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Babel 12.10.2016

Краткая история главных героев аниме Saint Onii-san ("Святоши").

Аниме: Saint Onii-san
Музыка: Joywave - Tongues


Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.873.87
Author: nicolio1313

Grasp of hope 10.10.2016

Комментарий автора: This was my entry for AWA Pro 2016 after such a long time without editing... it was a struggle, not gonna lie! But I'm somehow quite happy with the result :)

Аниме: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa
Музыка: Florence And The Machine - No Light, No Light

Grasp of hope

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.593.59
Author: siny

Hulapalu 03.10.2016

My submission for Connichi exclusive AMV-contest 2016.
I wanted to use one of my currently favorite songs. My amv-friends who also visited Connichi in september found it kinda awkward that I was using this song...guess 'Schlager' is not for everyone (just for those who drink enough haha).
Unfortunately for you guys this song is in german. Lucky for you guys I just had some time to do an english translation.

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

Happy hour in the middle of the night
Sexy, everyone is dancing everyone is laughing
Fourty degrees on the dancefloor
Hulapalu you whisper in my ear

What is Hulapalu, what does it come with
Do you maybe close your eyes during Hulapalu
Can you see the stars during Hulapalu
Please, tell me how to do it?

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

Where is Hulapalu, tell me where does it come from
How do you spell Hulapalu what the hell is this
I just believe Hulapalu is not completely g-rated
You just say 'so what'?

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

'You' you said
And 'Fu' I thought
What only you do with me
When only you smile for me
Me and you and only the moon is watching
And then you say Hulapalu, Hulapalu, Hulapalu

Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di ho di eh
Hodi odi ohh di eh

Аниме: Space Dandy
Музыка: Andreas Gabalier - Hulapalu


Comments: 24 |  Rating: 4.034.03
Author: JadeCharm

In Shadows 29.09.2016

My exclusive enty for the Connichi 2016 AMV Contest. Got 4th overall. The AMV is about the Nightraid organisation from the anime Akame ga Kill and about their motivations. I tried to focus on my favorite characters Akame and Mine. I hope it is enjoyable for you! ;)

Аниме: Akame ga Kill
Музыка: Beyond the Black - In the Shadows

In Shadows

Comments: 22 |  Rating: 4.114.11
Author: pic4arts

9909 24.09.2016

Комментарий автора: Haters will say it's random. xD
My aim was a Character Profile of Mumei and I think that's also what I ended up with. I really enjoyed the series, but I hated the antagonist - that's why I avoided him completely. Also, check out this Band - I'm glad I found this song. Special Thanks to iEmelien! You were a great help.

Аниме: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Музыка: Danger Silent - 9909


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.273.27
Author: Kiriforce

Onodera LOVE☆恋爱大危机 20.09.2016

I choose Onodera Kosaki

Комментарий автора: 泷沉琉璃2015夏日祭第二日作品,毕业之后终于能有时间用心填一个MAD出来,这个作品是与弃疗的某菌-千棘x一条乐的爱情故事(Black space)一起联动的,在这里贴出联动传送门av2744903(希望不会引起党争,跑路.....)

Аниме: Nisekoi
Музыка: オレンジ - 釘宮理恵 堀江由衣 喜多村英梨

Onodera LOVE☆恋爱大危机

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 2.662.66
Author: SungHsu

Introductory chapter 19.09.2016

Комментарий автора: 俺たちの運命の分岐点にはいつも雪が降る(願望)

Аниме: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Музыка: Unknown

introductory chapter

Comments: 11 |  Rating: 3.413.41
Author: Totori

雪,无音,窗边落下 12.09.2016

Комментарий автора: 第六回春秋合战主站视频:av1829711
春秋合战主页: 备用地址:

Аниме: Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Музыка: Chihara Minori - Yuki, Muon, Madobe Nite


Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.353.35
Author: 恋の镇魂曲

Neko 08.09.2016

Комментарий автора: 做了一些简单的尝试 本来以为是自我满足 没想到真的有人理解 不要太开心。

English: A new video for bilibili contest. Just a new try, I feel happy that some audience can understand what I want to express. It was a surprise when I knew the results. Thanks for everyone who gives me courage!

Аниме: Monogatari Series
Музыка: ParanorM̶e̶o̶w̶/Synx - Sinking In
Награды: 6th Place of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016, Best Character Profile of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016, Best Visual Arts of Bilibili MAD Contest 2016


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.703.70
Author: Cola141

Kaikiphony 06.09.2016

Вот и завершилась героическая эпопея этого проекта. Финальная точка поставлена, и теперь я могу вздохнуть с облегчением, зная, что это чудище уже не будет поджидать меня под кроватью, пугая меня по ночам.

Идея клипа возникла много лет назад, при первом моем знакомстве с Циклом Историй. Еще тогда меня пленила визуальная составляющая этого произведения, а также очень запомнился и понравился персонаж Кайки Дейшу, который, собственно, и лег в основу этого клипа. Проект быстро строился и стремительно рушился много раз, чем каждый раз вгонял меня в тоску и глубокую печаль. И вот, только после длительного времени и мучительной работы, этот очередной долгострой наконец обрел свою окончательную форму.

Хочу поблагодарить Галю и Китти за их незаменимую поддержку на момент формирования проекта.

Отдельное огромное спасибо Kimihairu за его непрестанные пинки и заряд мотивации, которыми он меня неустанно снабжал во время наших "нечастых, но таких своеобразных посиделок в личке" (с).

А также спасибо Fury и всем ребятам из моей команды за хорошее настроение и сумасшедшие переговоры в дебрях скайпа.

