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Feminist Class Historians (������ ��� ������)

Комментарий авторов: Аyyy this is Re-Evo's entry AMV-France's online contest Rebirth! A couple of our members suggested we throw a MEP together about a month before the deadline soo after another two weeks of procrastination we whipped this up. We ended up placing 10th out of 26th??? I believe, so not too bad for a last minute project. All info needed is in the outro!

Аниме: Monogatari Series
Музыка: Marina And The Diamonds – Valley of the Dolls

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Feminist Class Historians

Author BioticAMVs, InanAMV, MystykAMV, Nellogs
Creation date 05.12.2015
Version 0

Pushok | 31.08.2016 07:45