Index > Character Profile
Be The Astronaut 14.01.2016

This was my video for the Souls Team 2013 and it didn't come that far but I didn't realy care :D Why? Because I always don't care that much but it was a lot of fun for a 3 day workout :D I tried later to make it a bit better but I couldn't bring my self up to it ^^

Аниме: Planetes
Музыка: Royal Republic - Everybody Wants To Be An Astronaut

Be The Astronaut

Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.803.80
Author: Noss

Deadpunch 07.01.2016

Пародия на greenband-трейлеры фильма "Дэдпул". К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Комментарий автора: Fan-made trailer parody of One-Punch Man to Deadpool trailer mashup.

Аниме: One Punch Man
Музыка: Deadpool Trailer Audio Mashup


Comments: 44 |  Rating: 4.334.33
Author: Rider4Z

The Man Who Thought Much 02.01.2016

Забавная история одного самурая, который много думал. Это финальная версия клипа-победителя Skirmish & Slots #3, которую пришлось ждать 2 с лишним года. Редкий пример простого и хорошего комедийного АМВ с авторским сюжетом, не завязанным на тексте песни.

Аниме: Sword of the Stranger
Музыка: Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Just Dropped In
Награды: 1-е место на конкурсе Skirmish & Slots #3: Blind Pick (2013), 1-е место на конкурсе Anime Factor 2013, 2-е место на конкурсе Танибата 2014

The Man Who Thought Much

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 3.393.39
Author: B@rs

Dark Paradise 01.01.2016

HI Hi! This is my entry for Enigmas Time 3rd Edition IC hosted by Eria Team last week, I wanted to edit a character profile focused in one of my favorite characters, Mine Fujiko. Hope you like!

Аниме: Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna, Death Parade, Grisai no kajitsu
Музыка: Lana del Rey - Dark Paradise
Награды: 1st place Eria Team IC: Enigmas Time 3rd edition

Dark Paradise

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Z0rek

Be.A.Ts. 29.12.2015

The idea for the video came during the Iron Effects IC in 2015. I have been put in the category "Color" and found it challenging to make a romance video with a Nightwish song. To make this work out I had to make Nisekoi kinda darker than this funny and colorful anime actually is. Voila! The perfect entry for the color-effects category! :-)

Being >b>A Tsundere:
For fully getting into the concept of the amv and enjoying it, it is important to pay close attention to the story. I wanted to tell a story about how a tsundere behaves and how I thinks she feels inside behind her behavior. I also used the basic story of Nisekoi and put some scenes together that make Chitoge look like some "Alice in Wonderland" who needs to escape from her own stupid behavior. Accidentally that matches the song very well. Have fun!

Аниме: Nisekoi
Музыка: Nightwish - Escapist


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.743.74
Author: JadeCharm

Take your way 17.12.2015

Официальный клип на песню Take your way (опенинг сериала  Devil Survivor 2). Видеоряд от студии NAZ (ей же принадлежит дизайн персонажей для аниме), режиссер - Fantasista Utamaro (Kotobukisun).

Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: Fukase - Take your way

Take your way

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.583.58
Author: Kotobukisun

Strong Willed 03.12.2015

Комментарий авторов: Merci Ruben for poster! Yo! Finally we decide to upload our work for speedproof ic. We didn't upload it before because we have problems with it, but now it's okay. Enjoy ^^

Аниме: Haikyuu, Kuroko no Baske
Музыка: Rayden – aLIEz


Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.683.68
Author: Agito, Fobos

Yakoi 30.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Pas vraiment grand chose à dire sur le clip. C'était fun à faire parce que c'est une musique assez tripante à clipper. Merci à Fadoo et MDL pour avoir vaguement suivi le projet, sinon merci à tout ceux qui on aimé mon clip !

Аниме: Mix
Музыка: DJ Shimamura feat. MC STONE - VIBES!
Награды: 1 place and Public Choice at Online Contest: Rebirth (2015)


Comments: 19 |  Rating: 3.993.99
Author: Sephi

Boys'Life 29.11.2015

Финалист AKROSS Con 2009. Хотя после премьеры прошло уже шесть лет, клипу все равно есть чем удивить зрителя: тут и нестандартный взгляд на исходник, и приятная атмосфера легкой иронии.

Аниме: Devil May Cry 4
Музыка: Palast Orchester - Sex Bomb


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.053.05
Author: gangrell

Silver Nitrate 15.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Video made for Round 2 of AMV Roulette where we were given a week to edit a comedy/fun video paired with a cover song while including at least ten seconds of dancing. The version here is somewhat different than the version submitted to the contest, primarily in the second half and minus the befuddling outro, and I'm sure we are all better off for it.
It was also once known as lunar caustic. AgNO3

Аниме: Kyousougiga (TV, ONA)
Музыка: Harvey Danger - Save It For Later

Silver Nitrate

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.673.67

Bardo 11.11.2015

This AMV is about life struggles and emotions.. when you lose something so close to you, it's like losing yourself.. it's really hurts... These feelings is hard to put into words. Just watch and feel it.

Аниме: K-project 1,2,movies, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Ao No Exorcist, Durarara
Музыка: Nightcall ft. Dreamhour - Dead V
Награды: 2 место в категории Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.763.76
Author: Azexous

Heroes 08.11.2015

My Submission for Iron Effects 4 IC. I wanted to edit Rolling☆Girls since I saw the very first episode but never found a fitting song, thanks to whoever submitted it. Also thank you unkown taiwanese guy, your last minute seeding made this possible.

Аниме: The Rolling Girls
Музыка: Pegboard Nerds - Hero (feat. Elizaveta)


Comments: 22 |  Rating: 3.843.84
Author: Eazy

Something Fishy! 08.11.2015

Комментарий автора: Argh this has basically been done since the summer but i've been so like >> dissatisfied so i've been dicking around with it when i could between work and not doing anything productive. The vid is something that probably won't make a lick of sense without watching the series prior. it's just a reason for you to watch the series though, which is in fact my masterplan >8D But for srs it's a super cute series with so few videos for it. I just wanted to make something nice. Also the credits have guaranteed me a spot in hell but at least it'll be warm =3=

Аниме: Tsuritama
Музыка: Royal Teeth - Wild, South Park - Gay Fish

Something Fishy!

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.763.76
Author: Pieandbeer

Yin Yang Destiny 01.11.2015

Комментарий автора: With my second attempt at a romance vid I ended up showing a yin and yang type of relationship as they travel together. Came together quite nicely.

Аниме: Katanagatari
Музыка: A.R. Rahman, The Pussycat Dolls - Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)

Yin Yang Destiny

Comments: 21 |  Rating: 3.903.90
Author: UnluckyArtist

Dahlia 28.10.2015

Комментарий автора: It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a new series so much. Good show. Check it out if you haven’t already. Yona herself is pretty awesome, so I wanted to focus on her ambitions rather than her relationships with other characters. Not that her relationships aren’t important obviously (all of the characters are great – except Su Won. No one likes Su Won, not even Su Won.) but I wanted to try something a little bit different.

Аниме: Akatsuki No Yona
Музыка: Snow Ghosts - Murder Cries, Svenja Leopold & Ocean Avenue - There's no Us


Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.713.71
Author: Chiikaboom

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