На сим я удаляюсь, предоставляя вам возможность побыть с этим существом один на один. Благодарю за внимание и желаю приятного просмотра :)

Аниме: Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari (Black), Monogatari Series: Second Season, Hanamonogatari, Tsukimonogatari, Owarimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu
Музыка: Antonín Dvořák - Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" (Allegro con fuoco)
Награды: 12th place overall, 2nd place in Character Profile category and Best Use of Single Source award at BiliBili Mad Contest 2016


Comments: 31 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Iren S.S.

Into The Glass 28.08.2016

Boy meets Girl. His World becomes larger than himself. 
I really enjoyed making this one. Like with all my videos, I try to bring that cohesion with the music and source. Made a few mistakes but learnt a few things along the way. Due to the deadline of a few contests, I rushed out a version of this video which some might have already seen. It was about 80% complete but I think the important thing is to get the concept and story. Restrictions on the not being able to use more than 30secs of season 2 of the show also meant I had to be clever about how I wanted to conclude this.

Аниме: Tokyo Ghoul
Музыка: Laura Doggett - Into The Glass

Into The Glass

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.583.58
Author: andrewbee

DeadLine 20.08.2016

xGeminii (Novice): Working with Luna was so awesome! I learned so much being her novice. We were already friends so that reallly helped us work together. Luna made sure the quality of my editing was high and she didn't let me take any shortcuts. I was really grateful for her pushing me to do the best I could do and to finish this video! Otherwise it would never be done. She also taught me a lot about masking and rendering and encoding settings. I'm so happy she agreed to do Level Up with me, and I feel like we became better friends over our hard but exciting journey together! She is the best!

Luna (Pro): This is my first time joining this contest and I was actually scared I could not help her improve or do anything to that matter. It was really a pleasure to join with her and I could not have dreamed a better novice than her, she did great!! Toya listened to everything I had to say and never complained, amazing job girl, I'm proud of you!

Аниме: Aldnoah Zero, Another, Bakemonogatari, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Boku wa Tomodachi, Charlotte, Code Breaker, Code Geass, Corpse Princess, D.Gray Man, Death Parade, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Golden Time, Guilty Crown, Hibike Euphonium, High School of the Dead, Hyouka, Kara no Kyoukai, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka, Kyoukai no Kanata, Mawaru Penguindrum, Nisekoi, Noragami, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Red Data Girl, Shakugan no Shana, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Steins; Gate, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, Tokyo Ghoul, Toradora, Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, Zetsuen no Tempest
Музыка: Phantogram - Black Out Days


Comments: 45 |  Rating: 3.883.88
Author: xGeminii

Second Renaissance 19.08.2016

lolligerjoj (Pro): In my opinion this has turned out very good. I find Hellsing's concept very interesting. It provides very interesting dynamics, and is fairly elaborate low level, but manages to entertain on a high level as well.
Biggest challenge to this project was our communication. But we persevered, through hard work and Hellsings own understanding of the concept and his self-independency.
This is also the first time I have used Sony Vegas lol. I leveled up hard.

Hellsing (Novice): "Я изменю прошлое ради тебя"
Доброго времени суток. Очень рад был поработать и визуализировать нашу с lolligerjoj идею в готовый проект. Спасибо ему за советы и подсказки которыми он делился со мной на протяжении всего времени создания клипа. Также отдельное спасибо моему бро - 5c0rp10n за постер. Выручил. Всем приятного просмотра.

Note: The alternative download is a different version of the clip, where the middle part is cut. This version is intended for people who rather have a version where the song is in one piece.

Аниме: Animatrix, Genius Party Beyond: Dimension Bomb, Akira
Музыка: НААДЯ x CVPELLV - То, Что Я Должен Сказать

Second Renaissance

Comments: 33 |  Rating: 3.873.87
Author: Hellsing

Outlast 18.08.2016

Smirdvidzius (Novice): Я начал практиковать AMV где-то с мая, но уже в июле решил участвовать в ЛА. Оказывается это не так просто, как кажется на первый взгляд! Нужно иметь много терпения и времени. По началу мне было немного трудновато пережевать всю информацию, но со временем я начал понимать что как. К сожалению время летит быстро и уже должны сдавать работу. Хорошего вам просмотра!

AweDeus (Pro): Павлушке надо бы было немного больше времени посвятить прямой работе со мной, а не притаскивать мне три разные бетки-концепта, с разными треками, за две недели до дедлайна. Ну а так - нормас, было бы несколько больше времени - был бы крутой результат, для павла это, по сути, первоклип. Уверен, что ещё многого добьётся, если въедет в тему, и будет активничать и интересоваться собственным прогрессом.
З.Ы.Учим ньюз раковать с 2011 года!

Аниме: Kabaneri of the iron fortress
Музыка: Hurts – Somebody To Die For (Chill Remix)


Comments: 17 |  Rating: 2.992.99
Author: Smirdvidzius

StraTerrexter 16.08.2016

It's been a while since the last video peeps. So, what have I been doing during all this time? Passing the time in a little town in my country, having a good time and finally returned back to my city. During that time, this video was borned. When I started watching Big Order I just couldnt get rid of my head the image of Mirai Nikki appearing into a crossover with that serie. Considering that since 2012 I couldnt find a proper song or a proper idea for the serie, I needed to wait for the song and combo to appear. This time has come and now this video is a reality. When thinking about this name, the person that actually suggested to call it like that is AMV Strat, or simply Strat, good friend of mine since we were mates in the past in the same studio. The name itself is a reference to aliens, which is a theme in this video as you'll see. You know, this video includes a lot ot references. I will help you with some:
- the name of my next video appears during 3 seconds
- Shingeki no Yuno
- James Dean's appearance
Good luck with the rest of them. Special thanks to Ikore, Strat, Darkness and Diegao94

Аниме: Big Order, Mirai Nikki
Музыка: Adam Lambert - Ghost Town


Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.043.04
Author: TritioAFB

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