AMV - Videos

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Complicated Emotions (������ ��� ������)

An artistic take on the monogatari universe through my eyes. Complicated emotions mirrored in the eyes and actions of the characters involved, but more specific around Araragi. This was actually completed over 1 year ago but i have not posted or entered any competition with it so i thought this was the time for it to be shown!

Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Monogatari: second season, Owarimonogatari, Kizumonogatari, Nekomonogatari, Nisemonogatari
Музыка: Flume - The Greatest View (feat. Isabella Manfredi)

Complicated Emotions

Complicated Emotions

Complicated Emotions

Complicated Emotions

Complicated Emotions

Author LawSama AMV
Creation date 21.04.2018
Version 0

LawSama | 22.04.2018 11:03