AMV - Videos


Tokyo Revisited ( )

The original idea was to "mix" Resident Evil universe with Tokyo Ghoul but I finally gave up the idea. I may make a new video based on this concept in the future. So now, it ended up as a basic action AMV in which I just mainly attempt to synchronize the footage with the music while keeping a dark atmosphere.
The title is a direct reference to a Resident Evil OST.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Marylin Manson - Resident Evil Main Title Theme (Remix by The Enigma TNG)

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Tokyo Revisited

Author Woяthy
Creation date 16.10.2019
Version 0

Woяthy | 22.10.2019 16:17