AMV - Клипы

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Mamma Ria (������ ��� ������)

I have a friend named Maria, we used to be very close, and we were just like other girls dreaming about our Mr.Right. One day she went to some place far faraway, and when I saw her again, I found out that she was not straight anymore... Oh , friend, if you are going to the les-circles, can you help me find my girl Maria, and tell her I'm here waiting for her ... Oh friend, if she will never come back, just tell her, I will always be her best friend no matter how well she changed...

Аниме: Maria holic, Maria holic alive
Музыка: Sarah Connor - Wait Till You Hear From Me

Mamma Ria

Mamma Ria

Mamma Ria

Mamma Ria

Mamma Ria

Автор клипа kokky
Страничка клипа
Дата создания 17.04.2015
Номер версии 0

kokky | 24.04.2015 09:49