AMV - Videos


Children of the Grave ( )

Комментарий автора: Hi! This is a video I threw together really quick for Halloween ^^ I know it is the day before Halloween, but I'm in the middle of a 3 day IC so it is just easier for me to post it today ^^ This source was pretty frustrating to edit to since most of it is super colorful, and fairly silly and happy-go- lucky, but it was fun regardless.
Note: Special thanks to BioticAMVs for introducing me to this song artist QWQ. She also did an awesome AMV with this song you guys should check out :D

Аниме: Gakkou Gurashi!
Музыка: Halsey - Control

Children of the Grave

Children of the Grave

Children of the Grave

Children of the Grave

Children of the Grave

Author Xophilarus
Page of AMV
Creation date 30.10.2015
Version 0

Pushok | 21.11.2015 15:20