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Two Different Path 24.02.2013

TheCacoVenom (Novice) I have always wanted about participating in this contest. I asked my friend Tritio to join me and he acepted. I think that the beggining of the video was the hardest part, but then I realized that my friend wanted me to know and so I changed my style, and I could get out better than I expected in the video.

TritioAFB (Pro) I'm proud of Caco. Working with him was a pleasant experience although we had the problems of difference between the hours we could talk, I was still able to teach him some facts about the edition. Personally I feel he has improved so much after this one

Аниме: Lost Canvas
Музыка: Underoath - Desperate Times

Two Different Path

Comments: 31 |  Rating: 2.722.72
Author: TheCacoVenom

Kuzo to the Sky 21.02.2013

Multi Editor Project edited for the birthday of a friend. Enjoy! Happy birthday Kuzo *-*

Track 1: diegao94
Track 2: Leonhearth
Track 3: Kyros
Track 4: Nihilant01
Track 5: [key]Scarlet
Track 6: Domius
Track 7: Riccardocasu
Track 8: Chaos Lv99

Аниме: Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai!, Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (TV), Girl Who Leapt, Through Space, The (TV), Gundam Wing, K, Kara No Kyoukai - The Garden Of Sinners (Movie), Origin ~Spirits Of The Past~ (Movie), Psycho-Pass (TV), Kyoukai no Kanata
Музыка: Tantrum Desire - Reach

Kuzo to the Sky

Comments: 40 |  Rating: 4.004.00

RWBY "White" Trailer 16.02.2013

Второй трейлер к анимационному сериалу RWBY (Red, White, Black, Yellow) от Monty Oum'a и студии Rooster Teeth. После Красной шапочки в игру вступает Белоснежка. Советуем ознакомиться с первым трейлером, если вы его еще не видели. 

Аниме: Original 3D animation
Музыка: Jeff Williams - Mirror Mirror


Comments: 113 |  Rating: 4.594.59
Author: Monty Oum

Ashes of the Coming Dawn 16.02.2013

Снова Warheart и снова Dark Tranquillity.

Комментарий автора: A Video I wanted to do for a long time. Since my first amv lacked technical knowhow I think I wasn't able to express what the music means to me. Thus I made another Dark Tranquillity AMV, they are the best band out there for sure and maybe I can convince you to get yourself an album too ;P. It's one of their unreleased tracks from the Projector-recordings (only to be found on Exposures), it's a song with to sides and thus the AMV has it's calm moments as well as some nice actionparts. It's nothing like Wardancer or Lonesome Wolf though, I think you'll agree.

Аниме: SoulTaker, The
Музыка: Dark Tranquillity - No One

Ashes of the Coming Dawn

Comments: 27 |  Rating: 2.882.88
Author: Warheart

Bird in a Cage 13.02.2013

glamrocker5 (Novice): I've learned a lot with my pro, not only how to get high quality footage and convert it without losing any quality, but also how to organize everything I need, keep the flow and render the video properly. I enjoyed this experience, it was enriching and I'll treasure what I learned. I must thank SelfishPromise for all the patience she had and for keeping up with me through the making of this video.

SelfishPromise (Pro): It felt great to edit with glamrocker, she was determined to learn since the beginning and I feel like she's done some big improvements. My teachings were mainly regarding technical issues, such as rendering and encoding, because she already had the skills to make a good AMV, I just gave her a little push.

Аниме: Black Rock Shooter (OVA)
Музыка: Sawano Hiroyuki feat. Mika Kobayashi - βίος

Bird in a Cage

Comments: 45 |  Rating: 3.263.26
Author: glamrocker5

Supersonic 12.02.2013

Domius (novice): It was an honor for me collaborating with [key]Scarlet, I enjoyed a lot this experience and I hope to haven't disappointed her expectations. As for me, I'm not really satisfied with my video, I could have done better, nonetheless I thank a lot [key]Scarlet 'cause she helped me to fix a lot of things, and for technical and moral support.

[key]Scarlet: This wasn't the first time I've followed Domius during one of his project, however it was an interesting experience where I could give him more detailed advices for improving the various defects which the video had. Domius already started with a discrete basis, but with some lacks which then he succeeded to fix during the realisation of this video, which I personally think that it's his best so far.

Аниме: Guilty Crown
Музыка: Shinedown - Cry for help


Comments: 57 |  Rating: 3.663.66
Author: Domius

Manhunt 11.02.2013

Akuzo (Novice): Nothing to say in particular, it's an action AMV on Darker Than Black. Even if it's not perfect, I think I have improved and it's the most important. Thanks to Echo and I hope you'll like it!

Echotrooper (pro): Akuzo was a good novice and he really improved. There are again few mistakes and some things could be cleaner but I'm really proud of his improvement and I'm sure the next one will be better again! My only regret is that I do think he could do better if he didn't have attacked a TGV near his home >.<

Аниме: Darker Than Black, Basilisk, Deadman Wonderland, Air Gear, Ao no Exorcist, F.M.A. Brotherhood, Senki Zesshou Symphogear, EF- A Tale of Melodies, Freezing
Музыка: Level - Shattered


Comments: 52 |  Rating: 3.723.72
Author: Akuzo

God Luck 10.02.2013

KSANDR (Novice): Во-первых, хотелось бы сказать БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО SERIY! За всё время работы ни разу не усомнился в профессионализме своего PRO. На каждый вопрос Серёга отвечал более чем понятно, где ссылкой, где буквально объяснял на пальцах. Думаю, мы с ним хорошо сработались и этот клип тому подтверждение. В целом же, работа вышла хорошая со своими плюсами и минусами. Опять же порадую длинной клипа ))
Отдельное спасибо Luriel и SinDromX

seriy (Pro): Хочется похвалить KSANDR'а за терпение, усидчивость и желание учиться, а также за то, что дошел до самого конца и смог закончить это AMV. Мой Падаван, желаю тебе креатива, чувства стиля, удачи в изучении новых техник и да пребудет с тобой сила!

