
Пол:  Возраст: 33 Новичок Рега: 10.02.2016 Сообщения: 6 Откуда: morninggift
Добавлено: Сб Май 02, 2020 10:13 am Заголовок сообщения: NCS AMV CONTEST 2020 |
Banner by Nekroz
The NCS AMV CONTEST is back once again and we are hoping to see you there! This year the contest will only be hosted online so make sure to tell your friends to both watch and vote for the best amv! Everyone will be able to participate and compete against each other. Be sure to read the rules before you enter the contest!
You can use the tag #ncsamvcontest on social media if you want to help us spread the word!
• You have to be the creator of the AMV!
• One AMV / editor OR group. You can’t enter with a mep AND a solo amv.
• Your AMV have to be between 1.30 to 5 minutes long. Not more, not less. #LessIsMore
• The majority of your AMV must contain japanese anime or animated film, or fitting sequences from tv/pc games.
• Your video cannot contain 18+ material such as porn and violence! Bloody action scenes and echi are of course accepted content to use, but think about how you use it!
• Your AMV should not have been released before the contest takes place! It has to be exclusive.
• AMV,GMV,MMV, MEP and Collabs are allowed.
• The quality of your video and sound is important. We recommend that you use at least: 480p, 720p or 1080p. This is not a must, but the judges love good quality.
• Max filesize is 350mb!
• Allowed codecs and source format:
- Video codec: x264, Xvid, vidx
- Audio: minimum - 44,100hz, 128kbps. We recommend: 48,000hz, 320 kbps.
- Format: mp4, mkv, wmv, mov
• Your video cannot contain any fanmade subtitles or original credits from the source you’re using! (for example: visible kanji in an anime opening will not be accepted). It’s the same with tv logos. This cannot be visible in your amv.
• Depending on how much support we can get for this years contest the prizes will change! SpeedQueen GK is going to host a stream at least once a week where people will be able to donate to the prize pool of this contest! The main goal is to have prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in overall rank and the audience choice. Depending on the support we might be able to give out more prizes! You will also be able to win tickets for next years NärCon in Sweden!
• Donations will be open til July, 10th, 2020, on SpeedQueenGK’s twitch stream: HERE
• Your video will be able to participate in a special category. The categories are:
The categories are:
- Drama/romance
- Horror/psyche
- Fun
- Dance/Upbeat
- Action/sport
This means that you will get a placement in both your category and in the overall rank.
• The judges this year are: SpeedQueen GK, Insofistikerad, Niwa & Cat-sama!
• The judges will deside on 30 finalists that will be presented online on youtube! You will be contacted before the final about this.
• Every amv sent to the contest will be ranked by the judges! So even if you don’t make it to the final you will still receive an overall and category rank.
• The final will be streamed on July, 23, at 21.00 GMT+2 HERE
• The prize ceremony will be streamed on July, 26, at 20.00 GMT+2, at the same channel as the finale stream.
• You will be able to vote on your favorite amv during the final! The stream will tell you how
• After the prize ceremony winners will be contacted on email and ranklists will be released on our homepage! @ www.ncscontest.com
• Upload your amv and send your dl to:ncscontest@gmail.com before July, 10, 23.59 GMT+2.
• This is the following information we need from you:
- Your editor name/names.
- Your email address.
- Sources used in the amv
- Which category you wanna compete in.
- DL to your video/amv.
- If you’re sending a MEP please select one member for us to contact.
• Please name your file: category_editorname_amvname. If you don’t know category, just leave it blank and the judges will place your video in a category
• Video sent after the deadline will not get accepted. Videos that don’t follow the rules will also not get accepted. So before you send your amv please make sure you follow the rules
• Next step for you is to add the NCS discord server HERE
• If you want to talk about the contest online, use the #ncsamvcontest and @ncsamvcontest on twitter!
If you have any questions pls don’t hesitate to
send it to: ncscontest@gmail.com. You can also join our NCS discord server and ask your (#)questions.
Follow us on twitter for updates: @ncsamvcontest |