AMV - Videos


Cercle de la Vie ( )

In loving memory of all health workers that have died during covid19 pandemic.

Hello guys and welcome to a new video. This time the story is about a double tribute to health workers that have died during covid19 pandemic, and elderly. As some of you know, I finished my medical speciality in Geriatry and as in My Medical Life video, there was going to be a tribute also to Geriatry. 
The title of this video translated is Circle of Life. How short and how beautiful can be life!

Special thanks to Darkio Hyoton, kuruta and NIGHT for the feedback of this video. Thanks for watching

Аниме: Inuyashiki
Музыка: Demand of a Man - Secession Studios

Cercle de la Vie

Cercle de la Vie

Cercle de la Vie

Cercle de la Vie

Cercle de la Vie

Author TritioAFB
Creation date 24.02.2021
Version 0

TritioAFB | 28.02.2021 08:52