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Ruthless Devotion

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Shinteki (novice) (Previous works / Предыдущие работы): This whole video was a new experience for me, since this was the first time that i made amv that isn't completely random. Irriadin really was the perfect pro i needed to do something like this and has really been a huge help. This whole video wasn't really in my comfort zone and i decided to experiment with a lot of different things and also learned a lot of new stuff thanks to him. There's a lot of stuff that could've been better but i'm happy with the outcome!

irriadin (pro): Shinteki contacted me about seven months before Level-Up started to ask if I would be interested in being his pro. I was impressed by how far in advance he was thinking, and after finishing this video, I have to say that his work ethic is fantastic. Together we picked a dynamic song and created a story to focus almost entirely on Kiritsugu, even though this was very difficult due to limited source footage at times. There's more that could have been done in the video, but I'm satisfied with the AMV he created. In the end, I'm proud of Shinteki's accomplishments and have no doubt that he's going to go on to make great works in the future.

Anime: Fate/Zero, Kara No Kyoukai, Zetusen no Tempest, Zankyou no Terror, Berserk: Golden Age III, Steins;Gate, Darker Than Black, Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Music: Tom Odell - Another Love

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

Ruthless Devotion

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4.00 4.00 (230 votes)
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Author: (video created: 08.03.2015)
Submitted by: irriadinAMV 25.03.2015 at 17:29
4.00 4.00 (230 votes)
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Comments (36)
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RedAngel   User profile  Video channel
  25.03.2015 20:14
прекрасный, прекрасный, прекрасный
Quintero   User profile
  25.03.2015 19:45
Aid996 wrote:
а что за аниме где пацана показуют ?

Если пацан с девченкой в белом платье, то это одна из овашек к Fate
mycathatesyouamv   User profile
  25.03.2015 19:36
sadly pancake
Aid996   User profile  Video channel
  25.03.2015 19:35
а что за аниме где пацана показуют ?
клип приколный :)
ZoroIttoryu   User profile  Video channel
  25.03.2015 18:07
Ivan my man
Good job!
kenshiroamv   User profile
  25.03.2015 17:47
Default Avatar
gg wp boiz

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