost a year now. I was really excited to finally be finished with it and even more excited to share it now. I put a lot of work into this. I'm sure there are a few things I could have done better, but I'm overall happy with the final product. I did the best I could for my limited technical knowledge.

I've had this idea for an AMV for quite awhile now. I knew what I wanted to do, but I just wasn't exactly sure how to approach it and where to start. Also I didn't feel my skills were good enough to create something like this. So years later I finally got inspiration to just get started and well, it's done haha At first, I reeeeally didn't want this to be a crossover(because I'm like so sick of crossovers right now) but I needed someone to play the girl character and not just let it be a random voice. So yeah... crossover xP

Special thanks to Overture, Achiita, and lokkiclu for beta testing this for me. You guys gave me some really helpful tips. And thanks to FutureAmvs for just supporting me as I've been working on this AMV xD

Well I hope you guys like it!

Аниме: Death Note, Code Geass, Chobits, Kamisama no Memochou, Angel Beats, Melancholy of Haruhi, Bacterial Contamination PV, The World Only God Knows
Музыка: Victims of Science - The Device Has Been Modified

Digital Hell

Комментарии: 113 |  Рейтинг: 4.304.30
Автор: JazzsVids

Bitch Angels 12.04.2013

Hello, I am John. I participated in the BIG CONTEST for the first time. I am very happy that I was able to participate in this contest. And, I hope you like this video. Last, sorry for my bad English.

Аниме: Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Музыка: ELLEGARDEN - Supernova (Norihito Ogawa Remix)

Bitch Angels

Комментарии: 52 |  Рейтинг: 3.503.50

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