Аниме: Binbougami ga!
Музыка: Man With A Mission - Never Fxxxin Mind The Rules

God Luck

Comments: 67 |  Rating: 4.104.10
Author: KSANDR

Nefrea (Corpse Ruler) 08.02.2013

Sephi (Novice): It was a really long and tedious work, but it was worth, I'm satisfied with the final result! I want to thank Echo who was a wonderful coach, who achieved to motivate me from the beginning to the end with his precious tips. I'm really happy I could be his novice, It was great!

Eco (Pro): Well, it was a good experience to join the contest with Sephi. She was a really good novice and she did her best to improve. Besides, she is one of my team mates so I'm even happier she improves :P I hope you'll like her AMV ;)

Аниме: Hellsing Ultimate, Devil May Cry, F.M.A. Brotherhood
Музыка: Skiller - My Secret
Награды: Лучший клип в жанре Экшк (Action) на AMVNews: Level Up 2013

Nefrea (Corpse Ruler)

Comments: 58 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Sephi

T:Ciphra 03.02.2013

Darthice (Novice) : First of all I want to say thanks to Echo for being my pro this year, he really helped me alot. I'm really happy with the final result of this and I had fun editing it. I have learned to pay more attention to details and he explained me how to better use the song. I feel that I have made some major improvements in my editing!

Echotrooper (Pro)
: Hi everybody!It was really nice to work with Darthice, even if he is a "beginner" in editing, he was really serious and always tried to do better.His amv is a good reflect of his improvement and I'm pretty satisfy with what he did, even if it could do better on some points. I'm sure he will continue to improve to do better again next time!

Аниме: Fate/Zero
Музыка: Blue Stahli - Metamorphosis (Lifetheory remix)


Comments: 79 |  Rating: 3.663.66
Author: Darthice

Together Until the End 02.02.2013

Draga (Novice): Well, i really enjoyed making my AMV with MDL, i never thought that i'll have a chance like this, with one of my best amv-makers, it was an honor for me, i learned a lot and i had a lot of fun with him, i always wanted to make a SAO AMV but i never had a good chance, but this time i finally DID it! I really hope that one day i can work again with him, i'm very satisfied with the result since it's my first participation in a big contest, thanks for everything MDL! :D

MagicDarkLight (Pro): It was a nice experience to work with Draga, I didn't really taught him some special effects but I think he wasn't good enough in the basis of his editing so I beta tested him about these little technical flaws he was still doing and explained him thoroughfully about technical points he was missing. I'm really satisfied with the result we came up with and I hope he will use what he learned as a strong basis to build more developped AMVs in the future.

Аниме: Sword Art Online
Музыка: Nine Lashes - Afterglow

Together Until the End

Comments: 90 |  Rating: 3.783.78
Author: Draga

Because Of You 31.01.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2012  

Overall Akross Ranking: 29/70
Best Action Ranking: 7/20

I started this video too late, indeed, not very satisfied with the final part but I had NO more time and a lot of problems too. The concept of the video is very simple, I tried to tell the story of this anime following the lyric of the song. The story is focused on Aron, nice guy but will become what he feared most! There will be a lot of battles too....

Аниме: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa (OVA)
Музыка: Echoes The Fall - Because Of You

Because Of You

Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.693.69
Author: gabberMD

Apocalyptic Melody 27.01.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2012  

MentalTsui представил на конкурс работу в духе своего прошлогоднего клипа, Depressive Methodology.

Аниме: Bleach, Naruto Shippuden, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note Kara no Kyoukai, Ergo Proxy, High School of the Dead, Bakemonogataari Saint Seiya: Lost Canvas, Ao No Exorcist, Ga-Rei:Zero, Casshern Sins Genius Party Beyond: Dimension Bomb, Sword of the Stranger, Aoi Bungaku, Black Rock Shooter
Музыка: Katatonia - The Longest Year


Apocalyptic Melody

Comments: 25 |  Rating: 3.463.46
Author: MentalTsui

Sensus 27.01.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS CON 2007

Давненько хотел добавить данный клип на ресурс, и вот выкроив немного времени, хочу порадовать пользователей довольно таки-эмоциональной и душевной работой от автора exilen.

Комментарий автора: Клип делался для себя и даже не в рамках какого-либо проекта, но по случайности увидел анонс кона 2007, решил, почему бы и не поучаствовать.

Аниме: Claymore TV
Музыка: Deform - Зарази меня жизнью


Comments: 41 |  Rating: 3.623.62
Author: exilen

Retaliation 26.01.2013

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2012  

Комментарий автора: I regret nothing.

Картинка Making Of к клипу (~ 5Mb)

Аниме: Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu, Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas, Tales of Symphonia, Tears to Tiara, Hoshi wo ou kodomo, Brave Story, Tales of the Abyss
Музыка: Eisbrecher - Herz Aus Eis


Comments: 55 |  Rating: 4.434.43
Author: Fynjy

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